Issue - decisions
Leasing of Unit 2 Barham Park, 660 Harrow Road, HA0 2HB
13/04/2017 - Property Update, Barham Park Building Complex, Unit 2, 660 Harrow Road, Wembley
i) That the request by the Veterans for a statutory right to an automatic renewal of the lease at the end of the proposed 4 year term of the lease be agreed provided that the lease is completed within six weeks from the date of the meeting, 12 April 2017; and
i) That if a lease is not completed within the period specified in i), authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Resources, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee, to take such steps as are necessary to terminate the current basis of the Veterans’ occupation of Unit 2 including taking, or responding to any formal action or legal proceedings.