Issue - decisions
Tackling Illegal Rubbish Dumping and Litter with Uniformed Street Patrols
16/03/2016 - Tackling Illegal Rubbish Dumping and Litter with Uniformed Street Patrols
(i) that a pilot contract for the delivery of a uniformed service for the enforcement of street scene and environmental offences in the borough be exempt from the requirements of the Council’s Contract Standing Orders in respect of conducting a tender process.
(ii) that the proposal to enter into a pilot contract with Kingdom Security Limited for the delivery of a payment-by results, cost-neutral uniformed service for the enforcement of street scene and environmental offences in the borough for a period of 12 months be approved;
(iii) that the proposal to suspend the offer of a reduced payment for early settlement of litter-related Fixed Penalty Notices for the period of the pilot be noted and endorsed.