Issue - decisions
Development Funds Programme for 2016-17
10/02/2016 - Development Funds Programme for 2016-17
(i) that approval be given to the proposed 2015-16 programme of Development Funded projects and the relevant Heads of Service authorised to deliver this programme using the allocated budget and resources available;
(ii) that the 2016-17 allocation £3.8m of S106 funding in 2016-17 in the following thematic split: £0.3m for Education; £2.1m for Transport, £1.2m for Amenity and Recreation; £0.2m for Employment be noted; and that opportunities for allocating sums for Affordable Housing, Environment, and Social be pursued further;
(iii) that it be noted that any necessary statutory or non-statutory consultation and the consideration of any objections or representations shall be undertaken by the relevant Heads of Service responsible for delivering the projects;
(iv) that the Director of Planning & Regeneration be authorised to approve and relevant Heads of Service to deliver projects in 2016-17 over and above the allocations and projects detailed herein where the exceptional circumstances criteria as set out in section 3.7, below, are met.