Issue - decisions
Brent Council’s School Admission Arrangements for 2017/18
10/02/2016 - Brent Council’s School Admission Arrangements for 2017/18.
(i) that the results of the consultation carried out from 23 November 2015 to 4 January 2016 be considered and noted;
(ii) that the oversubscription criteria for community primary schools for 2017/18 be amended to include children of staff at criterion 5. The impact of the introduction of this criterion will be monitored in relation to the impact on vulnerable children;
(iii) that children who attract pupil premium funding are not prioritised in the arrangements for admission in 2017/18, but the impact of not Introducing this criterion will be monitored in relation to the impact on vulnerable children;
(iv) that further amendments be made to the admissions arrangements to include explanations of the processes for measuring the distance from home to school and for the admission of summer born children;
(v) that the proposed Admission Arrangements for Brent schools and schemes of coordination for maintained schools in Brent for the 2017/2018 academic year are agreed (Appendix 1).