Issue - decisions
Adult Social Care Transforming Day Care-Direct Services
29/07/2015 - Adult Social Care Transforming Day Care-Direct Services
(i) that the responses received during the consultation and co-production meetings held in March, April and May 2015 on the council proposals to close Kingsbury Resource Centre and remodel services at New Millennium Day Centre, be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the closure of Kingsbury Resource Centre following a comprehensive and inclusive reassessment and support planning process for current service users. Cabinet are also asked to note that any closure will be subject to a further statutory 45 day staff and union consultation;
(iii) that agreement be given to the remodelling of services at New Millennium to create a social enterprise. A full business case, including detailed financial implications and an implementation plan will be brought back to Cabinet in the autumn for further discussion and agreement.