Issue - decisions
Wembley Housing Zone
29/07/2015 - Wembley and Alperton Housing Zones
(i) that approve be given in principle to entering into contract with the Greater London Authority to receive Housing Zone grant funding to assist with delivery of the Housing Zone objectives in Alperton (£13.9million) and Wembley (£8 million) with approval of the terms of such funding contracts to be delegated to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Growth in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer;
(ii) that approval in principle be given to taking steps to make use for development of retained land along the Wembley High Road frontage at Ark Elvin Academy through the Wembley Housing Zone, subject to receiving section 77 approval from the Secretary of State for Education and subject to meeting agreed costs in the fit out of the new academy;
(iii) that the intention to make use of the Mayor’s London Development Panel to develop the retained land at Ark Elvin Academy and to form a development partnership for the Wembley Housing Zone be noted;
(iv) that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Growth in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer to take steps to dispose of the retained land at Ark Elvin Academy. The final decision on the disposal of the land will be subject to a final decision remaining with Cabinet;
(v) that approval in principle be given to make Compulsory Purchase Orders of land interests within the Housing Zones under Planning, Housing and Highways legislation to bring forward the development objectives, subject to a further specific resolution of Cabinet in respect of the making of each order.