Issue - decisions
Petition – Pedestrian crossing on Shoot-up-hill
25/06/2015 - Petition - pedestrian crossing on Shoot-up-hill
(i) that the content of the petition and the results of the subsequent assessment undertaken by officers be noted;
(ii) that instructs officers be instructed to undertake a full public consultation on the provision of a new zebra crossing in Shoot-Up Hill to the south of St Cuthbert’s Road, including liaison with the London Borough of Camden to gain the agreement of that council to the proposed new zebra crossing;
(iii) that, subject to the outcome of the scheme consultation, the Head of Transportation be authorised to undertake statutory consultation, to consider any objections or representations and to implement the necessary Traffic Management Orders and associated work required to implement the changes, or to report back to the Highways Committee if any objections received are substantial;
(iv) that the main petitioner be informed of the Highways Committee decision.