Issue - decisions
Street Lighting: Energy and Carbon Saving Proposals
17/04/2015 - Street Lighting: Energy and Carbon Saving Proposals - authority to tender
(i) that the business case for investment in LED (Light Emitting Diode) luminaires, be endorsed for the reasons outlined in section 3 of the report, and officers be authorised to commence the procurement of LED luminaires with reference to the pre-tender considerations outlined in paragraph 6 of the report;
(ii) that the business case for investment in Central Management System (CMS), be endorsed for the reasons outlined in section 3 of the report, and officers be authorised to commence the procurement of CMS with reference to the pre-tender considerations outlined in Part 6 of this report;
(iii) that approval be given to the invite of tenders for the supply of LED and CMS on the basis of the pre-tender considerations set out in paragraph 6.1 of the report, and authority given to tendering in partnership with PFI Lighting Ltd, noting the issues set out in sections 4 and 5 of the report;
(iv) that officers and their PFI partners evaluate the tenders referred to in (iii) above on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in paragraph 6.1 of the report, with a further report to Cabinet following the tender exercise which will make recommendations on the award of Contract;
(iv) that officers develop a new lighting strategy, specifically facilitated by the deployment of CMS technology, which would seek further energy and carbon savings whilst meeting the long-term lighting needs of the borough.