Issue - decisions
Transforming Direct Services Day Care
25/02/2015 - Adult Social Day Care Opportunities provision - Direct Services
(i) that agreement be given to a 90 day statutory consultation on the future of New Millennium Day Centre and Kingsbury Resource Centre;
(ii) that a co-production process be carried out alongside the statutory consultation. Co-production will involve working collaboratively with the people who use, deliver or are most affected by proposed changes to day services provision to redesign opportunities within the borough to better support local need, to be more personalised and innovative and to be more cost effective;
(iii) that an options appraisal be undertaken to establish potential future use of the Kingsbury Resource Centre and New Millennium Day Centre buildings in conjunction with stakeholders based on input from the consultation and the co-production;
(iv) that it be noted that the individual needs of current service users will be thoroughly reviewed following any decision to change the way day services are delivered to ensure that their needs continue to be met and to reduce any negative impact on their wellbeing;
(v) that it be noted that consultation with affected staff would be carried out with a view to minimising or avoiding compulsory redundancies following any decision to change the way services are delivered.