Issue - decisions
Event Day Parking and Vehicle Removals Pilot, and future arrangements for remaining visitor scratch cards
15/10/2014 - Event Day Parking and Vehicle removals (pilot)
(i) that the findings of the Removal Pilot set out in paragraphs 3.5 to 3.11, the changes made between the start and end of the trial, and also the Financial Implications as set out in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.8 be noted;
(ii) that agreement be given to continue the use of the revised criteria for vehicle removal which have resulted from operating the trial, and also the implementation of proposed Customer Enhancements;
(iii) that the authority be delegated to the Operational Director, Environment & Protection to make minor amendments to the criteria and arrangements, on a continuing basis in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment. Any such change(s) would be subject to the agreement of the Chief Finance Officer;
(iv) that the validity of visitor parking scratch cards, already in circulation, be extended indefinitely .