Issue - decisions
Carlyon Road - disposal of property
23/07/2014 - Carlyon Road - disposal of property
(i) that approve be given to the disposal of a long leasehold interest in the land and premises at 1C Carlyon Road, Alperton HA0 1HH, as outlined on the attached plan (Appendix A) on a subject to planning basis to the first preferred bidder as identified in confidential appendix 4 for a capital receipt and 100% nominations rights in respect of affordable housing provision in favour of the Council upon the grant of planning consent – subject to financial checks;
(ii) in the event that the above offer does not proceed satisfactorily delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth in consultation with the Lead Member for Regeneration & Growth to take a decision to revert to the first reserve bid as set out in confidential appendix 4 – subject to financial checks.
(iii) authority be granted to the Operational Director Property and Projects to agree the terms of the transaction in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer.