Issue - decisions
Event Day Parking and Vehicle Removals
24/04/2014 - Event Day parking and vehicle removals
(i) that the analysis of vehicle removals in Brent in comparison to other London Boroughs set out in paragraphs 3.5 to 3.10 and the financial implications in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.8 of the report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods be noted;
(ii) that agreement be given to a pilot of an alternative policy regarding the removal of illegally parked vehicles for a period from 1 May 2014 up to the end of October 2014 as described in paragraphs 3.12 to 3 16 and Appendix A to the report;
(iii) that authority be delegated to the Operational Director, Environment and Protection to amend the policy and arrangements being piloted through the life of the pilot in consultation with the Lead Member for Highways and Transportation;
(iv) that officers bring a report on the conclusions reached from the pilot regarding the removals of illegally parked vehicles to a future Highways Committee and Executive meeting;
(v) that agreement be given to a trial of the revised arrangements for the start and finish times of Event Day enforcement described in paragraph 3.20 for the remainder of 2014 and that a further report be brought to the Highways Committee and Executive on the conclusions of the trial before the first Stadium Event of 2015.