Issue - decisions
Review of Local Welfare Assistance scheme and proposals for 2015/16
28/01/2015 - Brent's Local Welfare Assistance Scheme for 2015/16
(i) that the current Local Welfare Assistance scheme objectives and structure be retained into 2015/16, but with amendments to scheme criteria designed to ensure that support is targeted at those most in need; (as described in Option 2 set out in the table in paragraph 5(1) of the report);
(ii)q that the underspend in Local Welfare Assistance scheme payments in 2013/14 and the forecast underspend in 2014/15 be ring-fenced to provide a Local Welfare Assistance scheme for at least the next two years;
(iii) that the Local Welfare Assistance scheme be fundamentally reviewed during 2015 with a revised scheme to be implemented in April 2016;
(iv) that the content of the Equalities Analysis as set out in Appendix C be noted.