Issue - decisions
Sudbury CPZ review petition
18/10/2013 - Sudbury CPZ review petition
(i) That the contents of the petition and the issues raised be noted;
(ii) That the allocation of £10,000 of LIP capital funding to undertake a review of the operational times of CPZ SH in Sudbury during the 2014/15 financial year be approved, subject to approval of the 2014/15 LIP programme;
(iii) That the Head of Transportation be instructed to proceed with a review of the controlled parking zone SH during the 2014/15 financial year, subject to the outcome of the Local Implementation Plan capital funding submission;
(iv) That subject to the outcomes of a review of CPZ SH during 2014-15, authorised the Head of Transportation to undertake any necessary non-statutory and statutory consultation, to consider any objections or representations and to implement the necessary Traffic Management Orders and associated signing and road marking works required to implement the changes;
(v) That the main petitioner be informed of the outcome of the Highways Committee decision in regard to this matter.