Issue - decisions
Proposed changes to Parking Tariffs, Charges and Permits and outcomes from consultation
18/07/2013 - Outcomes from consultation for parking charge changes and permit changes
(i) that the petition and representations received in relation to the notices of proposals dated 9 May 2013 and summarised in section 4 and Appendix A of the report from the Strategic Director of Environment and Neighbourhood be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the retention of longstanding day-long visitor parking duration, from the four hours agreed by the Executive on 12 September 2012, as described in paragraph 4.3 of the report;
(iii) that approval be given a new visitor parking price tariff as described in paragraph 4.3.5 of the Directors;
(iv) that approval be given to the extension of the validity of a Wembley Stadium Protective Parking Scheme residents’ permit and Brentfield Road zone T from the two years agreed by the Executive on 12 September 2012 to three years, as described in section 4.4 and 4.7.2 of the report;
(v) that approval be given to the extension of the maximum duration of virtual visitor passes in the Wembley Stadium Protective Parking Scheme from the four hours agreed by the Executive on 12 September 2012 to one calendar day, as described in section 4.5 of this report;
(vi) that approval be given to the extension of the maximum duration of virtual visitor passes in the Brentfield Road zone T from the four hours agreed by the Executive on 12 September 2012 to 24 hours, as described in section 4.7.2 of the report;
(vii) that approval be given to the tariff for virtual visitor passes in the Wembley Stadium Protective Parking Scheme and Brentfield Road zone T from the £1 agreed by the Executive on 12 September 2012 to 50p and to continue the longstanding limit of two visitor simultaneous parking passes per household, as described in section 4.5 and 4.7 of the report;
(viii) that approval be given to the arrangements for exchanging unused scratch-cards and for easing enforcement in the period immediately after 31 October 2013, when they will become invalid as set out in section 5 of this report, including granting delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods as regards the detailed arrangements for timing and implementation;
(ix) that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services to establish and implement temporary mitigation measures for carers of people that would be eligible for the new cared-for persons’ permit, until such time as that permit is formally launched as set out in paragraph 5.13 of the report;
(x) that the remaining parking tariffs and pricing and product changes agreed by the Executive on 19 September 2012 be implemented where they are unaffected by the representations made and considered within the report.