Issue - decisions
Compulsory Purchase of 67 Woodheyes Road, London, NW10 9DE
22/05/2013 - Compulsory Purchase of a property in Woodheyes Road
(i) that the use of compulsory purchase powers to acquire the property in Woodheyes Road (referred to in Appendix 2 to the report from the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects) under section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 be approved.
(ii) that the Director of Legal Procurement Services be authorised to make and seal the Order for submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for confirmation.
(iii) that in the absence of a relevant objection to the Order, the Director of Legal Procurement Services be authorised to confirm the said Compulsory Purchase Order in the event of the Secretary of State returning the Order.
(iv) that upon confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order officers proceed with the acquisition of the property.
(v) that subject to confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order, the disposal of the property at open market value to a Registered Social Landlord in the first instance, or by way of auction with covenants applied to bring the property back into use as soon as possible, be approved.
(vi) that in the event that the proceeds of sale are unclaimed, in accordance with the compensation code within the statutory limitation period, the recycling of any residual receipt from the disposal back to the capital programme budget to secure funding for future private sector housing improvement, be approved.
(vii) that the financial costs of the compulsory purchase order be indemnified through the capital programme.