Agenda and minutes
Venue: This will be held as an online meeting
Contact: Abby Shinhmar, Governance Officer Tel: 020 8937 2078; Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair noted apologies had been received from Lesley Prior (RE Adviser/Consultant to SACRE), John Roche and Kim Wilson (Membership Group C) along with Shaun Cremin.
Minutes of the previous meeting To consider and approve the minutes from the last SACRE meeting held on Thursday 6 October 2022. Minutes: It was AGREED to approve the minutes of the previous SACRE meeting held on Thursday 6 October 2022.
To consider the determinations for the following schools:
3.1 Chalkhill Primary School
3.2 Oliver Goldsmith Primary School Additional documents:
Minutes: Basma ElShayyal, Chair, advised that there were two determinations to be considered at the meeting - Chalkhill Primary School and Oliver Goldsmith Primary School.
In considering the determination applications, SACRE noted: · The wider context of collective worship within the determination process, given the key nature of common values identified between different religions across the diverse nature of Brent as a Borough, which could be reflected within the practice of collective worship. Given the nature of discussion at the meeting the Chair advised that she would be willing to continue these with any interested members, outside of the meeting. · The ongoing statutory requirements in relation to the circumstances in which community, foundation or voluntary schools may require a determination. Whilst there was no specific requirement within the current application process for Brent schools to provide examples of how worship would be undertaken in practice if determinations were granted, NASACRE is currently working on additional guidance that would include the determination process and may reduce the number of applications required moving forward. · In the meantime, SACRE recognised the good quality of the applications, which had been submitted for consideration.
Having considered the applications, it was therefore unanimously RESOLVED (with each of the four membership groups voting in favour) to approve and grant the renewal of the following determinations:
(1) Chalkhill Primary School and
(2) Oliver Goldsmith Primary School.
2021 Census Factsheet - Religion in Brent To receive and consider a summary factsheet detailing the results of the 2021 National Census as they relate to religion in Brent. Minutes: SACRE considered a summary factsheet detailing the results of the 2021 National Census pertaining to the different religions in Brent. SACRE noted: · The insightful nature of the detail and key points outlined along with the relevance to the membership and operation of SACRE. In noting the breakdown by population, the Chair felt it would also be useful to receive an age breakdown by religion, including (if possible) by schools. ACTION: Jen Haskew agreed to gather this information to present at the next SACRE. · The additional work being undertaken by the Council in regards to the breakdown of Census data by ward, which could also be shared with SACRE once available. ACTION: The Council’s Policy Team to be invited to attend a future meeting in order to provide a further breakdown of key census data.
On this basis it was AGREED that SACRE note the Census Factsheet detailing the religious breakdown in Brent.
LB Brent SACRE Annual Report 2020/21 Members are asked to consider and comment on the final draft of the SACRE Annual Report 2020/21, prior to it being finalised for approval. Additional documents:
Minutes: Stacey Burman (RE Consultant) introduced the item, which presented a final draft of the 2020-21 Annual Report.
In considering the draft report, members noted the updated information included in relation to the latest 2021 National Census illustrating the diversity of the borough as reflected within the current SACRE membership. In terms of the Annual Report SACRE noted: · The updates required in relation to RE subject leader network meetings and training had been provided separately. · As the Agreed Syllabus had now been approved, the link would need to be added to the report. It was also agreed that the link (once available) would be shared via the School Headteacher Bulletins after the upcoming half term break with the Chair, Stacy Burman & Jen Haskew to meet in order to review previous concerns regarding the content on the Best Brent website regarding different religions and to finalise plans for a syllabus launch event. ACTION: Jen Haskew
Members thanked everyone involved in preparing the report and as no additional comments were highlighted it was RESOLVED to approve the final draft of the 2020-21 Annual Report.
General RE Update & NASACRE Briefing To receive and consider the latest NASACRE Briefing from February 2023 along with any general RE related updates. Minutes: SACRE considered the latest NASACRE Briefing from February 2023 along with any general RE related updates.
In terms of a general update, Stacy Burman advised SACRE: · Of the next NASACRE conference, which would be taking place on 22 May 2023 in London. · That an FOI request had been submitted to all Local Authorities regarding SACRE funding and support. This was in support of work being undertaken by NASACRE jointly with the DFE to assess how much funding and support each SACRE received. · The upcoming launch of a new website called The RE Hubs, a project being supported by all major national RE organisations, including the Association of RE Advisors and Consultants and the RE Council and universities. The website would detail places of worship for all religions, have access to resources, projects, information about SACRE’s and an area dedicated to teachers’ CPD, including those run by the Church of England. The website would be divided into DFE regions, with Brent under London. Teachers can find resources for teaching as well as details on training and faith speakers available to support teaching of the Agreed Syllabus curriculum in schools. Members of SACRE were being encouraged to view the website, which could also be used to share relevant materials. · The release of a national survey conducted with parents on their attitudes on the teaching of world views and RE. In general, it was positive feedback gained from parents. It was agreed that the survey data could align with the data gathered for the Brent Census Factsheet with SACRE also noting the available links and access to Brent’s Multi Faith Forum.
As no further issues were raised the Chair thanked Stacey Burman and it was RESOLVED to note the update provided.
Any Other Business 7.1 Programme of dates for meetings during 2023/24
SACRE is asked to consider the provisional programme of dates identified for meetings during the 2023/24 academic year.
The provisional dates identified for meetings during 2023/24 are as follows, with the proposal to continue meeting online:
· Thursday 13th July 2023 at 5pm.
· Wednesday 11th October 2023 at 5pm.
· Thursday 8th February 2024 at 5pm.
SACRE are asked to consider the above schedule of dates, which (subject to any comments or changes) will be confirmed following the meeting. Minutes: SACRE considered and AGREED the provisional programme of dates identified for meetings during the 2023/24 academic year, as follows.
- Thursday 13 July 2023 at 5pm - Wednesday 11 October 2023 at 5pm - Thursday 8 February 2024 at 5pm
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 13 July 2023 at 5pm