Venue: This will be undertaken as an online virtual meeting
Contact: Andrew Phillips, Governance Officer Tel: 020 8937 4219; Email:
Note: The press and public are welcome to attend this as an onlibe virtual meeting. The link to view proceedings can be accessed via the Live Streaming section on the Democracy in Brent page on the Council's website or through the link on the agenda frontsheet.
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions |
Minutes of the previous meeting To consider and approve the minutes from the last SACRE meeting held on 11 February 2021. |
3.1 To consider determinations for the following schools:
· Elsley Primary School
3.2 To note the following schools that have expired determinations:
· Roe Green Junior School · Uxendon Manor School Additional documents:
Religious Education Updates (Local & National) To receive an update on any local and national issues relating to the provision of Religious Education (RE). This will include a review of the recently published report (May 2021) from Ofsted on Religious Education.
A copy of the report has been attached (for reference) with the agenda and can also be accessed via the following link:
In the report, Ofsted has:
· outlined the national context in relation to RE; · summarised its review of research into factors that can affect the quality of education in RE; and · considered curriculum progression in RE, pedagogy, assessment and the impact of school leaders decisions on provision. |
SACRE Annual Report 2019-20 & 2020-21 To receive a verbal update on progress with the Annual Report for 2019-20 & 2020-21. |
NASCRE Briefing (including feedback from Annual Conference) To consider the feedback from the NASCARE Annual Conference held on 24 May 2021 along with any other verbal updates in relation to briefings provided by NASACRE.
Attached (for reference) is a short paper produced on behalf of the NASACRE Executive which provides feedback from the Annual Conference and an outline of the main workshops.
Links to the Zoom recording of the Annual Conference, workshop presentations and papers can be accessed via the following link on the NASACRE website: 2021 papers and materials | NASACRE |
Any Other Business To note the dates confirmed for future meetings of SACRE during the 2021-22 academic year as follows:
· Thursday 14 October 2021 at 4:30pm (to be undertaken as an online virtual meeting) · Thursday 10 February 2022 at 4:30pm (to be undertaken as an online virtual meeting) |