Venue: Alperton Community School - The Library - Ealing Road, Wembley, HA0 4PW
Contact: Nikoleta Nikolova, Governance Officer tel. 0208 937 1587, Email:
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Charles Clarke and Linda Woodhead, A New Settlement Revised: Religion and Belief in Schools This policy pamphlet, which updates an earlier one published by the same authors in 2015, examines religious education in the school curriculum, the act of collective worship and faith schools. It argues that the current legal relationship between religion, belief and schools is outdated in such a way that the law itself has become a barrier to schools’ ability to help their children understand their own situation and the world in which they are growing up. It calls for a reform of the law that undergirds the way religion is handled in schools and makes 16 detailed recommendations about the curriculum, collective worship and faith schools.
The pamphlet is available at:
Final Report of the Commission on Religious Education, Religion and Worldviews: the Way forward The Final Report of the Commission on Religious Education, Religion and Worldviews: the Way forward which has just been published by the RE Council of England and Wales. It sets out a National Plan for RE comprising of 11 recommendations, and calls on the Government to consider and adopt it.
The full text of the final report can be found at:
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