Agenda and minutes
Venue: Queens Park Community School, NW6 7BQ
Contact: Kunwar Khan, Governance Officer Email:; Tel: 0208 937 2037
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Membership |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. |
Deputations (if any) |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 146 KB To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. |
Matters arising To consider any matters or actions arising from the minutes - action point, where relevant, are listed in the minutes under each item.
Contact Officer: Kunwar Khan, Governance Officer Email: Tel: 020 8937 2037
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Budget - Monitoring Report PDF 88 KB This report provides Schools Forum with an update on the forecast financial position for 2019/20. The position is reported against the budget set in consultation with Schools Forum and submitted to the Department for Education on the Section 251 budget return. For information, the budget is analysed by funding block in appendix 1 of this report.
Contact Officer: Andrew Ward, Head of Finance - Dena Aly, Senior Finance Analyst Email:, Tel: 020 8937 6462, 020 8937 2179
Additional documents: |
Split Site and Pupil Growth Report PDF 109 KB This report provides an update about Split Site and Pupil Growth as requested by the Schools Forum. The report also explains the funding criteria and allocation of split site funding in response to previous requests.
Contact Officer: Andrew Ward, Head of Finance - Dena Aly, Senior Finance Analyst Email:, Tel: 020 8937 6462, 020 8937 2179
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Funding 2020/21 PDF 126 KB The paper informs the Schools Forum about the funding announcements made in September 2019. This report provides information on funding arrangements for the 2020/21 financial year, including the provisional DSG block funding allocations. Schools Forum will need to consider options for the growth fund and whether to consult with all schools on amending the mainstream funding formula.
Contact Officer: Andrew Ward, Head of Finance - Dena Aly, Senior Finance Analyst Email:, Tel: 020 8937 6462, 020 8937 2179
Additional documents: |
Early Years Sub Group Report PDF 89 KB The purpose of this report is to update Schools Forum on the work of the Early Years Task and Finish Group.
Contact Officer: Andrew Ward, Head of Finance - Dena Aly, Senior Finance Analyst Email:, Tel: 020 8937 6462, 020 8937 2179
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given to the Governance Officer before the meeting. |