Venue: Members Suite - 4th Floor, Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. View directions
Contact: Hannah O'Brien, Senior Governance Officer 020 8937 1339, Email: hannah.o'
No. | Item |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The committee is advised that the public may be excluded from meetings whenever it is likely in view of the nature of the proceedings that exempt information would be disclosed. Meetings of the Corporate Parenting Committee are attended by representatives of Care In Action (CIA), the council’s Children in Care Council. The committee is therefore recommended to exclude the press and public for the duration of the meeting, as the attendance of CIA representatives necessitates the disclosure of the following category of exempt information, set out in the Local Government Act 1972: - information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.
Members are also asked to note that the following items are not for publication as they relate to the category of exempt information set out below, as specified under Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:
Agenda Item 8: Report from Brent Care Leavers on Care as a Protected Characteristic - Appendix 1 (Care Leavers Report).
This appendix has been classified as exempt under Paragraph 2 of Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, namely: “Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual"
Apologies for absence and clarification of alternate members |
Declarations of interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda. |
Deputations (if any) To hear any deputations received from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 67. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 254 KB To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. |
Matters arising (if any) To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. |
Update from Care In Action / Care Leavers in Action Representatives This is an opportunity for members of Care In Action (CIA) and Care Leavers in Action (CLIA) to feedback on recent activity. |
Report from Brent Care Leavers on Care as a Protected Characteristic PDF 543 KB To receive a report from Brent Care Leavers and Brent Participation Team regarding views on the Council agreeing to make care experience a protected characteristic. Additional documents:
Bright Spots Survey Presentation PDF 320 KB To receive a summary of the ‘bright spots’ survey results for Brent children who are looked after and the plans to address areas of development. The item will be presented by young people and the Participation Team. Additional documents: |
Updated Care Leaver Offer and Care Leaver Charter PDF 463 KB To receive the updated Care Leaver Offer and Care Leaver Charter prior to its publication. Additional documents: |
Brent Adoption 6 Monthly Report - 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 PDF 1 MB To receive information in relation to adoption performance, progress and activity of Adopt London West, and good outcomes being achieved for children. |
Annual Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) Report 2023-24 To receive information regarding the contribution of the Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs) to the quality assuring and improvement of services for Looked After Children (LAC). This report is for information only. |
Brent Fostering Service six-monthly Monitoring Report - 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 PDF 854 KB To receive information about the general management of the in-house fostering service and how it is achieving good outcomes for children, in accordance with standard 25.7 of the Fostering National Minimum Standards (2011). |
Any other urgent business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Deputy Director – Democratic Services or their representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 60. |