Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boardrooms 5&6 - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. View directions
Contact: Colin Sweeney, Governance and Civic Manager 020 8937 5451; Email: colin.sweeney@brent,
No. | Item |
Chair's opening remarks Minutes: The Chair welcomed all those present to the meeting and extended particular welcome to Councillor Miller, who had been appointed to the committee by the Cabinet at its meeting on 12 December 2016. |
Declarations of Interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant personal, prejudicial interests and discloseable pecuniary interests in any matter to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: In the interest of openness, the Chair declared that the Trust had received an email from a member of the public regarding the following item of business on the agenda and officers had responded accordingly: ‘Property update, Barham Park Building Complex, 660 Harrow Road, Wembley’. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 70 KB The minutes of the previous meeting of the committee held on 7 September 2016 are attached for members’ consideration. Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 September 2016 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Matters Arising from the Minutes Members may seek updates on the current position of any matters referred to in the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: None. |
Property Update, Barham Park Building Complex, 660 Harrow Road, Wembley PDF 88 KB The Committee will receive a report from the Barham Park Trust Property Adviser updating trustees on matters relating to the letting of several units of the building complex and maintenance plans. Additional documents:
Minutes: Sarah Chaudhry (Property Adviser to the Trust / Head of Property) introduced the report to the committee which updated members on property matters in respect of the Barham Park building complex and proposed that a lease for Unit 1 be granted to Tamu Samaj UK (TSUK) for a seven year term. The Trust was informed that as per the committee’s decision taken on 2 July 2015, Unit 1 had been marketed under the Council’s Community Asset Transfer (CAT) policy. Members’ attention was drawn to Appendix 1 to the report which detailed the evaluation of the four bids received. Two of the bids which had most closely met the criteria had progressed to an interview stage; Tamu Samaj UK (TSUK) and Shree Vishwakarama Association (SVAUK). It was highlighted that the bid from TSUK had received a greater social value measure, whilst the bid from SVAUK presented a stronger financial proposal. The recommendation before the committee reflected the importance placed on social value within the Council’s CAT policy.
In the subsequent discussion, members reflected on the impact of considering social value as a key part of the evaluation process. Noting the significant financial figures set out against social value for the TSUK bid, the committee sought an overview of what these included and questioned what monitoring arrangements would be in place to ensure that the successful organisation delivered the benefits promised.
In response, Amin Soorma (Estate Surveyor) reported that TSUK proposed to operate in partnership with the local community and a range of groups across the borough including church organisations. It was highlighted that the figures set out in the application evaluation under social value were divided under headings which reflected the priorities of the Brent Borough Plan. Addressing the committee’s query regarding monitoring arrangements, Amin Soorma confirmed that monitoring would be undertaken annually.
Acknowledging the stringent process followed and affirming a commitment to making social value a key consideration in the management of Barham Park, the Trust RESOLVED:
i) that a lease for Unit 1 (the Card Room) of the Barham Park buildings complex be granted to Tamu Samaj UK (TSUK) for a seven year term;
Having considered the remainder of the report, the Trust RESOLVED:
ii) that officers ask the Barham Park Veterans Club to sign the lease for Unit 2 (the Snooker and Billiards Room) of the Barham Park buildings complex within one month of the current meeting or provide an explanation for the delay; iii) that the Trust meet to consider the matter further if the lease for Unit 2 of the Barham Park buildings complex remained unsigned after the deadline detailed in ii).
Park Matters - Infrastructure Projects The committee will receive a verbal report from the Head of Environmental Improvement.
Minutes: RESOLVED: that consideration of this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Trust at which time a full report should be provided to the committee in good time before the meeting. |
Finance Matters - Maintenance Costs The committee will receive a verbal report from the Head of Finance. Minutes: Gareth Robinson (Head of Finance) provided a brief update on financial matters to the Trust and advised that a full report would be prepared in collaboration with the Head of Environmental Improvement for the next meeting of the committee. |
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Head of Executive and Member Services or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64. Minutes: None. |