Agenda and minutes
Venue: Barham Park Lounge, Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 2HB
Contact: Peter Goss, Democratic Services Manager Email:, 0208 937 1353
No. | Item |
Declarations of interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: None declared. |
Minutes of the previous meetings (8 September and 8 October 2015) PDF 74 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meetings held on 8 September and 8 October 2015 be approved as an accurate record of the meetings, subject to the following correction to the 8 October minutes: Minute 5 – The letting of Unit 4, The Lounge, Barham Park Building Complex 8th paragraph, 4th sentence replace ‘…I should…. ‘ with …’he should….’ (amendment incorporated) |
Matters arising Minutes: None. |
Presentation by Sudbury SNT Sergeant Lorraine Warren from the Sudbury Safer Neighbourhood Team will attend to discuss issues relating to the security of the park and surrounding area. Minutes: Sgt Lorraine Warren and PC Paul McCauley introduced themselves to the meeting. Sergeant Warren reported in the past year there had been 20 crime incidents recorded around the park, the year before 24 and the before that 18. These mainly related to possession of drugs from stop and search; there were also two robberies and two theft from persons. These figures showed that the level of crime in and around the park was not too serious for such a large open space. She mentioned the proposed location of the outdoor gym and expressed a concern that located within a dip in the park meant it could not be seen clearly. Sgt Warren stated that her and PC McCauley had walked through the park at 6pm that evening and were struck by how dark it was.
A view was submitted that a lot of single men and groups of men tended to congregate in the park on Sunday mornings and some people found this intimidating. Sgt Warren replied that they would ensure they patrolled the park at this time when they were on duty. Mention was also made of the absence of the gardener in the park following an attack on him. He had provided some re-assurance to people using the park. It was confirmed that the Safer Neighbourhood Team now only comprised Sgt Warren and PC McCauley
PC McCauley reported on some wider activities that had taken place in the area. This had involved taking action regarding road traffic issues/offences. Two drugs related warrants had been carried out and of the two burglaries carried out one perpetrator had been caught. He added that incidents of anti social behaviour were generally dealt with through outreach work.
In response to being asked if the Council could do anything to assist with crime prevention in the area, the police representatives stated that areas of the park were very dark and might benefit from the provision of some lighting. They also agreed to provide regular updates to the Trust Committee and were always happy to speak at other community meetings.
It was suggested that key contact numbers could be displayed on the noticeboards in the park but it was recognised that the noticeboards first needed repairing.
The Chair thanked Sgt Warren and PC McCauley for their attendance.
The Chair referred back to the comments regarding the proposed location of the outdoor gym. Following further discussion on this it was confirmed that the chosen location should be confirmed.
(i) that updates to the Trust Committee from the Safer Neighbourhood Team be programmed in to future meetings;
(ii) that the suggestion made for provision of lighting in parts of the park be considered and a report on the matter be submitted to a future meeting;
(iii) that the location of the outdoor gym as agreed at the meeting of the Trust Committee on 8 September 2015 be confirmed;
(iv) that repairs to the noticeboards in the park be carried out and key contact ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Update on Barham Park Veterans Club PDF 203 KB This briefing note outlines the position of the Barham Park Trust in relation to concerns raised about the accessibility and inclusivity of the membership of the Barham Park Veteran’s Club, a charity registered with the Charity Commission that has had a long-term lease relationship with the Council. Minutes: Members considered the briefing note on the Barham Park Veterans’ Club and expressed the view that whilst they were more satisfied with the position set out in the note, it was the practical operation of the constitution and membership profile that concerned them. It was agreed to await the outcome of the work to be undertaken by 30 November to update the club’s constitution, membership documents and communication materials and to review the equality and diversity clause in all leases to ensure it was fit for purpose. After this a report was to be submitted to the next meeting of the Trust Committee on how the undertakings given by the club could be monitored taking account of the views of club members. This should include information on the stage at which it would be appropriate to grant a new lease, what the sanctions might be if the club did not meet its equality and diversity obligations and how a review of the lease could be carried out in the event of there being future concerns.
(i) that the briefing note on the Barham Park Veterans’ Club be received and welcomed in respect of the undertaking given by the club to review the its constitution and provide an up to date membership list;
(ii) that a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Trust Committee on the outcome of the work described above. |
Barham Park Trust Annual Report for the year 2014/15 PDF 75 KB This report presents the annual report for the Trust for 2014/15. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the Trust’s Annual Report for 2014/15 and the Examiner’s report circulated under cover of a supplementary agenda.
Eamonn McCarroll (Operational Director, Finance) amended the figures shown in paragraph 3.4 of the report as follows: £14,174 - £15,796 £32,578 – £27,091 £18,610 – £24,097 He stated these amendment were as a result of the Examiner’s report but did not affect the bottom line figures. However, Trust Members expressed concern that significant changes to the figures in the report were being made without a clear explanation being given for the changes.
Eamonn McCarroll drew attention to section D of the annual report which set out the main activities of the trust during 2014/15 and stated that following consideration by the Trust Committee the annual report would be submitted to the Charity Commissioners.
(i) that annual report for 2014/15 be approved;
(ii) that a note be circulated to Trust Committee members explaining the changes reported to the figures in paragraph 3.4 of the report;
(iii) that Trust Members be informed of the status of the application to the Charity Commission for consent to lease the former library building comprising the Children’s Centre to the Council;
(iv) that a report be submitted to the next meeting providing a mid year update of the accounts, a review of expenditure and suggesting an updated financial strategy for the Trust to adopt. |
Any other urgent business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Head of Executive and Member Services or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64. Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting Minutes: It was agreed to hold the next meeting on a date to be arranged in January 2016. |