Agenda and minutes
Venue: This will be held as an online virtual meeting
Contact: Adam Woods, Governance Officer 020 8937 4737, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Clarification of any Alternate Members Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Krupa Sheth (London Borough of Brent), Councillor Mary Mitchell (London Borough of Brent), Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty (London Borough of Barnet), Councillor Andrea Bilbow (London Borough of Barnet), Matthew Gunyon (London Borough of Barnet), Sian Palmer-Ferry (Canal & River Trust) and Eashani Haria (Canal & River Trust). |
Declarations of Interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Minutes: There were no declarations made. |
Deputations (If Any) By prior arrangement with the Chair, persons who are not members of the Committee may attend to address the Committee on a particular issue or item. Any members of the public wishing to address the committee should submit their request at least 3 days in advance of the meeting to the contact officer named on the agenda. The request will then be passed to the Chair for consideration. Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 160 KB To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 27 July 2023 as a correct record. Minutes: It was AGREED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 27 July 2023 be approved as an accurate record. |
Matters Arising (If Any) To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: None. |
Update from the Canal & River Trust To update Committee members regarding the Winter works at the Brent Reservoir. Minutes: Ben Carroll (Project Manager, Canal & River Trust) provided an update to the Committee regarding the Winter works at the Brent Reservoir, which was commencing imminently and was expected to be completed by February 2024 to avoid bird nesting season and minimise impact on the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Members were advised that the Canal & River Trust had been given permission for carry out the works by Natural England and were legally required to carry out the works in the interest of safety, with planned work including painting and repairing the bell tower, inspecting sluice’s, general inspections of the Reservoir dam and necessary repair works.
In order to complete the required work, it was explained that the Reservoir would have to be fully dewatered, with the Committee noting that the required gear and equipment was currently being mobilised and water quality monitoring had begun in preparation for the dewatering. Ben Carroll also detailed that the Canal & River Trust expected their application for a Flood Risk Activities Permit to be approved in the near future, meaning that the drawdown of the Reservoir would likely commence in the week beginning 27 November 2023.
In discussing next steps, Ben Carroll informed members that the dewatering process would take approximately four to six weeks and would involve a fish health check and rescue, with native fish relocated elsewhere in the water network. In addition, silt mitigations would be replaced where necessary and, once the Reservoir had been fully dewatered, the aforementioned inspections and works could take place which would continue over weekends and the Christmas period to progress the programme as fast as possible.
To conclude the update, Ben Carroll stated that the Reservoir was expected to be refilled by the end of February 2024 and reassured the Committee that regular dialogue was ongoing between the Canal & River Trust and Natural England. Furthermore, members were advised that the silt on the bed of the Reservoir was very dangerous and therefore the Committee was warned to not enter the Reservoir, to warn others of the dangers and to call 999 if they saw anyone going on the silt or were stuck. Lastly, the Committee noted that a virtual webinar was being held by the Canal & River Trust on 30 November which would provide a much deeper overview of the planned Winter works. Members were encouraged to register for the webinar and submit questions in advance.
Having thanked Ben Carroll for the update, the Chair invited comments and contributions from Committee members, with questions and responses summarised below:
• In response to a question relating to the silt measures, members heard that the silt measures were gabion baskets which stopped silt flowing downstream which were a temporary measure and would be removed before the reservoir was refilled. Moreover, it was explained that the gabion baskets would be arranged in a triangle shape which would form a stable base and therefore would not require stakes. However, retrospective works could be carried out in the case of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Management Plan (Barnet) PDF 216 KB To provide an update to the committee in relation to Council activities during Quarter 2 & 3 (July-Nov 2023) in respect of the Welsh Harp / West Hendon Playing Fields Minutes: Prior to the presentation of the report, the Chair informed the Committee that a separate meeting was being arranged regarding the proposed construction of the Silkstream bridge to provide further information and have a more in-depth discussion on the concerns and queries of the Committee and local residents. The Chair then handed over to Harriet Duffield (Biodiversity and Conservation Officer, Barnet Council) who introduced a report that provided an update to the committee in relation to Council activities during quarter two & three (July-November 2023) in respect of the Welsh Harp and West Hendon Playing Fields. To begin, Harriet Duffield detailed the work completed by the Community Safety Team during quarter two and three, which included removing illegal encampments and substances and completing intelligence-led weekend patrols. Furthermore, members noted that the Community Safety Team had been briefed regarding the public safety concerns arising from the planned Winter works and therefore they were carrying out patrols along the Reservoir in tandem with the security provided by the Canal & River Trust.
The Committee also heard that the new Volunteer Handbook had been distributed through the Barnet Green Spaces Network, with the Council actioning feedback from stakeholders to inform an updated version of the document. However, it was explained that in the meantime the processes outlined in the document would ensure that volunteering work conducted on London Borough of Barnet land was safe and covered by the Council’s insurance.
Members were advised that the contractors Maydencroft were undertaking survey work to inform the proposed extension of the West Hendon Allotments into their disused tenanted land. The scope of the project included ecological surveying before the production of a landscape concept plan then specification for works. It was outlined that the proposals would include new allotment space as well as conservation areas, a pond, orchard, apiary, and event space. The Committee was informed that the Council had arranged contractors to undertake a winter deep clean of the site in January 2024; focusing on the site’s paths and areas of congregation. Moreover, the Barnet Greenspaces Team were working with the Canal & River Trust to aid litter removal during the Reservoir draw down and had contacted Natural England to investigate options to mitigate bankside litter around the Silkstream trash screen. Members were also made aware that two Canal & River Trust litter picks had occurred so far, and a litter pick organised by Friends of the Welsh Harp was scheduled for the near future.
In outlining the Council’s ongoing partnership work, members noted that the Council continued to work with Thames21 and the members of the Brent Catchment Partnership on catchment-wide projects such as the London Water Vole Recovery Program and were currently scoping survey locations at the Welsh Harp for American mink and water voles as part of this research, funded by the Mayor’s Rewild London Fund.
Regarding the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy, the Committee heard that a review would soon commence so that the Council can collect and review baseline data which would include field ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Management Plan (Brent) PDF 150 KB This report presents progress on the Brent Reservoir / Welsh Harp Management Plan since the last meeting of the Committee and during the 2023/24 year to date. The Management Plan is jointly managed by the three main land-holding organisations: Brent Council, the London Borough of Barnet, and the Canal & River Trust. Additional documents: Minutes: Leslie Williams (Project Officer, Brent Council) presented a report that outlined progress on the Brent Reservoir/Welsh Harp Management Plan since the last meeting of the Committee and during the 2023/24. Firstly, the Committee was advised that the Action Plan, attached as Appendix 1 of the report, provided notes and updates on issues and projects.
Since the previous Committee meeting, a site visit was held with officers of the Canal & River Trust to explore options to re-start work to manage the growth of scrub on the marshland of the shores alongside Neasden Recreation Ground, as shade continued to reduce the marshland vegetation on the south-western shore of the Reservoir alongside Neasden Recreation Ground. Furthermore, a new grounds maintenance contract had commenced on 1 August 2023, with Continental Landscapes Ltd, for the operational works in Brent Council’s parks and open spaces. This included the Welsh Harp Open Space, Neasden Recreation Ground and Silver Jubilee Park although it did not involve work on the marshland or woodland.
The Committee was informed that the Council was considering the potential details for a Welsh Harp Post-16 Skills Resource Centre to replace the current portacabin building, which would provide young people and young adults with special educational needs with work experience and volunteering opportunities. In addition to its main proposed use, it was also explained that there was the potential for third sector and community organisations to use the building outside of curriculum time. However, confirmed details for the proposals were yet to be announced.
A reminder was provided to members that the Priestley Way trash screen should not be accessed by unauthorised personnel due to health and safety concerns that the site presented.
In handing over to Lewis Elmes (Environment Agency) to update the Committee on pollution incidents, Leslie Williams thanked members for their involvement in a range of volunteer activities such as the Healthy Walks Programme. In thanking Leslie Williams for the introduction, Lewis Elmes detailed that work relating to the sediment issues discussed in the previous Committee meeting was ongoing, with surveys identifying areas of further concern which were being rectified over the coming weeks. While the issue had seemed to be resolved as no sediment had been identified for a number of months, members heard that fresh sediment had been spotted in recent days. Once work had been completed to resolve the issue, a review of the site would be undertaken to search for any additional problems and updates would be provided to the Committee.
Lewis Elmes also informed members of ongoing issues upstream, with multiple misconnected properties identified at Edgware Brook which was resulting in fat, oil and grease blockages, in addition to 17 misconnected properties elsewhere upstream. It was explained that Thames Water was contacting impacted properties and both the Environment Agency and Thames Water were reviewing how many properties were incorrectly discharging into the water network. So far, the issue had been rectified at a few properties which included a business. However, work was still ongoing with the Environment ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Any Other Urgent Business No business other than that appearing on the agenda shall be transacted at the meeting unless the Chair decides that it is urgent. Any member of the Committee wishing to raise an item of urgent business should provide sufficient notice to permit consideration by the Chair. Minutes: None. |