Agenda and minutes
Venue: Conference Hall - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. View directions
Contact: James Kinsella, Governance Manager Tel: 020 8937 2063; Email:
Note: The press and public are welcome to attend this meeting or alternatively to follow proceedings via the live webcast. The link to follow the meeting is available via the Livestreaming page on the Council and Democracy section of the Council's website or link on the front page of the published meeting agenda.
No. | Item |
Mayors Introductory Statement Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor welcomed all those present to the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance. |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor reported that apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Agha, Ahmadi Moghaddam, Chohan, Chappell, Johnson, Knight, Rajan-Seelan, Shah, Krupa Sheth and Tatler. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To confirm as a correct record, the attached minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on Wednesday 22 May 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the of the Annual Council meeting held on Wednesday 22 May 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting. |
Mayor's Announcements (including any petitions received) To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor made the following announcements:
(i) Queens Park By-Election result
The Mayor began his announcements by congratulating and welcoming Lesley Smith as the newly elected councillor for Queens Park ward, following the outcome of a by-election held on Thursday 4 July 2024.
The opportunity was also taken to formally thank the Chief Executive and all other staff involved in the successful delivery of not only the by-election but also the Parliamentary elections held at the same time, recognising the enormous amount of effort to organise both events in such a short timescale.
(ii) Kings Birthday Honours List
On behalf of both himself and the Council, the Mayor asked all members to join him in congratulating all those with a connection to Brent who had received an honour in the Kings 2024 Birthday Honours list.
(iii) London Youth Games
In concluding his announcements, the Mayor took the opportunity to congratulate Brent Schools Girls FA for making history by winning the girls London Youth Games competition for the first time.
The team from Brent had comprised of girls from all over the borough and had defeated several other boroughs on their way to the final with the squad looking forward to visiting the Civic Centre in order to receive certificates and celebrate their historic victory. Recognising the achievement, the Mayor also thanked the coaches and other volunteers involved for their efforts and dedication in support of the team.
(iv) Petitions
As a final announcement, the Mayor referred members to the list of current petitions tabled at the meeting, in accordance with Standing Orders which also detailed the action being taken to deal with them. |
Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies and Appointment of Chairs/Vice Chairs (if any) To agree any appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies (if any) in accordance with Standing Order 30 (g). Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor advised that there were no appointments to Council Committees, Sub Committees and other bodies which had been received for consideration. |
Deputations (if any) To hear any deputations requested by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 32.
Members are asked to note that the following deputation(s) are due to be received at the meeting:
6.1 Provision of parent voice and representation within community schools and school communications (deputation to be made by Save Byron Court Campaign Group)
(Agenda republished to include details of the above deputation on 3 July 2024) Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor advised that he had accepted the request for a deputation to be presented at the meeting. The request had been received from the Save Byron Court Campaign Group (represented by Tanisha Phoenix & Vina Vekria at the meeting) and related to school communication and the provision of parent representation within community schools.
Unless otherwise indicated by members, the Mayor advised that he intended to allow up to five minutes for presentation of the deputation before then allowing the relevant Lead Cabinet Member up to two minutes to respond.
As no objections were raised on the approach outlined, the Mayor moved on to welcome the deputation.
Save Byron Court Campaign Group – Parent representation within Community Schools.
In thanking the Mayor for the opportunity to address the meeting Vina Vekria & Tanisha Phoenix advised they were presenting the deputation on behalf of the Save Byron Court, campaign who had been established as a collective effort by parents, community members and school staff (who had also been taking strike action in support) to oppose the Government’s forced academisation of Byron Court Primary School by Harris Federation representing.
Referring to the campaign undertaken to date, it was felt this had highlighted many issues including chronic underfunding, a punitive inspection regime, a national rush to privatise education despite widespread opposition and no opportunity for school improvements to be made along with what was felt to be a worrying lack of transparency and impartiality in terms of decision making regarding the future of Byron Court Primary School.
In recognising and acknowledging the support of the campaign by Barry Gardiner (as local MP), Councillor Grahl (as the Council’s Cabinet member for Children, Young People and Schools) amongst other politicians the Campaign Group now hoped the new Labour government would be willing to intervene in order to protect the school and provide a renewed commitment to community schools as a whole.
Addressing the meeting, Vina Vekria advised that one of the issues identified, in relation to Byron Court Primary School had involved membership of the School’s Governing Body, which for the current academic year had only included one parent governor representative compared to five in previous years. This followed a reduction in their number without, it was claimed, consultation with the parent community. The Campaign Group had highlighted this as an important issue, given the need for successful Governing Bodies to act as custodians for the school with the necessary links to parents and the wider community. Whilst recognising the challenges in attracting volunteers, the importance in being able to attract good quality individuals to support the role of the Governing Body outside of the school community was highlighted as necessary to provide a broad range of skills and experience. As such the Campaign Group were calling on the Council to undertake a review of school governing bodies across the borough to ensure that the voices of parents were sufficiently represented and to encourage a more diverse range of experience and knowledge.
Following on, Tanisha Phoenix then ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Questions from Members of the Public & Brent Youth Parliament 7.1 To receive and consider the question(s) submitted by the public for response by the relevant Cabinet Member, in accordance with Standing Order 33.
Members are asked to note that two public questions have been received, which have been attached to the agenda along with the written responses provided.
7.2 To receive question(s) submitted by the Brent Youth Parliament for response by the relevant Cabinet Member, in accordance with Standing Order 33(c).
Members are asked to note that one question has been received, which has been attached to the agenda along with the written response provided. Additional documents: Minutes: 8.1 Questions from the Public
The Mayor advised that two questions had been received from members of the public, which were as follows:
Question 1 from James Walerych regarding use of funding generated by the award of the advertising lease for Bobby More Bridge.
Question 2 from Daniela Stuppia regarding the Restrictions it was possible to place on Gambling Shops
Members noted the written responses provided to the questions, which had been circulated with the agenda. The Mayor advised that whilst both members of the public had been invited to the meeting in order to ask any supplementary question both had unfortunately been unable to attend. Members were advised that whilst unable to attend a written supplementary question had subsequently been received from James Walerych, on which a response would be provided outside of the meeting.
Having noted the written responses provided, the Mayor thanked James Walerych & Daniela Stuppia for submitting their questions and then moved on to deal with the question submitted by Brent Youth Parliament.
8.2 Questions from Brent Youth Parliament
The Mayor advised that the following question had been received from Brent Youth Parliament:
Question 1 from Brent Youth Parliament to Councillor Farah, Cabinet Member for Public Safety & Partnerships, relating to the support available for Brent Youth Parliaments local crime and safety campaign.
The Mayor thanked Brent Youth Parliament (BYP) for their question, with members noting the written response provided, and advised that representatives from the Youth Parliament had also been invited to attend the meeting in order to ask a supplementary question. As a result, the Mayor welcomed Kenechi Ezeajughi (BYP Deputy Chair), Reem Mustafa (BYP Deputy Media & Communications Lead) and George Main Sin (Youth Parliament member for Brent) to the meeting who asked the following supplementary question.
Question 1 Supplementary Question from George Main Sin & Kenechi Ezeajughito Councillor Farah, Cabinet Member for Public Safety & Partnerships regarding practical measures in support of the Youth Parliament campaign.
Having thanked Councillor Farah for his written response and advising that they welcomed the support highlighted for BYPs local crime and safety campaign, further details were sought on progress with implementation of the practical measures being developed to reflect the overall strategic objectives included as part of the Safer Brent Community Safety Strategy. Amongst the specific measures on which details were sought were the introduction of safe spaces for young people along with the reestablishment of a boroughwide youth service, with the Youth Parliament highlighting how keen they were to continue working with the Council on the campaign and development of these measures.
In response, Councillor Farah thanked Brent Youth Parliament for the question and work they were undertaking to represent young people across the borough. In commending the Youth Parliaments local crime and safety campaign he reiterated the Council’s commitment to continue supporting and engaging with young people in relation to the campaign, which included identifying key activities aligned with the wider community strategy. This included the development of safe spaces for young people in Brent on ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Petitions (if any) For Members to consider any petitions with more than 200 signatures on which a debate has been requested, in accordance with the Council’s petition rules and Standing Order 68.
Members are asked to note there are no petitions due to be received at this meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor advised that no requests for debates on any petitions had been received for consideration at the meeting. |
Following the change in procedure for dealing with Motions agreed as part of the changes to the Constitution at the Annual Council Meeting in May 2024, the debate on motions submitted to Full Council, in accordance with Standing Order 30(k) and 41 will now be undertaken at this stage of the meeting.
Members are asked to note:
· The motions submitted for debate have been attached.
· Where a motion concerns an executive function, nothing passed can be actioned until approved by the Executive or an officer with the relevant delegated power.
(Agenda republished to include the motions submitted for debate on 3 July 2024 and a Labour Group amendment to the Conservative Group Motion on 5 July 2024) Additional documents:
Minutes: Before moving on to consider the motions listed on the summons, the Mayor advised members that a total of 40 minutes had been set aside for consideration of the four motions submitted for debate, based on an initial allocation of 10 minutes per motion. Should the time taken to consider the first motion be less than 10 minutes he advised that the remaining time available would be rolled forward for consideration of the remaining motions.
10.1 1st Motion (Conservative Group) – Action to address dockless e-bike parking within Brent.
The Mayor invited Councillor Mistry to move the first motion which had been submitted on behalf of the Conservative Group. Councillor Mistry began by providing context to the motion and thanking Councillor Long for her support in relation to the amendment submitted, on the basis it was seeking to highlight many of the same concerns. In highlighting the increase in number of dockless e-bikes being abandoned in parks and streets across the borough, Councillor Mistry (as ward councillor) highlighted specific issues being experienced within Queensbury with the Conservative Group motion (supported by the amendment) seeking stronger action in relation to management of the scheme by the bike operator given the problems and safety issues being experienced. In acknowledging the support within the amendment to the five actions which had been identified within the Conservative Group motion and discussions which had now commenced between the Council and operator to address concerns regarding management of the current scheme across the borough, Councillor Mistry advised that the Conservative Group would also be willing to support the amendment moved.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Mistry for moving the motion and then drew members’ attention to an amendment submitted by Councillor Long on behalf of the Labour Group, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting.
In moving the amendment, Councillor Long thanked Councillor Mistry for highlighting the issues raised within her motion. Whilst acknowledging the popularity of the dockless e-bike scheme across the borough and supporting the efforts being made to reduce pollution and encourage more active modes of travel, there was, she felt, a need to address the current management and operation of the scheme recognising the problems being created by those not using it as they should and abandoning or dangerously parking bikes in parks and streets across the borough negatively impacting on pedestrians. As such, it was felt better regulation and management of the scheme was required, including a review and update of the Memorandum of Understanding and Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) governing operation of the scheme in Brent, which it was pointed had been agreed prior to the pandemic and was subject to regular and ongoing breaches. As an example, reference was made to the need, if parking was to be allowed on pavements, for the impact on pedestrians to be reflected within the EIA which currently only included reference to cyclists. In terms of improvements being sought, the amendment had also been designed to seek the necessary protection ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Reports from the Leader and Cabinet To receive a report from the Leader of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 31 providing an update on any key or significant issues arising from any matter within the responsibility of the Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt, as Leader of the Council, to introduce the report updating members on the work being undertaken across each Cabinet portfolio in order to provide ongoing support and services to meet the needs of residents across the borough.
Following on from approval of the motion outlining the Council’s commitment to work with the new government, the opportunity was taken to remind members of the work already being undertaken in this respect and to deliver for Brent. This included lobbying for a fairer funding formula and financial settlement for local government, the development of further employment and skills opportunities, the measures being taken to enhance community safety and tackle anti-social behaviour, the ongoing support being provided for schools and young people and (working in partnership with local providers) the delivery of health services and adult and children social care; the provision of financial support for those residents most in need through the Resident Support Fund, work to address the climate emergency and manage the public realm along with the Council’s heritage assets whilst also seeking to deliver an extensive programme of regeneration and growth across the borough, including the provision of affordable and social housing. As such he felt the Council, in line with its core strategic priorities was well placed to continue working to take advantage of any opportunities identified to strengthen Brent’s voice on the national stage.
As part of the update, members were also asked to note that no Executive decisions had been taken under the Council’s urgency procedures, since the previous update provided for the Council meeting in July.
The Mayor thanked the Leader for the report and it was RESOLVED to formally note the update provided. |
Questions from the Opposition and other Non-Cabinet Members For questions to be put to members of the Cabinet by Opposition and Non-Cabinet Members in accordance with Standing Order 35.
Five advance notice questions have been received under this item, which have been attached along with the written responses provided.
Members are asked to note that this session will also include an opportunity (within the time available) for other Non-Cabinet members and the Opposition to ask questions of Cabinet Members without the need for advance notice. Additional documents: Minutes: Before moving on to consider the questions submitted by non-Cabinet members, the Mayor reminded Members that a total of 30 minutes had been set aside for this item, which would begin with consideration of the written questions submitted in advance of the meeting along with any supplementary questions. Once these had been dealt with, the remaining time available would then be opened up for any other non-Cabinet members to question Cabinet Members (without the need for advance notice) on matters relating to their portfolio.
The Mayor advised that five written questions had been submitted in advance of the meeting for response by the relevant Cabinet Member and the written responses circulated within the agenda were noted. The Mayor then invited supplementary questions on the responses provided:
11.1 Councillor Kelcher thanked Councillor Nerva as the Cabinet Member for Community Health & Wellbeing, for the written response to his question about the measures being taken to support Brent in becoming an age friendly borough. In welcoming the detailed nature of the response and progress being made in seeking to secure age friendly status alongside work being led by Dr Tony Burch to help shape the approach further details were sought on the progress of the Planning Group in developing the approach and any experience gained from other boroughs.
In response, Councillor Nerva, in welcoming the interest shown advised that he had invited the Planning Group to present to the Health and Wellbeing Board in the Autumn to help engage other public sector partners in seeking the development of a joined-up approach to ensure Brent (along with key stakeholder and partners) continued to play an active role in developing its own response towards ensure age friendly status for the borough.
11.2 Councillor Begum thanked Councillor Muhammed Butt, as Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, for the written response to her question on the work underway to address the increase in homelessness and work being undertaken through the “Built for Zero” programme and as a supplementary question sought further details on the steps being taken during the 2024-25 financial year to support vulnerable households at risk of homelessness and rough sleepers.
In response, Councillor Muhammed Butt, having highlighted the ongoing pressures in relation to the increase in homelessness advised that in addition to the programme of work and overall strategy already established to address the challenges identified the Council were also set to launch a new communications campaign which aimed to raise awareness of the deepening homelessness emergency in Brent and the practical realities and life changing consequences this had for homeless households. The Find a place you can afford campaign would also seek to break the perceived link between homelessness and social housing. In addition, support continued to be provided to those residents seeking alternative accommodation within the private rented sector through a Deposit Guarantee Scheme, with the Council also continuing to work closely with organisations such as St Mungo’s and Advice for Renters in relation to the provision of support, advice and guidance ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Report from Chairs of Scrutiny Committees To receive reports from the Chairs of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees in accordance with Standing Order 36. The reports have been attached as follows:
12.1 Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
12.2 Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee
Members are asked to note that this session will include an opportunity (within the time available) for Non-Cabinet Members to ask questions of relevant Scrutiny Chair’s in relation to the remit of their Committees.
(Agenda republished to include the update report from the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee on 3 July 2024) Additional documents:
Minutes: Before being presented with the updates from each Scrutiny Committee, the Mayor reminded members the time set aside for this item was 12 minutes, with each Chair having up to three minutes in which to highlight any significant issues arising from the work of their Committees. Once these updates had been provided, the remaining time available would then be opened up for any other non-Cabinet members to question (without the need for advance notice) the Scrutiny Committee Chairs on matters relating to the work of their Committee.
Councillor Ketan Sheth was then invited to introduce the update report on the work being undertaken by the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, with the following issues highlighted: · The Chair took the opportunity to thank those members who had stepped down at the end of the previous Municipal Year for the support provided during their time on the Committee and also to welcome those members who had subsequently joined the Committee. · The work being undertaken to finalise the Committee’s work programme for 2024-25 which, recognising its flexible and broad ranging nature, had already included engagement with Brent Youth Parliament to ensure the views of young people across the borough were included and planned engagement with a range of other key stakeholders including local health providers, housing, social care and the local community. · The significant work already undertaken by the Committee, since the start of the 2024-25 Municipal Year which had included a focus on the Annual School Standards and Achievement report, implementation of the Brent Carer’s Strategy and update on the Brent Reablement Service with options also being considered to provide a more localised focus for future scrutiny meetings and review activity.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Ketan Sheth for his update and then invited Councillor Conneely as chair of the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee to introduce the update report on the work being undertaken by that Committee. The following issues were highlight as part of the update: · The work also being undertaken to finalise the Committee’s work programme for 2024-25 which, again recognising its dynamic and broad ranging nature, the Chair was keen to ensure included engagement with relevant stakeholders and also input from the local community. · The wide-ranging nature of scrutiny activity undertaken by the Committee since the last update, with key issues highlighted as an outcome of this work including: Ø the need identified to address and provide a consistent methodology across London for assessing viability in relation to the delivery of affordable housing alongside stricter building standards and quality measures and more stringent targets for the delivery of affordable social housing; Ø the work being undertaken to develop a ‘Public Health’ approach towards delivery of the Safer Brent Community Safety Strategy, involving work with key partners to act earlier, identify wider support needs and improve interventions to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, with a particular focus on knife crime aligned with regional and national strategies. · The ongoing focus and work of the Committee in seeking to encourage, where identified ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
To receive the Annual Report jointly produced by the Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee and Audit and Standards Advisory Committee updating on the work of both Committees, in accordance with Standing Order 37. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor invited Councillor Chan, as Vice-Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee to introduce the joint annual report from both Committees, updating members on the work undertaken during the 2023-24 Municipal Year.
Prior to introducing the report Councillor Chan welcomed David Ewart to the meeting in his role as Independent Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and in terms of issues highlighted drew members’ attention to the important role and work undertaken by the Committee in relation to monitoring and advising on various governance matters relating to audit activity, the Council’s finance, accounting and regulatory framework as well as members standards of conduct.
Members were advised that the approach adopted towards the work undertaken had also included consideration of the Council’s risk management structure and strategic risk management process with an increasing focus not only on the effectiveness of governance processes relating to the first but also “second line” of defence in terms of the monitoring and reporting of information and data. Other key areas of focus highlighted in terms of risk had included the challenges linked to the ongoing uncertain economic climate in which the Council was having to operate, including the current rate of inflation and high interest rates, along with the Council’s financial forecast position and medium-term financial outlook given the current £13m overspend forecast and unprecedented nature of demand driving these pressures in relation to the rise in homelessness, cost of temporary accommodation and reduction in the supply of suitable alternative accommodation. In recognising these were pressures being experienced on a national and regional basis, and not unique to Brent, the Councillor Chan advised the actions being taken in seeking to address and mitigate against the risks identified would continue to be monitored as part of the efforts being made to maintain a financially resilient, balanced and sustainable budget position.
In concluding, Councillor Chan thanked David Ewart and the other members of the Committee along with officers for their support over the year and advised that both Committees were looking forward to continuing their work with members and other key stakeholders to ensure the necessary focus was maintained in relation to compliance and control of the Council’s key governance arrangements.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Chan for the update provided and it was RESOLVED to note the Joint Annual Report provided by the Chairs’ of the Audit & Standards and Audit & Standards Advisory Committees outlining the work undertaken by both Committee’s during 2023-24. |
Non Cabinet Members' Debate To enable Non-Cabinet Members to raise an issue of relevance to Brent for debate on which notice has been provided in accordance with Standing Order 34 and to receive updates from Cabinet members, as required, on any issues previously raised.
Members are asked to note that the subject identified for debate at this meeting is as follows:
Declaration of a Housing Emergency
Please note: The motion submitted as the basis for this debate has been attached. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 34, the Mayor advised that the next item on the agenda was the non-cabinet member debate, with the subject chosen for consideration being the Declaration of a Housing Emergency.
Members were advised that the motion submitted as the basis for the debate had been circulated with the agenda and that the time available for the debate was 25 minutes.
The Mayor then invited Councillor Dixon to introduce the motion which had been submitted as the basis for the Non-Cabinet Member debate. In moving the motion, Councillor Dixon began by recognising the ongoing pressures being experienced by the Council given the 150 families currently presenting as homeless each week and number of households needing to be supported in temporary accommodation by Council’s across London and the country as a whole. In highlighting the way in which her casework was currently dominated in seeking to advocate and provide support for residents in housing need, Councillor Dixon took the opportunity to provide some specific examples of the impact on individuals and families relating to their health and wellbeing, attainment and employment. In welcoming the pledges made by the new Labour government the motion, in seeking to support the declaration of a housing emergency and delivery of the necessary interventions following what was felt to be the failure of the previous Conservative government in this respect, had been designed to highlight the Council’s support for the changes proposed in relation to the National Policy Planning Framework (including restoring mandatory housing targets) and work to reform Local Plans and strengthen the planning presumption in favour of sustainable development alongside tackling Section 21 no fault evictions. As a result, Councillor Dixon hoped all members would support the motion submitted as the basis for the debate.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Dixon for introducing the motion on behalf of the Labour Group and then opened the debate for contributions from other members.
In opening the contributions, Councillor Kelcher began by paying tribute to Councillor Dixon for the way in which she had introduced the debate and recognised that the approach required to address the housing emergency in terms of encouraging affordable and social housing development would not always be easy and would require strong leadership as, he felt, had been demonstrated in Brent. The support already identified by the new government had also been recognised and welcomed in terms of the reintroduction of mandatory housing targets, consultation on a new growth-focused planning system, creation of a new task force to accelerate the delivery of new housing sites and programme of funding to increase capacity across planning departments as well as proposals to open up grey belt sites for new housing. Taken together he felt the benefits arising from the proposed reforms in relation to planning and infrastructure planning reform would help to stabilise and grow the economy delivering wider social benefits. Support was also expressed for the approach adopted by the new government and intervention by the Deputy Prime Minister ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
To receive a report from the Corporate Director Law & Governance seeking approval to changes in the maternity/paternity policy within the Members Allowances Scheme and that in accordance with s.85 of the Local Government Act 1972 absence on approved maternity leave is agreed as a reason for non-attendance at any meeting of the Council, Cabinet, Committee or Sub-Committee from 8th July 2024 onwards. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor invited Councillor Mili Patel, as Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, to introduce a report from the Corporate Director Law & Governance outlining changes in the maternity/paternity policy within the Members Allowances Scheme and also, as part of the changes for which approval was being sought) to absence on the ground of approved maternity leave being agreed as a reason for non-attendance by a member under the requirements within s.85 of the Local Government Act 1972.
In introducing the report, members were advised that the proposals outlined for consideration had been based on a review of current provisions in the Members Allowances Scheme which had included feedback from Members who had undertaken maternity or paternity leave, as well as benchmarking across other London boroughs. In highlighting the importance of parental leave in terms of the support available for members and in ensuring the role of local councillor was able to continue retaining and attracting as diverse a range of individuals as possible, it was hoped all councillors would support the proposals outlined.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Mili Patel for introducing the report and then opened the debate for contributions from other members.
In supporting the proposals outlined, Councillor Miller took the opportunity to highlight (based on his personal experience) the importance, value and benefits provided through the parental leave provisions in relation to the family unit as a whole. These comments were echoed by Councillor Afzal (also speaking from a personal experience as a new parent) who hoped all members would support the proposals outlined.
Councillor Mitchell (highlighting the benefits provided from her personal experience) also spoke to outline her support for the parental leave provisions given their importance as a means of ensuing inclusivity and also the wider benefits in relation to care provision, which she was keen to ensure included a wider and more holistic approach.
As a final contribution, Councillor Kelcher (again highlighting his personal experience) also felt it important to reflect on the importance in ensuring the provision of parental leave remained as accessible and wide as possible in terms of supporting councillors in being able to maintain and fulfil their roles. He was therefore keen to ensure that the provisions remained subject to ongoing review with it made clear, when members were on parental leave, of the reason for them being unable to engage in their role as councillor during that period.
As no other members indicated they wished to speak the Mayor thanked members for their contribution and invited Councillor Mili Patel to exercise her right of reply. In closing the debate, Councillor Mili Patel thanked members for their support and advised of the intention to ensure that the provisions for parental leave remained subject to ongoing review and feedback. Whilst welcoming the proposal to included approved maternity leave as a permitted reason to waive the requirement within s.85 of the Local Government Act 1972 for councillor attendance at meetings, she advised the need had also been recognised to ensure ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Representation of Political Groups on Committees If required following the outcome of the Queens Park ward by-election on 4 July 2024, to receive a report from the Corporate Director of Law & Governance reviewing (under Section 15 of the Local Government & Housing Act 1989) the allocation of seats on Council Committees and other relevant bodies. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor advised that as a result of the outcome from the Queens Park by-election not having affected the previous overall balance of membership on the Council there would be no requirement to undertake a further review of the existing representation of political groups on committees. As a result, members were informed the item listed had been withdrawn from consideration on the agenda. |
Urgent Business At the discretion of the Mayor to consider any urgent business, in accordance with Standing Order 37(s). Additional documents: Minutes: There were no urgent items of business raised at the meeting so the Mayor, in closing the meeting, thanked all members for their co-operation and support and advised that he looked forward to seeing everyone again in person at the next Full Council which would be held at 6pm on Thursday 19 September 2024 |