Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Grand Hall - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. View directions
Contact: James Kinsella, Governance Manager Tel: 020 8937 2063; Email:
Note: Limited space will be available for the press and public to attend this meeting or alternatively it will be possible to follow proceedings via the live webcast. The link to follow the meeting is available via the Livestreaming page on the Council and Democracy section of the Council's website or link on the front page of the published meeting agenda.
No. | Item |
Welcoming Statement Additional documents: Minutes: Prior to formally opening the meeting, the outgoing Mayor Councillor Aden took the opportunity to welcome all councillors and guests along with Kim Wright, as the Council’s newly appointed Chief Executive, to the Annual Council meeting. He then invited Kim Wright to provide a brief outline of the arrangements for the conduct of the meeting and Mayor Making ceremony. Having noted the outline provided, the Mayor then moved on to formally open the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mitchell, J.Patel, Shah and Southwood. Minutes: The Mayor advised that apologies for absence had been received from Councillors, Mitchell, Jayanti Patel, Shah and Southwood. |
To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2023 - 2024 For the Council to elect a Mayor for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, in accordance with Standing Order 27(a). Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Orleen Hylton was elected to serve as Mayor of the London Borough of Brent for the 2023 - 24 Municipal Year. Minutes: Prior to handing over to the Chief Executive for the conduct of the election process, Councillor Aden began by asking members for nominations to the office of Mayor of the London of Borough of Brent for the 2023 - 2024 Municipal Year.
Councillor Muhammed Butt proceeded to nominate Councillor Orleen Hylton. In moving the nomination, he also began by welcoming Kim Wright to her first Council meeting as newly appointed Chief Executive before taking the opportunity to thank Councillor Aden for his hard work and dedication whilst serving as Mayor. In recognising the important role undertaken by the Mayor in representing the borough the Leader advised how pleased he was to be able to nominate Councillor Hylton for this position given her commitment and dedication to representing local community groups and organisations and way this would assist her as Mayor in being able to provide strong civic leadership for the borough.
Councillor Mili Patel seconded Councillor Muhammed Butt’s nomination of Councillor Hylton for the office of Mayor of the London of Borough of Brent for the 2023 - 2024 Municipal Year.
There were no other nominations and it was therefore RESOLVED that Councillor Orleen Hylton be elected Mayor of the London Borough of Brent for the 2023 - 2024 Municipal Year.
Councillor Hylton then proceeded to sign the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor. |
To appoint a Councillor of the Borough to be Deputy Mayor To receive notice from the Mayor regarding the appointment of a Councillor of the Borough to be Deputy Mayor, in accordance with Standing Order 27(b). Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Tariq Dar MBE was appointed to serve as Deputy Mayor of the London Borough of Brent for the 2023 - 24 Municipal Year. Minutes: Councillor Hylton, as newly appointed Mayor, thanked members for her nomination and appointment as Mayor. She then announced the appointment of Councillor Tariq Dar to serve as Deputy Mayor for the 2023 - 2024 Municipal Year.
At this stage in proceedings the Mayors Chain of Office and robes were exchanged between the outgoing and newly appointed Mayor.
Councillor Hylton then formally returned thanks for the appointment and began by welcoming all guests and commenting on her pride and honour in being nominated as Mayor and thanking all members for their trust, confidence and faith in appointing her to take on the role as first citizen of the borough.
Highlighting the privilege and personal honour she felt in being appointed as Mayor, Councillor Hylton advised this reflected the fact she had been educated, lived and worked in the borough all her life. Starting her primary education at Pound Lane School in Willesden before moving on to attend Willesden High School (now Capital City Academy) Councillor Hylton advised she had also been employed by Brent (prior to being made redundant) from 1985 – 2007. It was during this time that she had begun volunteering with the local Resident Association, as well as taking up the role as Chair of a Police Working Group and serving on various other committees and groups, including Fareshare. Having been a local councillor since 2014, Councillor Hylton advised she was honoured to currently serve as a representative of Preston ward as well as to have served as Deputy Mayor during 2022-23 for which she thanked all her family and fellow councillors for their support.
Having advised how delighted she was to have been joined by so many guests, Councillor Hylton then moved on to express her gratitude to Councillor Aden for his success as Mayor and congratulated him on the hard work undertaken to support local communities across the borough and to continue promoting Brent so diligently at so many events and functions.
The Mayor then moved on to congratulate Councillor Dar on his appointment as Deputy Mayor and advised how much she was looking forward to working with him over the coming year in order to continue delivering positives outcomes for the borough.
Referring to teamwork, the Mayor outlined how she intended to continue working closely with fellow members, the new Chief Executive, Council Management Team and other officers in order to capitalise on their strengths and experience and in continuing the hard work of the outgoing and previous Mayors in seeking to achieve the best results for the borough.
Councillor Hylton then outlined her aims for her Mayoralty in terms of continuing to support the Council’s vision and objectives. In this role she advised that she also intended to support the following two charities:
· PLIAS Resettlement – a community-based organisation providing support, advice and guidance to people with criminal convictions, and aiming to support offenders and ex-offenders to re-reintegrate back into society. The organisation also offered support to people who were at risk ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor To invite a vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor, in accordance with Standing Order 27(c). Additional documents: Decision: NOTED
(1) the vote of thanks to the co-opted and independent members serving on the Council’s committees.
(2) the vote of thanks and tributes paid to the outgoing Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor then invited Councillor Mili Patel, as Deputy Leader, to propose a vote of thanks to all co-opted and other members serving on the Council’s committees.
Councillor Mili Patel began by congratulating Councillor Hylton on her appointment as Mayor before moving on to take the opportunity to highlight the valued work of the Council’s co-opted and independent committee members, given the core role they played as critical friends in the Council’s democratic process. In passing on her thanks, she advised how their independence and objectivity were highly valued and seen as integral to the role of the bodies on which they served including Scrutiny, Audit & Standards and the various health and education bodies. Recognising the challenging nature of recent times in local government she ended by thanking all of the co-opted and Independent Members for their work in supporting the Council’s democratic processes and drive towards continuous improvement.
The Mayor then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader of the Council) to formally propose a vote of thanks for the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Aden. In doing so, the Leader began by congratulating the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their appointment and by highlighting the honour in serving as First Citizen of the Borough and in being able to advocate and serve as a champion for Brent. These were roles he felt Councillor Aden had worked hard to fulfil during what had continued to be such challenging times. Recognising his passion and commitment to the people of Brent and the range of charities he had supported, the Leader praised Councillor Aden for his continued efforts in seeking to raise their profile and for his valued contribution in being such a strong representative of the borough during his Mayoralty, which he advised had been appreciated by all members.
The Mayor then invited comments from other members in recognition of the role undertaken by the outgoing Mayor.
Councillor Kansagra, as Leader of the Conservative Group, in opening the tributes began by taking the opportunity to congratulate the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their appointment. He then moved on to thank Councillor Aden, as the outgoing Mayor, for the way he had conducted himself in his civic role as well as for the way he had chaired the Council meetings and wished him well on his return to ordinary ward councillor duties.
Councillor Mahmood also took the opportunity to welcome and congratulate the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their appointment before moving on to commend Councillor Aden for the fairness, dedication, passion and commitment he had demonstrated in fulfilling the role during his time as Mayor.
Following on, Councillor Kelcher also spoke to pay tribute to Councillor Aden for the committed and diligent way in which he had undertaken the role and led the borough as Mayor during such unprecedented times recognising these had involved not only the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations but also her sad passing, official period of mourning and also the coronation of a new Monarch. ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Mayors Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor made the following announcements:
(i) Death of Former Councillor Eddie Baker
The Mayor announced it was with much sadness she had to begin by informing members of the death of former Councillor Eddie Baker who had represented Northwick Park ward between 2006 – 2014.
On behalf of Brent Council, she expressed deepest sympathy to the family and friends of former Councillor Baker.
In addition, tributes were also paid to former Councillor Bob Lacey OBE following the announcement of his death by Councillor Kansagra, as Leader of the Conservative Group. |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Additional documents: Decision: There were no interests declared by Members at the meeting. Minutes: There were no interests declared by Members at the meeting. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council held on Thursday 23 February 2023. Additional documents: Decision: AGREED the minutes from the Council meeting held on Thursday 23 February 2023 as a correct record. Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 23 February 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Annual Review of Constitution To receive, in accordance with Standing Order 27(g), a report from the Corporate Director of Governance outlining proposed changes to the Constitution following its annual review.
(Agenda republished on 17 May 23 to include an update to Appendix 1 of the main report along with details of an amendment to the recommendations submitted by the Liberal Democrats Group) Additional documents:
Decision: Council RESOLVED:
(1) To agree the amendments to the Constitution as set out in Appendix 1 of the report updating the current allocation of roles and Cabinet portfolios, the delegated powers for officers and allocation of functions in respect of plans and strategies in the Policy Framework; Terms of Reference for the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and updating of the Local Code of Corporate Governance.
Having been put to the vote, a proposed amendment to the Constitution relating to the chairing arrangements, structure and procedural rules applying to scrutiny moved by Councillor Georgiou at the meeting was declared LOST.
(2) To note that, to the extent the changes agreed under (1) above related to executive functions of the Council, they had been approved by the Leader.
(3) To authorise the Corporate Director of Governance to amend the Constitution accordingly, including making any necessary incidental or consequential changes. Minutes: The Mayor invited Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader of the Council) to introduce the report from the Corporate Director of Governance. In presenting the report, Councillor Muhammed Butt advised this detailed a number of proposed changes to the Constitution as a result of its annual review including changes to provide further clarification in relation to the Terms of Reference for the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee. The other changes outlined included amendments to reflect the change in current allocation of portfolios on Cabinet, minor changes to the Procedural Rules (Part 2 of Constitution) and Responsibility for Functions (Part 3 of Constitution) and Local Code of Corporate Governance (Part 5 of Constitution).
Having introduced the report, the Mayor then invited Councillor Georgiou (as leader of the Liberal Democrats Group) to move an amendment to the report submitted prior to the meeting in relation to the structure of the Council’s scrutiny function and the procedural rules that also applied to their operation.
Councillor Georgiou began by congratulating the Mayor on her appointment and in moving the amendment started by making reference to the findings within a House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee report on the “Effectiveness of Local Authority Overview & Scrutiny Committees” produced during 2017 – 19. The report, he pointed out, had been clear on the need for scrutiny to be as visibly independent of the Executive as possible. In views of concerns regarding the need to safeguard the effectiveness, democratic accountability and independence of Brent’s scrutiny function, Councillor Georgiou advised the Liberal Democrats had therefore proposed a number of changes set out as follows, which formed the basis of the amendment moved at the meeting:
(1) Reports from Scrutiny Committees and their Task Groups along with the Executive response to them should be reported to Full Council, to allow wider debate and consideration.
(2) Standing Order 49(iii) be amended to require that the Chairs of the existing Scrutiny Committees should be Opposition Group appointments (in order to emphasise the independence of scrutiny from the Executive) with Standing Order 4 (Part 1 Constitution) waived to enable the change to come into immediate effect during the meeting.
In order to avoid individual Scrutiny Committees becoming overloaded and allow more effective scrutiny in terms of the spread of work Councillor Georgiou advised that his amendment was also proposing:
(3) The Council agree to establish a Scrutiny Committee structure that mirrored the Council’s departmental structure to cover the work and responsibilities of all Corporate Directors, including the Chief Executive. In clarifying, Councillor Georgiou advised the proposal was therefore to establish an additional three Committees on top of the two already in existence, with a report to be presented to the next Full Council in order to formally establish the new structure.
(4) That, subject to the new structure being established, the Chairs of the new scrutiny structure should be shared between all Groups on the Council with each Opposition Group being allocated the Chair on at least one of the Committees.
Having moved ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Representation of Political Groups on Committees To receive a report from the Corporate Director of Governance asking Members to review and determine, under Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the allocation of seats on Council Committees and other relevant bodies, in accordance with Standing Order 27(h). Additional documents: Decision: Council RESOLVED
(1) To agree the size of each Committee, as detailed within the report.
(2) To approve the allocation of seats on Committees to each of the Council’s political groups (where the rules of political balance applied) as set out within the report and to make appointments to those committees (under agenda item 10 on the agenda) giving effect to the wishes of the political group allocated the seats.
(3) To note that the political balance on Council Sub-Committees would be reviewed at the first meeting of the General Purposes Committee and Licensing Committee to be held following the Annual Council Meeting Minutes: The Mayor then moved on to invite Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader of the Council) to introduce the report from the Corporate Director of Governance.
Councillor Muhammed Butt advised the report fulfilled the Council’s duty to review and determine the representation of different political groups on certain Committees at its annual meeting. It was noted that no changes to the existing allocation of seats had been proposed reflecting the fact that there had been no change in the overall composition of political groups since the previous review.
As no members indicated that they wished to speak on the item the Mayor put the recommendations straight to the vote and they were unanimously declared CARRIED.
It was therefore RESOLVED:
(1) To agree the size of each Committee, as detailed within the report.
(2) To approve the allocation of seats on Committees to each of the Council’s political groups (where the rules of political balance applied) as set out within the report and to make appointments to those committees (under agenda item 10 on the agenda) giving effect to the wishes of the political group allocated the seats.
(3) To note that the political balance on Council Sub-Committees would be reviewed at the first meeting of the General Purposes Committee and Licensing Committee to be held following the Annual Council Meeting |
To receive a report from the Corporate Director of Governance seeking approval to the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs along with the membership and substitute membership on Council Committees and other relevant bodies, in accordance with Standing Order 27(i).
Members are asked to note that the full list of appointments have been attached.
Appointments that are not constitutionally made by Full Council (including notification of appointment(s) of the Deputy Leader and to Cabinet and any Cabinet Committee) will also be circulated prior to the meeting, for Members to note.
(Agenda republished on 17 May 23 to include appendices 1-4 of the main report detailing the full list of appointments) Additional documents:
Decision: Council RESOLVED:
(1) To approve the appointments of members, co-opted members and substitutes to Council Committees and Outside Bodies for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report, subject to the following correction identified at the meeting:
· Councillor Georgiou to be listed in place of Councillor Lorber as the Liberal Democrats member on the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee
(2) To approve the appointments of Chairs and Vice Chairs to Council Committees for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report.
Having been put to the vote, an amendment moved by Councillor Georgiou at the meeting seeking to split the current wards covered by the Wembley Brent Connect Forum enabling the establishment an additional Brent Connect Forum and to appoint a Liberal Democrat Group member as chair of the new Forum along with a Conservative Group member as Chair of Kingsbury & Kenton Brent Connect Forum was declared LOST.
(3) To approve:
(a) the reappointment (as detailed within section 3.4 of the report) of David Ewart as Independent Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Pension Board for a two-year term of office ending on 31st July 2025.
(b) the appointment of Rachael Tiffen (as detailed within section 3.5 of the report) as an Independent co-opted member of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee for a four-year term of office, ending at the Council’s Annual Meeting in May 2027 (subject to confirmation of the ongoing appointment at the Annual Council meeting each year).
(c) the continuing appointment (as detailed within section 3.6 of the report) of the following three Independent Persons for the remainder of their four-year terms of office (subject to confirmation at the Annual Council meeting each year):
(1) William Goh & Keir Hopley - to the Annual Council meeting in 2025; and
(2) Julie Byrom – to the Annual Council meeting in 2026.
(d) in relation to the co-opted membership on the Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (detailed within section 3.7 of the report):
(i) the re-appointment of Alloysius Frederick (as a voting co-opted member representing the Roman Catholic Diocese) & Sayed Jaffar (as a non-voting co-opted member representing Muslim Faith Schools) for a further three-year term of office to expire at the Annual Council meeting 2026 (subject to confirmation of the ongoing appointments at the Annual Council meeting each year); and
(ii) the appointment of Jane Noy (as a voting co-opted Parent Governor representative) and Rachelle Goldberg (as a non-voting co-opted member representing Jewish Faith Schools) for a three-year term of office to expire at the Annual Council meeting 2026 (subject to confirmation of the ongoing appointments at the Annual Council meeting each year).
(4) To note the appointments:
(a) of the Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Joint Executive Committees and their respective Chairs and Vice Chairs for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.
(b) to be confirmed by the General Purposes Committee for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, as detailed in Appendix 3 of ... view the full decision text for item 11. Minutes: The Mayor then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader of the Council) to introduce the report from the Corporate Director of Governance.
The Leader advised that the report set out the nominations for appointments to Committees, Joint Committees, Forums, Panels, Outside Bodies and nomination for Chairs and Vice Chairs, where necessary, for the 2023 - 24 Municipal Year, with the nominations having been made in accordance with the political balance of the Council and requirements in relation to political proportionality.
The Mayor then opened the debate inviting other members to speak on the report, with the following contributions made.
As an initial contribution Councillor Georgiou began by advising of a correction to the Liberal Democrats membership on the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee (as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report) which he confirmed should have been listed as himself rather than Councillor Lorber. With the Mayor having noted the correction made, Councillor Georgiou then moved an additional amendment at the meeting relating to the current structure and membership of the Brent Connects forums. The amendment was seeking to split the current wards covered by the Wembley Brent Connects forum in order to establish an additional Brent Connects forum and ensure a more equitable balance between the spread and focus of wards covered in that area. In reflecting that wards in both the proposed new Brent Connects forum (covering Alperton, Sudbury and adjacent parts of Wembley) and existing Kingsbury & Kenton Brent Connects forum included representation by Opposition councillors he advised the amendment was also seeking to allocate the Chair of the newly created Brent Connects forum in Wembley to the Liberal Democrat Group and for the Kingsbury & Kenton Brent Connects forum to the Conservative Group.
Speaking in support of the amendment, Councillor Kansagra, felt it was important to recognise the current spread of Opposition group members across the wards affected along with the mandate he felt this provided in terms of those members seeking to support their constituents through the Brent Connects arrangements.
As a further contribution, Councillor Fraser highlighted concerns at any attempts made to politicise Brent Connects meetings which it was felt would not be in the best interests of local ward councillor or residents given the role they served in relation to community engagement and participation.
As a final contribution, Councillor Lorber also speaking in support of the proposed amendment advised that whilst not seeking to politicise Brent Connects meetings the proposal moved by Councillor Georgiou on behalf of the Liberal Democrats had been designed to ensure a more balanced focus within the current structure on the areas covered and better reflect, on a democratically accountable basis, local ward councillor representation across each area.
As no further members indicated they wished to speak the Mayor then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt to exercise his right of reply in relation to the debate on the report and amendment moved at the meeting.
In summing up Councillor Muhammed Butt again highlighted the clear mandate provided for the current Administration ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Calendar of Council Meetings for the 2023 -2024 Municipal Year To receive a report from the Corporate Director of Governance seeking approval to the final calendar of Council meetings to take place following the Annual Council meeting for the 2023 - 2024 Municipal Year, in accordance with Standing Order 27 (j) & (k). Additional documents: Decision: Council RESOLVED
(1) To approve the dates for Full Council and other meetings to take place during the 2023-24 Municipal Year, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.
(2) That the Head of Executive & Member Services be authorised to make any alterations deemed necessary to the Municipal Calendar during the course of the year having consulted with the Leader of the Council, Leaders of the Opposition Group(s) and Chair of the affected meeting. Minutes: The Mayor then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader of the Council) to introduce the final report on the agenda from the Corporate Director of Governance which the Leader advised detailed the calendar of meeting dates for Full Council and other meetings during the 2023 - 24 Municipal Year.
As no members indicated that they wished to speak on the item the recommendations in the report were put straight to the vote by the Mayor and were declared CARRIED.
It was therefore RESOLVED that:
(1) Members approve the dates for Full Council and other meetings to take place during the 2023 - 24 Municipal Year, as attached in Appendix 1 of the report.
(2) The Head of Executive and Member Services be authorised to make any alterations deemed necessary to the Municipal Calendar during the course of the Municipal Year having consulted the Leader of the Council; the Leaders of the Opposition Groups and the Chair of the affected meeting. |
Urgent Business At the discretion of the Mayor to consider any urgent business, in accordance with Standing Order 27(m). Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: As there was no urgent business to be transacted the Mayor declared the Annual Meeting closed and advised that she looked forward to seeing all members at the next Council meeting on Monday 10 July 2023. She then invited all members and guests to join her at her reception. |