Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: This will be held as an online virtual meeting
Contact: James Kinsella, Governance Manager Tel: 020 8937 5446; Email:
Note: The press and public are welcome to attend this as an online virtual meeting. The link to view proceedings is available via the Live Streaming section on the Democracy page on the Council's website or via the link provided on the agenda frontsheet above.
No. | Item |
Welcoming Statement Additional documents: Minutes: Prior to formally opening the meeting, the Mayor took the opportunity to welcome everyone to the first online meeting of the Full Council and invited Carolyn Downs (as Chief Executive) to run through the guidance issued in relation to conduct of the meeting. Having noted the guidance provided, the Mayor then moved on to the formal agenda for the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Decision: None received. Minutes: The Mayor advised that no direct apologies for absence had been received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 206 KB To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 19 February 2020. Additional documents: Decision: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 19 February 2020 approved as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council (Budget and Council Tax Setting) meeting held on Wednesday 19 February 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Additional documents: Decision: No declarations were made at the meeting. Minutes: No interests were declared by Members at the meeting. |
Mayor's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Additional documents: Decision: NOTED the announcements from the Mayor in relation to: · Covid-19 response & death of former Mayor Jim O’Sullivan, with tributes paid and a minutes silence observed during the meeting · Memorial Service for Bibba Henry & Nicole Smallman · Black Lives Matter · The Nations Toast · Srebrenica Commemoration 2020 · 100th birthday celebration · Petitions Minutes: The Mayor began by taking the opportunity to congratulate Councillor Kansagra on his recent appointment as Leader of the Conservative Group and to wish him well in his new role. He then moved on to make the following announcements:
(i) Covid-19
The Mayor advised that during lockdown he had been pleased to be able to visit some of the mutual aid organisations who had been working with the council to distribute food to local people across the borough. These visits had included the main Brent food hub responsible for co-ordinating the delivery of all food parcels. He commended everyone involved for their fantastic efforts.
In addition, he advised Members that he had also attended the opening of the COVID-19 Test Centre in Harlesden along with Dawn Butler MP and the Leader of the Council.
The Mayor felt it was important to recognise the hard work and dedication of all staff, councillors and key frontline workers whose efforts had been essential in responding to Covid-19 pandemic across the borough. He was sure residents would also be keen to express their appreciation for the way Brent Council had supported them during the pandemic.
Members were also advised that leaders from Brent’s Multi-Faith Forum had also come together to produce a short video showing solidarity in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. This had been supported by a co-ordinated programme of action on Thursday 11 June, with churches ringing their bells, mosques calling Adhan, synagogues praying silently, temples calling for Prathana and mediation within spiritual centres designed to ensure all faiths were able to come together in solidarity.
The Mayor also took the opportunity to express his condolences, on behalf of the Council, to those who had lost someone during the pandemic.
(ii) Former Mayor of Brent Jim O'Sullivan
The Mayor announced it was with regret he had to advise members of the death, back in March, of former Mayor, Jim O’Sullivan who had passed away aged 84. He had served as Mayor between 2009 and 2010 having represented Barnhill as a ward councillor for 12 years. The Mayor remembered Jim O’Sullivan as a councillor who cared about all the residents he served but with a particular focus in ensuring the Irish community were recognised for their contribution and success to the borough. The Mayor advised that he would be missed, not just by his family but also by all of those who had known and worked with him.
The Mayor then invited everyone to observe a minutes silence in tribute and memory to all those who had lost their lives during the pandemic and to former Mayor and Councillor Jim O’Sullivan.
The online meeting was then paused to observe a minute’s silence
The Mayor then invited a member from each Group to pay tribute to Jim O’Sullivan
Councillor Muhammed Butt, speaking on behalf of the Majority Group, led the tributes by highlighting the passionate work Jim O’Sullivan had undertaken on behalf of the local communities he represented. His tireless work and fundraising ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
To agree any appointments to Committees, Joint Committees, Forums, Panels and Outside Bodies (if any); and the appointments of Chairs/Vice Chairs (if any) in accordance with Standing Order 30(g). Additional documents: Decision:
following changes in Committee & Outside Body memberships:
(1) Councillor Choudry replaced by a vacancy as full member on the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Audit & Standards Committee.
(2) Councillor Long appointed as Vice-Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee.
Minutes: The Mayor referred Members to the supplementary agenda
circulated in advance of the meeting, which contained details of
the changes to appointments on Council Committees, Sub Committees
and other bodies.
(1) To approve the following change in membership on Council Committees:
(a) Councillor Choudry to be replaced by a vacancy as full member of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Audit & Standards Committee.
(b) Councillor Long to be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee.
(2) To note that General Purposes Committee would be asked to confirm the replacement of Councillor Colwill with Councillor Kansagra as a full member on the Senior Staff Appointments Sub Committee with Councillor Colwill to replace Councillor Kansagra as substitute member. |
Deputations (if any) To hear any deputations received from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 32. Additional documents: Decision: No deputations were received at the meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised that no requests for any deputations had been received, so moved straight on to the next item. |
Questions from Members of the Public and Brent Youth Parliament PDF 143 KB 7.1 To receive questions submitted by the Public to Cabinet Members, in accordance with Standing Order 33.
Three questions have been received under this item, which have been attached along with the written responses provided.
7.2 To receive questions submitted from Brent Youth Parliament to Cabinet Members, in accordance with Standing Order 33(d).
One question has been received under this item, which has been attached along with the written responses provided. Additional documents: Decision: NOTED
1. The written and supplementary verbal response provided by the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure & Culture to a question submitted from a member of the public on the statics relating to deaths in Brent arising from Covid-19 and the publishing of details on levels of testing, confirmed infections and deaths.
2. The written response provided by the Cabinet Member for Schools, Employment & Skills to a question submitted from a member of the public relating to the catchment area for the new North Brent School. No supplementary question was received.
3. The written response provided by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning to a question submitted from a member of the public relating to the Council’s bid for TfL emergency funding. No supplementary question was received.
4. The written response provided by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning to a question submitted from a member of the public relating to the Community Asset Transfer of Tenterden Pavilion & Sports Ground. No supplementary question was received.
5. The written and supplementary verbal response provided by the Leader of the Council in relation to a question submitted from the Brent Youth Parliament on the plans being developed to support the Black Lives Matter movement and reach out to young people in Brent. Minutes: The Mayor advised that the following four questions had been received from members of the public along with one from the Brent Youth Parliament:
Question 1 from Robin Sharp (Chair - Brent Patient Voice) to Councillor Hirani, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure & Culture relating to deaths in Brent arising from Covid-19 and the publishing of details on levels of testing and confirmed infections across the Borough.
Question 2 from Martin Francis to Councillor Agha, Cabinet Member for Schools, Employment & Skills relating to the catchment area for the new North Brent School.
Question 3 from Amandine Alexandre to Councillor Tatler, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning relating to the Council’s bid for Transport for London ((TfL) emergency funding.
Question 4 from Scott Wade to Councillor Tatler, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning relating to the Community Asset Transfer of Tenterden Pavilion & Sports Ground.
Members noted the written response provided on each of the questions, which had been circulated with the agenda with the Mayor advising that each member of the public had been invited to attend the meeting in order to ask a supplementary question. Whilst Martin Francis, Amandine Alexandre and Scott Wade had been unable to attend, the Mayor advised that Robin Sharp (who had also been unable to attend) had arranged for Mr Peter Latham to represent him in order to ask a supplementary question. The Mayor welcomed Mr Latham to the meeting (who joined as a remote attendee) and invited him to put his supplementary question to Councillor Hirani, as Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure & Culture.
Supplementary Question from Mr Latham to Councillor Hirani, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure & Culture.
Having thanked Councillor Hirani for the written response provided, Mr Latham felt it was important to recognise that Brent had suffered with one of the worst Covid-19 infection and death rates per capita in the country. Given the particularly adverse impact on the Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community, NHS and elderly across the borough, he highlighted the need to continue raising awareness of the essential need to maintain and enforce social distancing measures. As a means of assisting to monitor and encourage the necessary preventative action, he asked if Brent would be able and willing to publish on a regular basis the latest information available on the number of infections, broken down on a ward-by-ward basis.
In response, Councillor Hiraini thanked Mr Latham for his supplementary question. Whilst recognising the benefits that the provision of this data by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) would have had at the height of the pandemic, he felt its impact would now be more limited given the reduced number of Covid-19 cases currently being recorded in Brent. He assured Mr Latham however, that any increase in the rate of infections would prompt a review of the process.
Having noted the response provided, the Mayor thanked Mr Latham for his question and for attending the meeting.
Following on from the public question session the Mayor ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Petitions (if any) For Members to refer to petitions received and debate a petition with more than 200 signatures in accordance with the Council’s petition rules and Standing Order 66. Additional documents: Decision: No petitions were received at the meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised that no requests for any debates on petitions had been received. |
Reports from the Leader and Cabinet To receive a verbal report from the Leader of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 31 providing an update on any key or significant issues arising from any matter within the responsibility of Cabinet. Additional documents: Decision: NOTED the verbal update provided by Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader of the Council who expressed his thanks to all staff, members and community groups for their efforts in supporting the local community response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Members were also asked to note the list of urgent Executive decisions taken since the last Council meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised Members that the Leaders Update for this meeting would be provided as a verbal report. He then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt, as Leader of the Council, to present his update. In presenting his update, Councillor Butt took the opportunity to thank all members and staff who had worked so diligently during the pandemic within their communities to help support everyone during such challenging and difficult times. The support provided for those most in need was, he felt, testament to the commitment of all members, staff and other partners and organisations across the borough in delivering the support required. Members were also asked to note, as part of the update, the list of urgent Executive decisions taken since the last Council meeting.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Muhammed Butt for his report and it was RESOLVED to formally note the update provided by the Leader of the Council. |
Questions from the Opposition and other Non-Cabinet Members For questions to be put to members of the Cabinet by opposition and non-Cabinet Members in accordance with Standing Order 35.
Members are asked to note that no advance notice questions have been submitted for response at this meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Decision: No questions were raised for consideration at the meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised that following discussion between both Groups no advance notice questions had been submitted for response at this meeting. In addition, it had been agreed that no issues would be raised during the open question time session. On this basis, the Mayor advised that he would therefore move straight on to the next item. |
Report from Chairs of Scrutiny Committees PDF 102 KB To receive reports from the Chairs of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees in accordance with Standing Order 36. The reports have been attached as follows:
11.1 Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee
11.2 Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Additional documents:
Decision: NOTED the update reports provided by the Chairs of the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee and Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee.
No additional questions were raised for consideration at the meeting. Minutes: Before inviting the Chairs of each Scrutiny Committee to speak, the Mayor drew members attention to the written reports circulated as part of the agenda, which highlighted the key issues arising from the work of each Committee. He then invited each Chair to present their update.
Resources and Public Realm Committee
Councillor Kelcher (as Chair of the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee) advised that in the interest of time he was not intending to add anything further to the written update provided but advised Members that the Committee was due to hold its first virtual meeting Tuesday 14 July 2020. The main items for review included: · an update on the Council’s Public Realm Strategy and its impact on the management of Brent’s climate change agenda and public health concerns; · the strategy in place to support the local economy and businesses in order to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and encourage recovery; and · the strategy in place to provide social welfare support for those residents most in need as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Councillor Ketan Sheth (as Chair of the Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee) advised that he was also not intending to add anything further to the written update provided but advised Members the the Committee were also due to hold their first virtual meeting on Tuesday 21 July 2020. Given the public health challenge created as a result of the pandemic, the meeting had been designed to scrutinise the work being undertaken by the Council and other partners in responding to this along with the recovery plans being developed in relation to adult social care, housing, culture, public health and children’s services. Whilst recognising the efforts of all those involved in responding to the crisis, the Committee were keen to seek assurances around the lessons learnt and also in relation to the recovery planning process, should any subsequent waves of infection be experienced.
The Mayor thanked Councillors Kelcher and Ketan Sheth for the updates provided and it was RESOLVED that the content of their reports be noted.
Following the updates provided, the Mayor advised that whilst it would be usual for the remainder of the time available to be open for questions to the Scrutiny Chairs he was aware, following agreement reached between both Groups prior to the meeting, that no questions were due to be raised during the open session of the meeting. As there were no additional questions, the Mayor advised he would move on to the next item. |
Report from the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee PDF 107 KB To receive a report from the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee in accordance with Standing Order 37. Additional documents: Decision: NOTED the update report provided by the Vice Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory. Minutes: The Mayor invited Councillor Long, as newly appointed Vice Chair of the Audit and Standards Advisory Committee, to introduce the report updating Members on the work of the Committee.
Councillor Long advised that as with the previous updates from each Scrutiny Chair, she was not intending to add anything further to the written update but felt it was important to highlight the review undertaken by the Committee in relation to Brent’s emergency planning response on the Covid-19 pandemic and the resilience within the system. In addition, the Committee had been required to agree the Council’s Annual Governance Statement and would shortly be considering the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts, for which the submission deadline had been extended as a result of the pandemic.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Long for the update provided and it was RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Non Cabinet Members' Debate To enable non Cabinet Members to debate an issue of relevance to Brent, for which notice has been provided in accordance with Standing Order 34 and to receive reports from Cabinet members, where required,on issues previously raised.
Members are asked to note that no item has been submitted for debate at this meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Decision: No subject was identified for debate. Minutes: The Mayor advised that no subject had been identified for debate and therefore moved on to the next item on the agenda. |
Brent Black Community Action Plan PDF 124 KB To receive a report from the Assistant Chief Executive presenting the Brent Black Community Action Plan, which has been developed with black community Leaders in the borough. Additional documents: Decision: AGREED
(1) To note and endorse the Brent Black Community Action Plan
(2) To refer the Action Plan to Cabinet for appropriate resourcing and implementation. Minutes: Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader of the Council) introduced the report from the Assistant Chief Executive presenting the Brent Black Community Action Plan, which he advised had been developed in conjunction with leaders from the black communities across the borough.
In introducing the report, Councillor Butt thanked the officers and all community representatives who had participated in development of the Action Plan and acknowledged the contribution made by the community. He outlined the Council’s commitment to work with the community to address the concerns identified, with the next step being for the Action Plan to be taken to Cabinet for consideration and its delivery then subject to ongoing scrutiny.
The Mayor then opened the debate, inviting other members to speak on the report.
Councillor Kelcher opened the debate by highlighting the role that scrutiny would play in ensuring the outcomes of the Action Plan were met. He advised that the report was due to be considered by the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee towards the end of the year so as to ensure it remained an ongoing priority. Particular attention was drawn to the need to ensure safer neighbourhoods and address the relationship between the police and the Black community, with Councillor Kelcher also highlighting a need to ensure all councillors (including himself) continued to be educated in order to address unconscious bias and wider prejudices in society.
Councillor Kansagra also took the opportunity, on behalf of the Conservative Group, to endorse the Action Plan and congratulated all those involved in its production. The need for those in authority to be properly screened and checked was also highlighted to ensure the right people were appointed in the right posts and avoided any abuse of power. He also felt it was important to recognise the work being undertaken by the Council in addressing concerns relating to educational attainment across different communities within the borough.
Councillor Choudhary then spoke to highlight the diverse nature of communities across Brent and, whilst welcoming the report, was keen to ensure as wide a focus as possible in terms of the coverage and activities identified within the Action Plan.
Councillor Kabir also spoke to commend the report and Action Plan highlighting a number of specific areas in support of its implementation. These included the need to support parents from different communities in understanding and being confident in navigating the education and apprenticeship system, in order maximise access to the support available. She was also keen for the Council to support community facilities being made available to the Black community and for funding to be made available for the voluntary sector and community groups, whose officers were delivering training and capacity building within these communities. As a further suggestion, she felt Brent should continue to be marketed to businesses as a borough with a diverse, bright, young and increasingly skilled workforce. In summing up, she felt it was important for the Council to be accountable for delivery of the proposed outcomes within the Action Plan and to ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
Emergency Planning Response to Covid-19 PDF 192 KB To receive a report from the Chief Executive informing Members of the work that has been undertaken since Emergency planning and GOLD arrangements were established across the Council as a result of the pandemic flu virus Covid-19. Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED to note the actions taken since the emergency planning and GOLD arrangements were established across the Council as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and level of assurance provided in relation to the associated governance and decision making arrangements. Minutes: Councillor Muhammed Butt (Leader of the Council) introduced the report from the Assistant Chief Executive outlining the work that had been undertaken since emergency planning and GOLD arrangements were established across the Council as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In introducing the report, Councillor Muhammed Butt highlighted the work undertaken to ensure members had been kept updated on the various actions and work being undertaken, with many of these actions still ongoing.
The Mayor then opened the debate, inviting other members to speak on the report.
Councillor McLennan opened the debate by praising and thanking all council staff and the wider community for the response provided and in coming together to co-ordinate efforts. It was noted that the Council had shut the Civic Centre on 23 March and enacted its emergency planning arrangements in order to support local communities across the borough in responding to the pandemic.
Councillor Shahzad then spoke to highlight (as referenced within the report) that Brent had suffered with one of the highest Covid-19 death rates of all local authorities with some of the worst affected areas being Alperton, Church End and Barnhill. Public Health England had cited poverty and lack of opportunities as significant factors and he expressed concern at the impact which the proposed closure of medical facilities within the borough, including at Central Middlesex Hospital would have in this respect and at a time when they were most needed. In congratulating the Leader and Chief Executive for the Council’s response, he welcomed the update provided and expressed thanks to local communities and all staff across the Council who had worked so hard in delivering the support required.
Councillor Southwood, whilst recognising the extent of the national and global tragedy created by the pandemic felt it was also important to highlight the unique opportunity that it had given the Council to make a concerted effort to safeguard rough sleepers. In Brent, this had led to 250 rough sleepers or those classified as homeless being accommodated with thanks expressed to everyone involved in that response. Concern was, however, expressed that while central government had initially encouraged local authorities to do whatever it took to respond to the pandemic and provide safe and secure accommodation to protect residents, they were now (as the lockdown was eased) also being expected to share the financial burden for this. Highlighting the challenges this created for the Council going forward, members were assured that officers were working hard to continue assisting those provided with temporary accommodation and those who had no recourse to public funds.
Councillor Kabir also took the opportunity to thank all officers for their outstanding work in responding to the pandemic and as a result expressed her pride at being a councillor in Brent. The Council was already working to engage with residents and seek their views on the response to and impact of the pandemic, which she was supporting in her ward and beyond. In looking forward, the suggestion was made that an analysis regarding ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Financial Impact of Covid-19 PDF 220 KB To receive a report from the Director of Finance providing an update on the overall financial position facing the Council and highlighting significant risks, issues and uncertainties. The report also presents an early overview and assessment of the financial impact of COVID-19 on the medium term financial strategy and outlines future steps to ensure the Council continues to operate in a financially sustainable and resilient way. Additional documents: Decision: AGREED to note the report and potential financial impact of Covid-19 on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy. Minutes: Councillor McLennan, Deputy Leader of the Council, introduced the report from the Director of Finance setting out the overall financial position facing the Council and highlighting the significant risks, issues and uncertainties. The report also presented an early overview and assessment of the financial impact of COVID-19 on the medium term financial strategy and outlined future steps to ensure the Council continued to operate in a financially sustainable and resilient way.
In introducing the report, Councillor McLennan explained that the update had been designed to provide an outline of the past, present and future financial position of the Council and of the challenges now faced as a result of the impact of the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, the Council had been able to operate on the basis of a balanced budget, with a programme of savings agreed for 2021-22 and 2022-23. This position had become much more challenging, however, as a result of the pandemic given the additional financial impact associated with responding to Covid-19 estimated to be in excess of £47.6 million, including associated loss of income in the form of fees and charges. Whilst the Council, acting as requested by Central Government, had put in place measures to support residents it had only to date received £21.2 million in additional funding from central government towards these costs. As further context, members were advised that the cost incurred by the Council in supplying PPE already stood at approx. £2 million. Given the challenges highlighted and initial commitment made by Central Government, the Council would be continuing to lobby for additional funding to cover the full costs identified. The challenges identified were also expected to be made worse once the furlough scheme ended, with Brent having over 50,000 residents on the scheme and unemployment expected to increase as the full economic impact of the pandemic became clear. Whilst the position remain difficult, the report had been designed to outline the full extent of the financial challenges and risks faced in order to support the continued lobbying of Government for the additional funding required to address these.
The Mayor then opened the debate, inviting other members to speak on the report.
Councillor Nerva opened the debate by highlighting the difficult position the Council found itself in with such a significant funding gap to address. The approach adopted by the Council was, however, fully supported as it was felt the prioritisation of finances over resident outcomes in responding to the pandemic would have resulted in a far worse position. Councillor Nerva felt there was a need to ensure residents were made fully aware of the financial position the Council now found itself in and the reasons for this post Covid-19, which all councillors would have a role to assist in. Concerns were also expressed about the proposal from Transport for London (as part of the package of measures in response to its funding deal with central Government) to cease free travel for children. With schools being asked to return in September, ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
Council Guillotine Procedure Additional documents: Minutes: At this stage in proceedings, the Mayor advised that the time available for the meeting had expired and that the Council’s Guillotine procedure (as detailed within Standing Order 44) would need to apply. As Members indicated they were not minded to waive the Standing Order on this occasion in order to extend the time of meeting or to adjourn the meeting it was RESOLVED that the Guillotine procedure should apply with the remaining items of business on the agenda to be moved and put to the vote without further debate.
The Mayor then moved on to deal with the remaining items of business in the order listed on the agenda. |
Pan-London Dockless Vehicles ByeLaw PDF 98 KB To receive a report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration & Environment detailing the background and legal context around dockless cycle hire schemes in London and the proposal by London Councils Transport and Environment Committee (TEC) for the creation of a pan-London byelaw that would regulate the use and management of dockless cycles. The report seeks approval to delegate the function for making of that byelaw to London Councils TEC. Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED
(1) To delegate authority to the London Council’s Transport and Environment Committee to make byelaws to govern the operation of dockless vehicles by making a pan-London byelaw to regulate the use and management of them on the highway and/or public places (as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report).
(2) To authorise the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment to sign the form of delegation as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report, on behalf of the Council. Minutes: In accordance with the guillotine procedure, the Mayor moved straight to the vote on the report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration & Environment which detailed the background to the dockless cycle hire scheme in London and a proposal by London Councils Transport and Environment Committee (TEC) for the creation of a pan-London byelaw that would regulate the use and management of dockless cycles.
On being moved and put to the vote without debate it was unanimously RESOLVED, as recommended in the report:
(1) To delegate authority to the London Councils Transport and Environment Committee to make byelaws to govern the operation of dockless vehicles by making a pan-London byelaw to regulate the use and management of them on the highway and/or public places (as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report).
(2) To authorise the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment to sign the form of delegation as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report, on behalf of the Council. |
Resolution to approve reason for non-attendance at meetings PDF 84 KB To receive a report from the Director Legal, HR, Audit & Investigations seeking approval, under Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972, to a reason under which the requirement for a member to attend at least one meeting of that Authority within a 6 month consecutive period could be waived for circumstances specified in relation to Covid19 (Coronavirus). Additional documents: Decision: AGREED
(1) To approve, in relation to each member of the Council in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 the reason set out in (2) below in respect of non-attendance of any member until the Council’s annual meeting in May 2021.
(2) The councillor has been unable to attend as a member (including remote attendance) any relevant meeting (as detailed in section 3.1 of the report) throughout a 6-month period due to the circumstances set out in section 3.5 of the report. Minutes: Once again, in accordance with the guillotine procedure, the Mayor moved straight to the vote on the report from the Director of Legal, HR, Audit and Investigations seeking approval, under Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972, to a reason under which the requirement for a member to attend at least one meeting of that Authority within a six month period could be waived for circumstances specified in relation to Covid-19.
On being moved and put to the vote without debate, it was unanimously RESOLVED, as recommended in the report:
(1) To approve, in relation to each member of the Council in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 the reason set out in (2) below in respect of non-attendance of any member until the Council’s annual meeting in May 2021.
(2) The councillor has been unable to attend as a member (including remote attendance) any relevant meeting (as detailed in section 3.1 of the report) throughout a 6-month period due to the circumstances set out in section 3.5 of the report. |
Municipal Calendar of Meetings 2020/2021 PDF 88 KB To receive a report from the Chief Executive setting out the calendar of meetings for the 2020/2021 Municipal Year. Given the delay in being able to hold the Annual Council meeting as a result of the restrictions in place relating to Covid-19, members are asked to note that the Chief Executive has used her emergency decision making power to provisionally agree the calendar in order to allow the initial programme of meetings to proceed in advance of the final calendar being presented to Council for formal confirmation. Additional documents: Decision: AGREED
(1) To approve the dates for Full Council and other meetings to take place during the remainder of 2020/21, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.
(2) That the Head of Executive & Member Services be authorised to make any alterations deemed necessary to the Municipal Calendar during the course of the year having consulted with the Leader of the Council, Leader of the Opposition Group and Chair of the affected meeting. Minutes: Again, in accordance with the guillotine procedure the Mayor moved straight to the vote on the final item of outstanding business on the agenda relating to the report from the Chief Executive setting out the calendar of meetings proposed for the remainder of 2020/21, which had been provisionally agreed by the Chief Executive using her emergency delegated decision making powers in order for meetings to recommence under the restrictions in place relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.
On being moved and put to the vote without debate, it was unanimously RESOLVED, as recommended in the report:
(1) To approve the dates for Full Council and other meetings to take place during the remainder of 2020/21, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.
(2) That the Head of Executive & Member Services be authorised to make any alterations deemed necessary to the Municipal Calendar during the course of the year having consulted with the Leader of the Council, Leader of the Opposition Group and Chair of the affected meeting. |
Motions Members are asked to note that no motions have been submitted for debate at this meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Decision: No motions were submitted for consideration at the meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised that following an agreement reached between both Groups, no motions had been submitted for debate at the meeting. |
Urgent Business At the discretion of the Mayor to consider any urgent business, in accordance with Standing Order 30(s). Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: The Mayor advised Members there were no urgent items of business for consideration. Before closing the meeting he thanked all members for their cooperation and patience in successfully delivering the first virtual Full Council meeting and advised that he looked forward to seeing all members at the next Full Council, which again would be taking place virtually on Monday 14 September 2020.
The meeting was declared closed at 9:02pm. |