Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Conference Hall - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ
Contact: Thomas Cattermole, Head of Executive and Member Services tel. 020 8937 5446, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Decision: Apologies received from Councillors Abdirazak, Conneely, Crane & Thakkar. Minutes: The Mayor advised that direct apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Abdirazak, Conneely, Crane & Thakkar. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 195 KB To confirm as a correct record, the attached minutes of the previous meeting of the Council held on Monday 16 September 2019. Additional documents: Decision: Minutes of the Council meeting held on 16 September 2019 agreed as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 16 September 2019 be approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Additional documents: Decision: None Minutes: No interests were declared by Members at the meeting. |
Mayor's Announcements (including any petitions received) To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Additional documents: Decision: 1.1 NOTED the announcement by the Chief Executive of a casual vacancy on the Council following the resignation of Councillor Michael Pavey along with the accompanying tribute from Councillor Shafique Choudhary as a fellow Barnhill ward councillor.
1.2 NOTED the announcements from the Mayor in relation to: · Flag Raising Event – Nigerian Independence · World Mental Health Day · Black History Month · Hindu New Year · Remembrance Day Commemoration Events · Annual Fireworks & Diwali Celebrations · Mayor’s Charity Football Tournament · Christmas Lights – Wembley Park · Pride Of Brent Awards · 100th Birthday Celebrations · White Ribbon Day · Mayors Christmas Charity Event · Petitions Minutes: Before starting his announcements, the Mayor invited Carolyn Downs (Chief Executive) to make a short statement who advised Members she had been informed, that morning, of Councillor Pavey’s intention to resign as a councillor in Barnhill ward for personal reasons.
As the Council’s Returning Officer, she informed members that she intended to publish Notice of the Vacancy on the 26 November 2019. Subject to a formal request being received, it was anticipated that the resulting by-election would be held in late January 2020. Members were asked to join the Chief Executive in wishing Councillor Pavey well for the future and in recognising his contribution to the Council since his election in 2012, not only as a local councillor for Barnhill ward but also during his time as Lead Member for Children’s Services and Deputy Leader
Councillor Shafique Choudhary took the opportunity to pay tribute to Councillor Pavey, as a fellow councillor for Barnhill ward. Highlighting how closely he had worked with Councillor Pavey, he was keen to recognise his integrity and focus in supporting local residents and advised how much he would be missed as both a friend and valued colleague.
Following a short round of applause in tribute to Councillor Pavey, the Mayor then moved on to make the following announcements:
(i) Nigerian Independence – Flag Raising Event
The Mayor was pleased to begin his announcements by advising of the successful flag raising event held on the 1October to celebrate Nigerian Independence Day and thanked all those who had attended.
(ii) World Mental Health Day
The Mayor also took the opportunity to thank Councillor Colacicco (as Deputy Mayor) for attending the World Mental Health Day event in his absence.
(iii) Black History Month
The Mayor advised that he had been pleased to join the celebrations for Black History Month in October, which had included numerous school and other events in the borough. Amongst the events attended had been the Black History Month celebration at the Civic Centre, which had been a huge success.
(iv) Hindu New Year
Advising what an honour it had been, the Mayor informed Members that he had attended BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir to celebrate the Hindu New Year and had also been pleased to attend Diwali celebrations at the Civic Centre, alongside the Chief Executive, Council staff and representatives of the temple.
(v) Remembrance Day Commemoration Events
The Mayor advised he had also been honoured to attend the Borough Remembrance Sunday Service at Barham Park in order to commemorate all those who had lost their lives in conflicts throughout the world. Commenting on how well attended the service had been, the Mayor advised that it had been humbling to see so many turn out to pay tribute. A service had also been held at the Civic Centre the following morning, which included local children from Park Lane Primary School reading some poetry led by the War Horse Theatre Production.
(vi) Annual Fireworks and Diwali celebrations
The Mayor informed Members ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies and Appointment of Chairs/Vice Chairs (if any) To agree any appointments to Committees, Joint Committees, Forums, Panels and Outside Bodies (if any); and the appointments of Chairs/Vice Chairs (if any) in accordance with Standing Order 30(g). Additional documents: Decision:
following change in Committee & Outside Body memberships:
1. Councillor Pavey to be replaced as a full member by a vacancy on the following bodies:
(a) Teachers Joint Consultative Group
(b) Service User Consultative Forum – Voluntary Sector
(c) Chalkhill Community Trust
2. Councillor Pavey to be replaced as a substitute member by a vacancy on the Employees’ Joint Consultative Committee.
Minutes: The Mayor referred Members to the supplementary agenda tabled at
the meeting, which contained details of the changes to appointments
on Council Committees, Sub Committees and other
RESOLVED that following on from the earlier statement made by the Chief Executive:
(1) Councillor Pavey be replaced as a full member by a vacancy on the following bodies:
(a) Teachers Joint Consultative Committee;
(b) Service User Consultative Forum – Voluntary Sector; and
(c) Chalkhill Community Trust;
(2) Councillor Pavey be replaced as a substitute member by a vacancy on the Employees’ Joint Consultative Committee.
Deputations (if any) To hear any deputations received from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 32. Additional documents: Decision: No requests were received for any deputations. Minutes: The Mayor advised that no requests for any deputations had been received, so moved straight on to the next item. |
Questions from Members of the Public & Brent Youth Parliament PDF 107 KB 7.1 To receive questions submitted by the public to Cabinet Members, in accordance with Standing Order 33.
Two questions have been received under this item, which have been attached along with the written responses provided.
7.2 To receive questions submitted from members of Brent Youth Parliament to Cabinet Members, in accordance with Standing Order 33(d)
One question has been received under this item, which has been attached along with the written responses provided. Additional documents: Decision: NOTED
1. The written and supplementary verbal response provided by the Cabinet Member for Environment to a question submitted from a member of the public relating to the action being taken by the Council to tackle climate change, maintain the tree population and ensure the borough was carbon neutral by 2030..
2. The written response provided by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning to a question submitted from a member of the public relating to the number of social housing units, tenancy types and rent mix included within the Wembley Park development. No supplementary question was received.
3. The written response from the Cabinet Member for Environment in relation to a question submitted from the Brent Youth Parliament regarding progress on implementation of the recommendations agreed at the first Brent Council Climate Change Youth Summit. No supplementary question was received. Minutes: The Mayor advised that two questions had been received from members of the public.
Question 1 from Mr M.Brown to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Cabinet Member for Environment, regarding the action being taken by the Council to tackle climate change and ensure the borough was carbon neutral by 2030.
Question 2 from Ms G.Abdulgadir to Councillor Shama Tatler, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning relating to the number of social housing units, tenancy types and rent mix included within the Wembley Park development.
Members noted the written responses to the questions, circulated with the agenda. The Mayor advised that both members of the public had been invited to attend the meeting in order to ask a supplementary question. Whilst Ms Abdulgadir had advised she would not be attending, the Mayor welcomed Mr Brown to the meeting and invited him to put his supplementary question to Councillor Krupa Sheth, as Cabinet Member for Environment.
Supplementary Question from Mr Brown to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Cabinet Member for Environment
Having thanked Councillor Sheth for the written response provided, Mr Brown asked for further details to be provided in relation to the preservation and management of green space across the borough. Referring to the work being undertaken through the Green Space Commission, he asked for examples of the ideas being fed in to that process along with current action being taken to tackle the climate crisis, including the preservation of trees, in advance of the planned adoption of the borough wide climate change and sustainability strategy in May 2020.
In response, Councillor Krupa Sheth thanked Mr Brown for his supplementary question and began by reassuring him that it was Council policy to seek to preserve trees but where not possible efforts were made to ensure they were replaced. In terms of immediate action being taken to address the climate emergency, Councillor Krupa Sheth highlighted: · the work being undertaken to develop an Interim Climate & Ecological Emergency Action Plan on which a separate report was due to be considered later during the meeting; · the establishment of the Brent Climate Assembly and Youth Climate Summit hosted by Brent Youth Parliament; and · development of the borough-wide climate emergency strategy; The strategy would be subject to public consultation and she finished by encouraging as many people as possible to take advantage of the opportunities to participate and engage in that process.
Having noted the response provided, the Mayor thanked Mr Brown for his question and for attending the meeting.
Following on from the public question session the Mayor then moved on to deal with the questions received from representatives of Brent Youth Parliament. He advised that the following question had been received from the Youth Parliament:
Question 1 to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Cabinet Member for Environment, regarding progress on implementation of the recommendations agreed at the first Brent Council Climate Change Youth Summit.
Members noted the written response to the question, circulated with the agenda with the Mayor advising that representatives from the Youth Parliament had unfortunately not been able ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Petitions (if any) For Members to refer to petitions received and debate any petition with more than 200 signatures, where such a request has been submitted in accordance with the Council’s petition rules and Standing Order 66. Additional documents: Decision: No requests were received for debates on any petitions. Minutes: The Mayor advised that no requests for any debates on petitions had been received. |
Reports from the Leader and Cabinet To receive a verbal report from the Leader of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 31 providing an update on any key or significant issues arising from any matter within the responsibility of Cabinet. Additional documents: Decision: NOTED the verbal update provided by Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader of the Council who began by also taking the opportunity to thank Councillor Pavey and wish him all the best for the future. He then moved on to provide the following updates in relation to Cabinet portfolios: · Media launch of the London Borough of Culture programme; · The outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection at Ark Elvin Academy, which now meant that all Secondary Schools within the borough had been rated by Ofsted as either “Good” or “Outstanding”; · The start of the Council’s budget consultation process for 2020-21 & 2021-22; · The list of urgent Executive decisions taken since the last Council meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised Members that the Leaders Update for this meeting would be provided as a verbal report. He then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt, as Leader of the Council, to present his update. Councillor Butt thanked the Mayor for his introduction and provided the following updates in relation to Cabinet portfolios:
· Members were advised of the successful media launch of the London Borough of Culture programme and reminded that the formal launch event would be taking place on Saturday 18 January 2020. Highlighting the importance of this event, the Leader felt this provided a unique opportunity to celebrate and recognise the contribution made by all communities across the borough;
· The outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection at Ark Elvin Academy, which now meant that all Secondary Schools within the borough had been rated by OFSTED as either “Good” or “Outstanding” and highlighted the Administrations commitment towards ensuring every child in the borough had the opportunity to succeed;
· The start of the Council’s budget consultation process for 2020-21 & 2021-22;
· The list of urgent Executive decisions taken since the last Council, as tabled at the meeting.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Muhammed Butt for his report and it was RESOLVED to formally note the update provided by the Leader of the Council. |
Questions from the Opposition and other Non-Cabinet Members For questions to be put to members of the Cabinet by opposition and non-Cabinet Members in accordance with Standing Order 35.
Members are asked to note that no advance notice questions have been submitted for response at this meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Decision: No questions were raised for consideration at the meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised that following discussion between both Groups no advance notice questions had been submitted for response at this meeting. In addition, it had been agreed that no issues would be raised during the open question time session. On this basis, the Mayor advised that he would therefore move straight on to the next item. |
Report from Chairs of Scrutiny Committees PDF 76 KB To receive reports from the Chairs of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees in accordance with Standing Order 36. The reports have been attached as follows:
11.1 Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
11.2 Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee Additional documents:
Decision: NOTED the update reports provided by the Chairs of the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee and Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee.
No additional questions were raised for consideration at the meeting. Minutes: Before inviting the Chairs of each Scrutiny Committee to present their reports, the Mayor reminded Members that a total of 12 minutes had been set aside for this item. He drew members attention to the written reports circulated as part of the agenda, which highlighted the key issues arising from the work of each Committee and then invited each Chair to present their update.
Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Councillor Ketan Sheth advised that on this occasion he was not intending to add anything further to the written update provided and therefore asked Members to note the report relating to the work of his Committee, as circulated with the agenda.
Resources and Public Realm Committee
Councillor Kelcher advised that in the interest of time he was also not intending to add anything further to the written update provided and therefore asked Members to note the report relating to the work of his Committee, as circulated with the agenda.
The Mayor thanked Councillors Ketan Sheth and Kelcher for the updates provided and it was RESOLVED that the content of their reports be noted.
Following the updates provided, the Mayor advised that whilst it would be usual for the remainder of the time available to be open for questions to the Scrutiny Chairs he was aware, following agreement reached between both Groups prior to the meeting, that no questions were due to be raised during the open session of the meeting. As there were no additional questions, the Mayor advised he would move on to the next item. |
Report from the Vice-Chair of the Audit Advisory Committee PDF 89 KB To receive a report from the Vice-Chair of the Audit Advisory Committee in accordance with Standing Order 37. Additional documents: Decision: NOTED the update report provided by the Vice Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory. Minutes: The Mayor invited Councillor Aslam Choudry, as Vice Chair of the Audit and Standards Advisory Committee, to introduce his report updating Members on the work of the Committee.
Councillor Choudry advised that as with the previous updates from each Scrutiny Chair, he was not intending to add anything further to his written update and therefore asked Members to note the report relating to the work of the Committee, as circulated with the agenda for the meeting.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Choudry for the update provided and it was RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Non Cabinet Members' Debate To enable non Cabinet Members to debate an issue of relevance to Brent, for which notice has been provided in accordance with Standing Order 34 and to receive reports from Cabinet members, where required, on issues previously raised.
Members are asked to note that no item has been submitted for debate at this meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Decision: No subject was identified for debate. Minutes: The Mayor advised that no subject had been identified for debate and therefore moved on to the next item on the agenda. |
Interim Report on Brent's Response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency PDF 149 KB This report provides Council with a progress update on action taken in response to the Declaration of a Climate and Ecological Emergency agreed at the Full Council meeting on 8 July 2019. Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED
(1) To approve the Interim Climate & Ecological Emergency Action Plan (Winter 2019-20), attached as Appendix A to the report.
(2) To approve the development of a borough-wide climate emergency strategy which would be issued for public consultation in the New Year and referred on to Cabinet for adoption in May 2020. Minutes: Councillor Krupa Sheth introduced the report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, which provided an update on progress with the actions taken in response to the Declaration of a Climate and Ecological Emergency made at the Full Council meeting on 8 July 2019.
As part of her opening comments, Councillor Krupa Sheth highlighted what she regarded as the considerable progress made since the Council meeting in July, which she advised she had been proud to lead given its importance to the borough. In terms of specific actions, reference was made to the completion by the Council of an internal corporate review of its sustainability activity and to the commissioning of the Brent Carbon Scenarios 2030 study. This had been undertaken alongside establishment of the Brent Climate Assembly which had been set up as a means of engaging and building consensus within the local community around the actions being developed in response to the climate emergency.
Turning to the report, Councillor Krupa Sheth advised this set out a pathway for the creation of a 10-year Borough wide Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy. Development of the Strategy would be subject to public consultation (including the organisation of a Green Summit) and review by scrutiny prior to adoption by Cabinet. Whilst the corporate review had confirmed that the Council was already delivering best practice in a number of areas, for example, its award winning green Civic Centre; LED street lighting and emission based parking permits it had also identified gaps where it was felt more could be done. In Councillor Krupa Sheth’s view the carbon scenarios study had removed any doubt about the scale of the technological, financial and lifestyle challenges faced. The steps being taken to reduce these risks and tackle climate change would, however, also have the potential to deliver many other positive changes within Brent on significant issues such as cleaner air, greener spaces, warmer homes, healthy travel and a thriving economy. In seeking to deliver a programme of carbon neutral transition, Councillor Krupa Sheth also felt it important to recognise the need for fairness, with the Council committed to providing vulnerable households, people on low incomes and small businesses in Brent with the opportunity to benefit from low carbon and green technologies without suffering financial hardship.
Councillor Krupa Sheth ended by highlighting that the need for immediate action in relation to the climate emergency had also been recognised. As a result the Council had developed an interim Winter 2019/2020 Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan which included a set of shorter term priorities and immediate actions in key thematic areas that Members were being asked to consider and approve at the meeting. As a final comment, Councillor Krupa Sheth took the opportunity to thank all residents, officers and councillors for their support to date and encouraged everyone to get involved as the process moved forward.
As no other members indicated they wanted to speak on the report, the Mayor put the recommendations to the vote by a ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020/21 PDF 408 KB This report seeks approval to formally adopt a new local Council Tax Reduction scheme (known as Council Tax Support) to be effective from 1 April 2020. The report sets out the reasons why a change of scheme is both necessary and desirable along with the design options and features considered in the design of the new scheme. In addition, details are provided on the findings and outcomes of the consultation arrangements for the proposed scheme carried out over a 12-week period between 19 July and 10 October 2019 and includes details of the financial and equalities impacts of the recommended scheme as well as a high level implementation plan. Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED
(1) To approve and authorise the making and implementation of the recommended Council Tax Support Scheme as set out in section 4 and Appendix A of the report, to be effective from 1 April 2020.
(2) To note the outcome of the consultation on proposals to change the Local Council Tax Support scheme, as detailed in Section 6 and Appendices G & H of the report.
(3) To note the findings on equalities and other impacts arising from the proposed Council Tax Support scheme as set out in sections 5 and 10 of the report.
(4) To approve the decision not to offer Transitional Protection to existing claimants who are adversely affected by the change to the new scheme, for the reasons set out in Section 5 of the report
(5) To note alternative scheme options that existed and the reasons for these options being discarded.
(6) To note the draft plan of implementation activities scheduled between December 2019 and March 2020. Minutes: Councillor Southwood introduced the report from the Strategic Director, Customer and Digital Services seeking approval to the adoption of a new local Council Tax Reduction Scheme.
Councillor Southwood began her introduction by highlighting the vital contribution made by Council Tax in funding key local services provided by the Council, including Adult Social Care. At the same time, however, Councillor Southwood advised she was also aware of the burden Council Tax payments placed on some residents, especially those experiencing severe poverty, with had resulted in the Council providing support through its Council Tax Support Scheme. Members were advised that the review of the current scheme had been driven by the recent changes to the welfare system, as the scheme had become more complicated and less sustainable to operate, with the report presenting the outcome of that review and changes being proposed as a result.
Highlighting the key changes, Councillor Southwood felt it was important to assure Members that these would not affect pensioners and had been focussed on supporting working age residents identified as less able to pay and those more vulnerable individuals or households, including carers and those with disabilities. The proposals had been subject to a full public consultation process and developed in conjunction with a cross party Working Group of Members. The revised scheme that had been developed as a result was a banded one and met the objective of being simple and fair. The scheme had also been designed to recognise that some households may include non-dependants with a higher level of earning with the Council looking to work with those households affected, in order to understand the changes being proposed.
In developing the scheme, Councillor Southwood advised that the Administration was aware the proposed changes would not deliver the original level of savings identified as part of the previous budget setting process. This had, however, been a conscious decision in order to ensure that the scheme was able to support and protect the most vulnerable residents. She ended by thanking all those involved in developing the revised scheme including officers within the Council’s Benefits Team for their efforts and support. Particular thanks were expressed to David Oates, as Head of Customer Services Operations, for his lead on the process with Members also taking the opportunity to wish him well for his forthcoming retirement from the Council.
The Mayor then opened the debate inviting other Members to speak on the report.
Councillor McLennan, speaking as Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources, also took the opportunity to thank officers for their efforts on the review. Recognising that the proposed changes would not deliver the same level of savings as originally identified, she felt it was more important that the proposals had resulted in a balanced scheme. She also took the opportunity to pay tribute to David Oates for his support and work undertaken when the scheme was first introduced, and on its subsequent revision.
Councillor Choudhary, speaking as a member of the cross party Working group that ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
Inclusive Growth Strategy 2019-2040 PDF 97 KB This report sets out the Council’s Inclusive Growth Strategy for 2019-2040 for Council to endorse prior to final approval and publication. Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED
(1) To note the Inclusive Growth Strategy 2019-2040.
(2) To note that the Inclusive Growth Strategy research base, strategy documents and video would be presented to Cabinet for approval prior to publishing the strategy documents on the Council’s website, and disseminating the same to key partners and stakeholders. Minutes: Councillor Tatler introduced the report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, which outlined the Council’s Inclusive Growth Strategy for 2019-2040.
In introducing the report, Councillor Tatler highlighted the rapid pace of change in relation to regeneration activity within Brent, with the Council keen to ensure that the associated benefits and opportunities provided were not only shared but the significant challenges were also recognised and understood. As a result, the Council had developed an Inclusive Growth Strategy, which had replaced its previous Regeneration Strategy and sought to build on the objective within the Borough Plan to promote longer term and pre-emptive planning around the challenges and opportunities identified.
Members were advised that work to develop the Strategy had involved input from a range of external partners and Council Departments. The Strategy aimed to underpin the key principles that growth should be inclusive and participative and had been designed to compliment the key objectives within the Motion approved at the last Council meeting relating to community wealth building.
Focussing on the content of the Strategy, Councillor Tatler, highlighted the key areas which included culture, economy, education & skills, environment, heath & wellbeing, investment and infrastructure and longer term approach identified in order to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities for inclusive growth over the next 20 years. In summing up she also took the opportunity to pay tribute to not only those partners involved but also the officers within Regeneration and Environment involved in leading on development of the strategy. Specific reference was made to Aktar Choudhury, whom she advised had returned to visit the Council specifically for consideration of this item.
As no other members indicated they wanted to speak on the report, Councillor Tatler ended by encouraging everyone to view the online video that had been produced to help residents understand the key themes within the Strategy along with the outcomes being sought and commended the report to Council.
The Mayor then put the recommendations to the vote by a show of hands and they were unanimously declared CARRIED.
It was therefore RESOLVED:
(1) To note the Inclusive Growth Strategy 2019-2040.
(2) To note that the Inclusive Growth Strategy research base, strategy documents and video would be presented to Cabinet for approval prior to publishing the strategy documents on the Council’s website, and disseminating the same to key partners and stakeholders. |
Revoking a Byelaw to Enable Cycling In Parks and Open Spaces PDF 151 KB This report details the outcome of the consultation regarding the revocation of byelaw 7ii of the Open Spaces and Pleasure Grounds that prohibits cycling in Brent’s parks and open spaces and as a result seeks formal approval to the byelaw being revoked. Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED
(1) To approve and make the revocation of byelaw 7ii, in the terms set out in Appendix B of the report.
(2) To note the process followed by officers to revoke the byelaw following approval from the General Purposes Committee on 19th March 2019.
(3) To note the outcome of the public consultation conducted from 7 June and 19 July 2019 for revoking byelaw 7 (ii). Minutes: Councillor Tatler introduced the report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment seeking approval, following the outcome of a public consultation process, to the revocation of the byelaw prohibiting cycling in Brent’s parks and open spaces. As part of her opening comments, Councillor Tatler felt that the revocation of the byelaw had been long overdue with the Council committed to providing a safe and accessible cycling infrastructure across the Borough that would not only be properly regulated but would also help to promote physical activity and encourage alternative modes of transport. The report had detailed the outcome of the public consultation undertaken in relation to the proposed revocation along with a survey of all parks and open spaces, and outline of the safety measures that would be introduced, including signage and markings. In concluding her opening comments, Councillor Tatler also felt it was important, by way of reassurance, to confirm that the Council would still be able to use its enforcement powers in order to tackle issues involving general nuisance and inconsiderate behaviour by cyclists and on this basis commended the report to Council.
The Mayor then opened the debate inviting other Members to speak on the report.
Whilst highlighting his support for the proposal, Councillor Kelcher sought an assurance on the retention of measures introduced to tackle problems being caused by motorised scooters in a number of parks, including King Edwards and Roundwood, as a result of any infrastructure works required to support the revocation. Whilst seeking to encourage cycling, these measures had included the installation of gates to prevent access by scooters, which he was keen to ensure were retained. As an additional issue relating to the use of parks and open spaces, he also he also queried whether, alongside revocation of the cycling byelaw, it would be possible to consider overturning the current ban on BBQs.
Councillor Nerva highlighted the logical and innovative nature of the proposal, which he pointed out had been appreciated by cyclists throughout Brent and represented a practical example of how the Council was geninuely seeking to promote cycling as an alternative form of transport and to encourage healthier lifestyles. Following on from the comments made by Councillor Kelcher he also took the opportunity to express his support for the provision of designated space to allow BBQs (on a limited basis) within the boroughs parks and open spaces.
Councillor Maurice, speaking on behalf of the Conservative Group, advised that they also supported the proposed revocation acknowledging the contribution of the associated environmental impacts in relation to cleaner air. Concerns were, however, raised in relation to the enforcement action it would be possible to take in terms of addressing any associated anti-social behaviour or safety issues around aggressive or unsociable cyclists given the shared space and need to avoid harm to other pedestrian park users.
Following on from the issues highlighted by Councillor Maurice, Councillor Colwill also felt there was a need to seek details on the costs associated with any enforcement of ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
Draft Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 97 KB This report seeks approval to formally adopt the Statement of Licensing Policy and proposed Cumulative Impact Zones within Brent. Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED
(1) To approve the Statement of Licensing Policy as detailed within Appendix A of the report and Cumulative Impact Zones as detailed within Appendix B of the report.
(2) To note that the Cumulative Impact zones proposed would need to be reviewed within 3 years. Minutes: Councillor Miller introduced the report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment seeking approval to adoption of the Statement of Licensing Policy and accompanying Cumulative Impact Zones proposed within Brent. He began by thanking the Licensing Team for their work in developing the Policy and the members of the public and other stakeholders who had responded to the consultation. Highlighting the power of local democracy as a means of improving people’s quality of life, increasing local community control and social harmony he felt the proposals contained in the Policy were innovative. They would, he pointed out, provide the Licensing Committee with the powers needed to ensure the boroughs high streets were able to continue providing a diverse offer in terms of regulating off-licence provision and would also have a positive impact in terms of public health and in addressing alcohol related anti-social behaviour. Subject to the policy being approved, Members were advised that Brent would become one of the first Local Authorities to adopt a series of Cumulative Impact Zones designed to prevent the growth of off-licenses and encourage applicants to include a voluntary condition relating to minimum pricing for the sale of alcohol in areas where street drinking and alcohol related crime already existed. This could also be used to address issues in relation to the sale of alcohol to underage customers and help shape the market in terms of alcohol sales by encouraging more responsible off-licence holders. The policy had also been designed to favour a more diverse provision from off-license premises and support the provision and development of a more varied night time economy aimed at enhancing leisure and entertainment facilities, subject to the appropriate safeguards and in support of the Mayor for London’s and Council’s efforts to support the high street and Brent as the 2020 Borough of Culture.
In concluding his opening statement, Councillor Miller highlighted the extent to which the proposals had been welcomed by residents, through the extensive public consultation process and would rebalance power in support of local communities and compliant businesses and bring about practical and real change. On this basis, he commended the Policy and accompanying Cumulative Impact Zones to Members for approval.
The Mayor then opened the debate inviting other Members to speak on the report.
Highlighting his role as a member of the Licensing Committee, Councillor Maurice outlined how the Committee sought to act in as fair and robust a way as possible when exercising their licensing functions. This would involve taking the necessary action to revoke or suspend licenses where applicants had clearly not complied with their licensing requirements or conditions imposed. Concern was, however, expressed regarding the impact and enforcement of the Public Space Protection Orders in place across a number of areas within the borough, designed to tackle street drinking, particularly within the Queensbury and Preston Road areas. Given the problems caused, Councillor Maurice advised that he would like to see more robust enforcement activity in relation to these areas.
Councillor Kennelly also spoke in ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Motions Members are sked to note that no motions have been submitted for debate at this meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Decision: No motions were submitted for consideration at the meeting. Minutes: The Mayor advised that following an agreement reached between both Groups, no motions had been submitted for debate at the meeting. |
Urgent Business At the discretion of the Mayor to consider any urgent business, in accordance with Standing Order 30(s). Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: The Mayor advised Members there were no urgent items of business for consideration. Before closing the meeting he took the opportunity to wish all those celebrating a Happy Hannukah and, given it was the final Full Council meeting before the Christmas holiday period, to wish all Members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The meeting was declared closed at 7:08pm. |