Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boardrooms 4, 5 & 6 - 3rd Floor, Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ
Contact: Adam Woods, Governance Officer Tel: 0208 937 4737; Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: The Committee received apologies for absence from Councillors Mitchell (Vice-Chair) and Hack. It was noted that Councillor Dixon was attending as a substitute member in place of Councillor Mitchell.
Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
· Councillor Johnson declared a personal interest as a member of the Brent Pension Scheme given his status as an ex-council employee. and in his current capacity as Vice-Chair of Governors at Chalkhill Primary School, with the school also members of the Pension Scheme.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 February 2023 as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 February 2023 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: In referencing the Investment Strategy Review - page two, bullet point three of the minutes of the previous meeting, the Committee queried whether cash flow analysis had been undertaken by Hymans Robertson. In response, the Committee were advised that cash flow analysis was regularly completed by Council officers and recent analysis showed that the Fund would continue to be cashflow positive despite a reduction in contributions. However, it was reiterated that additional cash flow analysis could be arranged if the Committee deemed it necessary.
Deputations (if any) Minutes: No deputations were received. |
Investment Monitoring Report - Q1 2023 To receive the Brent Pension Fund Q1 2023 Investment Monitoring Report. Minutes: James Glasgow (Senior Investment Analyst, Hymans Robertson LLP) presented the report, which outlined the performance of the Brent Pension Fund over the first quarter of 2023.
Regarding the overall performance of the Fund, the Committee heard that the Fund had posted positive returns over the quarter, ending the period with a valuation of £1,116.4m, up from £1,072.1m at the end of Q4 2022. Comparing the Fund’s performance against the benchmark, the Fund had underperformed by 0.6%, returning 2.7% vs the target of 3.3%. Nevertheless, when focussing on performance over the last three years, the Fund had overperformed the benchmark by 1.4% which was said to be encouraging. The Fund’s strongest asset was global equities, which returned 3.1% over the quarter, and a fall in yields over the quarter saw positive returns from the UK government bond market.
In discussing the Fund’s asset allocations, the Committee noted that, following the agreement of the investment strategy review at the 20 February 2023 meeting, allocation rebalancing was underway to move closer to the long-term allocation target of 50% Growth, 35% Income/Diversifiers, and 15% Protection. Currently, the Fund was broadly in line with the interim target allocations for growth assets, overweight to income assets and underweight to protection assets.
Concerning manager performance, the majority of assets performed well, with the standout performer being the LGIM Global Equity fund, returning 4.9% over the quarter and matching the benchmark. Global equities fared better than UK equities due to the UK’s higher weighting to cyclical sectors such as financials, industrials, energy and basic materials, which underperformed over the period. Capital Dynamics’ private equity mandate was the most significant underperformer over the quarter, returning -4.8% against a benchmark of 5.2%. However, the Committee were informed that private equity valuations tended to lag those of listed markets. Similarly, although mostly concerned with their longer-term performance, infrastructure funds had underperformed relative to their benchmarks, but once again these valuations also tended to lag the market. Despite the economic volatility of the last 12 months, due to the diversification of the Fund’s assets the total return for the Fund was only down 2.6%.
In focussing on each mandate’s contribution to the Fund’s absolute performance over the quarter according to their allocation, the largest contributor to performance over the period was LGIM’s Global Equity fund, given its positive performance and its sizeable allocation of circa 44%. In spite of the large negative returns posted by the Capital Dynamics Infrastructure and Fidelity UK Real Estate funds, these mandates had allocations of circa 2% and circa 1% respectively of the total Fund, hence did not detract materially from the Fund’s overall performance. Furthermore, the LCIV Ruffer Multi-Asset fund’s underperformance was offset by the LCIV Ballie Gifford Multi-Asset fund, due to their contrasting investment approaches.
Regarding the individual fund manager ratings, the Committee were advised that there were no concerns with the majority of managers. Nevertheless, the LCIV Baillie Gifford Multi Asset fund was downgraded from ‘preferred’ to ‘positive’. It was noted that the key ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Investment Strategy Update This report provides the Committee with an update on the steps taken to transition to the investment strategy agreed at the 20 February 2023 meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Sawan Shah (Head of Pensions, Brent Council) introduced a report that updated the Committee on the steps taken to transition to the investment strategy agreed at the 20 February 2023 meeting. The Committee were informed that the long-term target allocation was expected to provide increased returns at a lower risk level compared to the current strategy. However, it was explained that transitioning to the targets agreed in February would be fluid in practice and depended on numerous factors including market conditions, availability of suitable investment options and the attractiveness of investment opportunities in the relevant asset classes.
The Committee noted that the Fund was currently circa 9% overweight in equities relative to the long-term target allocation (actual circa 59% vs target 50%), although 2% of this overweight position would naturally be corrected as the private equity mandate wound down over the next few years. Moreover, the February 2023 investment strategy review recommended that the remaining circa 6.5% was sold from the LGIM global equity mandate and re-invested in the existing multi-asset credit and gilts holdings to increase these towards their target allocations. Approximately 1.2% of this would be reinvested in the existing London CIV MAC Fund, and approximately 5.3% would be reinvested in gilts through the existing BlackRock passive mandate. The Committee noted that investing in bonds was more attractive now than it had been for many years, due to increased bond yields arising from increased interest rates.
Following the conclusion of the update, the Chair welcomed questions from the Committee. Questions and responses are summarised below:
As no further issues were raised, the Committee welcomed the update provided and RESOLVED to:
(1) Note the report.
(2) Agree to rebalance the equities portfolio by reducing the allocation to global equities and re-investing the proceeds into Multi-asset credit and Gilts moving towards the target allocation of 5% and 10% respectively as agreed during the investment strategy review in February 2023, in line with Brent’s long term asset allocation strategy. |
Draft Pension Fund Year End Accounts 2022/23 This report presents to the Committee the draft Pension Fund Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: Sawan Shah (Head of Pensions, Brent Council) presented the report, which summarised all transactions made by the Fund and the value of assets during 2022/23. The Committee were informed that during 2022/23, the value of the Pension Fund’s investments decreased to £1,116m from £1,128m. This was largely due to the poor performance of pooled funds holdings (unit trusts, diversified growth funds) over the 12 month period. Despite the poor performance over the previous 12 months, over the last 3 years the Fund had posted positive returns.
In discussing contributions, benefits and cash flow, it was detailed that total contributions received from employers and employees was £68m, an increase on the previous year in which £64m was contributed. Total benefits paid had also increased compared to the previous year, with £48m paid in comparison to £47m in 2021/22. Overall, the Fund was in a positive cash-flow position because its contributions exceeded its outgoings to members.
The Committee noted that, as the Brent Pension Fund was administered by Brent Council and the Fund’s accounts formed part of the Council’s financial statements, formal approval of the Pension Fund accounts rested with the Council’s Audit and Standards Committee. The accounts presented to the Committee would be formally published with the Council’s accounts, which was expected to be by 30 June 2023. Furthermore, the Committee were informed that the Council had not received a final external audit plan for the 2022/23 accounts, which was expected to be received in July. Although a final audit plan had not been received, the Council had been advised that the Pension Fund accounts would be subject to a hot review, with the purpose of identifying any key issues which needed to be addressed before final completion.
In considering the report and update provided, the following discussion took place:
Local Authority Pension Fund Forum Engagement Update This report updates the Committee on engagement activity undertaken by LAPFF (the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum) on behalf of the Fund. Additional documents: Minutes: George Patsalides (Finance Analyst, Brent Council) presented a report that updated the Committee on engagement activity undertaken by the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) on behalf of the Fund during Q1 2023. It was explained that the commitment with LAPFF demonstrated the Fund’s commitment to Responsible Investment (RI) and recognition that engagement was a way to achieve RI objectives.
In summarising LAPFF’s engagement activity, the Committee noted the following:
Following the update, the Chair invited members to raise any questions or concerns, with contributions and replies summarised below:
Minutes of Pension Board To note the minutes of the Pension Board meeting held on 22 March 2023. Minutes: The Sub-Committee welcomed Mr David Ewart (Independent Chair - Pension Board) to the meeting to give an overview of the Pension Board’s last meeting. Members were updated that the role of the Pension Board was to assist the Sub Committee in the efficient management of the Fund and in monitoring administration service quality for scheme members. The Board’s membership comprised of representation from both Scheme Members and Employers in addition to Brent Council.
Regarding the March meeting, Mr Ewart explained that the majority of the meeting concerned the Pensions Administration Update, in which the Board considered the Pension Administration Performance Report. It was noted that the Local Pensions Partnership (LPP) had migrated to a new pensions administration system called Universal Pension Management (UPM), which had negatively impacted performance. However, mitigations were in place and performance was expected to improve in the future. Mr Ewart reassured the Committee that the matter would be revisited at the next Pension Board meeting. In addition to reviewing the performance of LPP, the Board received an update on recent developments in the Local Government Pension Scheme and reviewed the Risk Register.
The Chair thanked Mr Ewart for the update provided and with no further issues raised, it was RESOLVED to note the minutes from the Pension Board held on 22 March 2023.
Dates of Future Meetings To note the dates of the Pension Fund Sub Committee meetings for the municipal year 2023/24:
· Wednesday 4 October 2023 · Wednesday 21 February 2024 Minutes: The Committee noted the dates of the Brent Pension Fund Sub-Committee meetings for the 2023/24 municipal year as follows:
Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider the exclusion of the press and public from the remainder of the meeting as the remaining report to be considered contains the following category of exempt information as specified in Paragraph 3, Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, namely:
“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)" Minutes: At this stage in the meeting the Chair advised that the Sub Committee needed to move into closed session to consider the final item on the agenda and it was therefore RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the remainder of the meeting as the report and appendices to be considered contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Paragraph 3, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Access to Information Act 1972, namely:
“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information).”
Having passed the above resolution, the meeting moved into private session.
London CIV Update This report updates the Committee on recent developments regarding Brent Pension Fund investments held within the London CIV (LCIV).
Minutes: Sawan Shah (Head of Pensions, Brent Council) introduced the report, which updated the Committee on recent developments regarding Brent Pension Fund investments held within the London CIV. Two updates in particular were highlighted to the Committee. The first concerned fee savings and the second concerned the UK Housing Fund, which the Committee had considered at the February 2023 meeting.
As no further concerns were raised, the Committee RESOLVED to note the report.
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Head of Executive and Member Services or their representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 60. Minutes: None. |