Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Rooms 1, 2 and 3, Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, HA9 9HD. View directions
Contact: Anne Reid, Principal Democratic Services Officer 020 8937 1359, Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: None made. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 December 2010 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Adult and Social Care assessment This report advises members on the Annual Performance Assessment (APA) judgement for Adult Social Care for 2009/10, published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Additional documents: Decision: That the overall annual performance assessment and in particular the strengths and areas for further improvement identified in the performance assessment report be noted. Minutes: The report from the Director of Housing and Community Care advised members on the Annual Performance Assessment (APA) judgement for Adult Social Care for 2009/10, published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Councillor R Moher (Lead Member, Adults, Health and Social Care) drew attention to the CQC’s judgement that the council was making progress in all areas. She confirmed that work was under way in those areas identified as requiring further improvement and that this would continue. Councillor Moher referred to proposed changes to the system of performance regulation and management, which meant that was the last year of the current system and the last report in this form. The changes would mean significantly more responsibility for local authorities.
that the overall annual performance assessment and in particular the strengths and areas for further improvement identified in the performance assessment report be noted. |
This report requests authority to appoint two providers to a framework for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management for people with mental health illness as required by Contracts Standing Orders. This report summarises the process undertaken in tendering these framework appointments and following the completion of evaluation of the tenders, recommends to whom the contracts should be awarded. Additional documents:
Decision: (i) that approval be given to the appointment of two provider organisations, Equinox Care and Look Ahead Housing and Care, to a framework for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management. The length of the contract will be for a period of three years commencing in January 2011 with an option to extend the framework for a further two-year period;
(ii) that approval be given to award a call-off contract from the framework referred to in paragraph (i) to Equinox Care for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management for up to 25 adults with high and medium mental health needs over three years with an option to extend the framework for a further two-year period;
(iii) that approval be given to award a call-off contract from the framework referred to in paragraph (i) to Look Ahead Housing and Care for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management for up to 25 adults with high and medium mental health needs over three years with an option to extend the framework for a further two-year period. Minutes: The Lead Member, Housing and Customer Care, Councillor Thomas, introduced the report which sought authority to appoint two providers to a framework for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management for people with mental health illness as required by Contracts Standing Orders. Councillor Thomas pointed out that in consultation individuals using mental health services locally had indicated the importance of housing, support, not being isolated and being able to do “normal activities” as other people do. Two providers were recommended for approval. It was also proposed to bring back 50 individuals currently placed in out of borough social care settings. The framework was for a period of three years commencing in January 2011 with an option to extend the contracts for a further two-year period.
(i) that approval be given to the appointment of two provider organisations, Equinox Care and Look Ahead Housing and Care, to a framework for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management. The length of the contract would be for a period of three years commencing in January 2011 with an option to extend the framework for a further two-year period;
(ii) that approval be given to award a call-off contract from the framework referred to in paragraph (i) above to Equinox Care for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management for up to 25 adults with high and medium mental health needs over three years with an option to extend the framework for a further two-year period;
(iii) that approval be given to award a call-off contract from the framework referred to in paragraph (i) above to Look Ahead Housing and Care for the provision of accommodation with social care support services, housing support and housing management for up to 25 adults with high and medium mental health needs over three years with an option to extend the framework for a further two-year period. |
De-commissioning of the Mental Health Community Networks Day Care Service To reflect the shift towards independence and personalisation within Adult Social Care a review of all services is being undertaken to ensure services are appropriate and sustainable. Given the changing environment and the need for efficiency savings by the Council across Mental Health and the wider organisation a plan to decommission the Community Networks Day Care Service has been proposed. Community Networks provides Day Care to approximately 175 mental health clients in the Brent Borough. Decision: (i) that approval be given to the proposal that the Community Networks Day Care Service be decommissioned and that two in house Support Worker posts be created. These posts will work in Community Services and will develop knowledge of the private and voluntary sector resources available within Brent to which service users requiring day activities can be signposted;
(ii) that approval be given to a 12 week consultation period, with a further report to be submitted to the Executive in March 2011. Minutes: Councillor R Moher (Lead Member, Adults, Health and Social Care) introduced the report which recommended that the Community Networks Day Care Service be decommissioned. Community Networks provided day care to approximately 175 mental health clients in the borough and the proposal was to create in-house support worker posts who would direct service users to appropriate day activities either with the Community Networks Day Care Service or the voluntary sector. There would be a period of consultation. Councillor Moher referred to the associated risks and benefits and added that while this change was reflective of the shift towards independence and personalisation within Adult Social Care, it may not have been considered at this time were it not for the need for the council to make financial savings.
(i) that approval be given to the proposal that the Community Networks Day Care Service be decommissioned and that two in-house support worker posts be created to work in Community Services and develop knowledge of the private and voluntary sector resources available within Brent to which service users requiring day activities could be signposted;
(ii) that approval be given to a 12 week consultation period, with a further report to be submitted to the Executive in March 2011. |
Arts and Festivals Strategy This report outlines the proposals of the draft Arts and Festivals Strategy for Brent Council. The strategy examines the current Brent offer and proposes changes that deliver savings and a more effective and efficient service. This report recommends a public consultation on the strategy for Arts and Festivals in Brent. Additional documents: Decision: (i) that the proposals of the Draft Arts and Festivals Strategy at paragraph 5.3. of the report from the Directors of Environment and Neighbourhoods and Customer and Community Engagement be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to a public consultation on the proposals as set out in Option1 in the report;
(iii) that a further report be submitted to the Executive in June 2011, setting out the consultation results and final recommendations on the future arts and festivals in Brent. Minutes: The report from the Directors of Environment and Neighbourhood Services and Customer and Community Engagement outlined proposals for the draft Arts and Festivals Strategy for Brent Council. The strategy examined the current Brent offer and proposed changes that delivered savings and a more effective and efficient service. Councillor Jones (Lead Member, Human Resources and Diversity, Local Democracy and Consultation) felt that the strategy was long overdue and drew attention to the recommendation for public consultation. Comparisons would also be made with provision in other boroughs. It was felt that the time was now appropriate for a review of current arrangements in the light of demographic changes that have taken place over the years.
Councillor Jones also stated that there was the potential for income to fund projects to be generated through donations. She outlined the options put forward for future festivals provision. Option 1 involved ceasing all funding for the Navratri celebrations and all festivals apart from a Brent Festival, Holocaust Memorial Day and Bonfire Night and Diwali which would have reduced funding. Option 2 was to cease all festivals and to disband the Festival Team. Councillor Jones advised that the equalities impact assessment would need to be thorough. Councillor Powney (Lead Member, Environment Planning and Culture) referred to the climate of budget cuts within which the council had to operate. The Option 1 for arts provision involved the development of a sponsorship plan to increase capacity while Option 2 put forward the addition of reducing funding to the Tricycle Theatre. Councillor Powney drew attention to the proposals for a refocus of arts/cultural activity around the new civic centre and a redeveloped Willesden Green Library.
(i) that the proposals of the Draft Arts and Festivals Strategy at paragraph 5.3. of the report from the Directors of Environment and Neighbourhood Services and Customer and Community Engagement be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to a public consultation on the proposals as set out in Option 1 in the report;
(iii) that a further report be submitted to the Executive in June 2011, setting out the consultation results and final recommendations on future arts and festivals in Brent. |
Former park keepers' houses at 776 and 778 Harrow Road - disposal in open market This report seeks to vary the decision of the Executive on 14 September 2010 so that approval is given for the disposal, in the open market, of the former park-keepers houses at 776 and 778 Harrow Road, located within the Barham Park open space. These buildings and the parkland surrounding are held by the Council as Trustee of the Barham Park Estate Trust. Decision: (i) that the following be noted:
· the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources
· the decision dated 14 September 2010 to dispose of the properties in the open market at auction, i) subject to the appropriate Charity Commission approval and ii) statutory advertising of a disposal of land within public open space and in the event of significant objections in the opinion of the Head of Property and Asset Management the matter is to be reported back to the Executive; . (ii) that approval be given to vary the decision to dispose of the properties in the open market at auction subject to the appropriate Charity Commission approval, such that approval now be given to dispose of the properties subject to the final advice of the District Valuer in accordance with the Charities Act 1993 without recourse to the Charity Commission for its prior consent pursuant to consideration of the charity trust issues and decision of the Barham Park Trust Management Team. Minutes: Councillor Crane (Lead Member, Regeneration and Economic Development) introduced the report which sought to vary the decision of the Executive on 14 September 2010 so that approval was given for the disposal, in the open market, of the former park-keepers houses at 776 and 778 Harrow Road, located within the Barham Park open space. He advised that following discussion with the Charity Commission it was now considered that the council, as trustee, could dispose of these assets without prior Charity Commission approval. The properties could now be disposed of at auction based on advice from the District Valuer. Options for additional funding were being explored.
(i) that the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Services be noted;
(ii) the decision dated 14 September 2010 to dispose of the properties in the open market at auction, i) subject to the appropriate Charity Commission approval and ii) statutory advertising of a disposal of land within public open space and in the event of significant objections in the opinion of the Head of Property and Asset Management the matter is to be reported back to the Executive, be noted; . (iii) that approval be given to vary the decision to dispose of the properties in the open market at auction subject to the appropriate Charity Commission approval, such that approval now be given to dispose of the properties subject to the final advice of the District Valuer in accordance with the Charities Act 1993 without recourse to the Charity Commission for its prior consent pursuant to consideration of the charity trust issues and decision of the Barham Park Trust Management Team. |
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Democratic Services Manager or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64. Minutes: None. |
Reference of item considered by Call in Overview and Scrutiny Committee None Minutes: None. |
Exclusion of Press and Public The following item(s) is/are not for publication as it/they relate to the following category of exempt information as specified in the Local Government Act 1972 namely:
information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information. Minutes: RESOLVED:
that the press and public be now excluded from the meeting as the following report contains the following category of exempt information as specified in the Local Government Act 1972 namely:
“information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).”
113 Bryan Avenue – former social services stores
This report seeks Executive approval to the freehold disposal of the surplus and vacant former Bryan Avenue storage building at auction so as to achieve the best price that can be reasonably obtained. Decision: (i) that it be noted that the original preferred purchaser is not proceeding, due to financial constraints, with an acquisition of the site (and a small area of adjoining land) for the purpose of a social housing redevelopment scheme in partnership with the Council on terms set out in the report from the Director of Finance and Corporate Services presented to and approved by members on 18 January 2010;
(ii) that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to dispose of the freehold of the property with vacant possession at auction on such terms as the Assistant Director Regeneration and Major Projects (Property and Asset Management) considers to be in the council’s best interests so as to achieve the best price that can be reasonably obtained subject to agreeing a reserve for auction with the Director of Finance and Corporate Services. Minutes: The report before members from the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects sought approval to the freehold disposal of the surplus and vacant former Bryan Avenue storage building at auction so as to achieve the best price that could be reasonably obtained.
(i) that it be noted that the original preferred purchaser is not proceeding, due to financial constraints, with an acquisition of the site (and a small area of adjoining land) for the purpose of a social housing redevelopment scheme in partnership with the Council on terms set out in the report from the Director of Finance and Corporate Services presented to and approved by members on 18 January 2010;
(ii) that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to dispose of the freehold of the property with vacant possession at auction on such terms as the Assistant Director Regeneration and Major Projects (Property and Asset Management) considers to be in the council’s best interests so as to achieve the best price that can be reasonably obtained subject to agreeing a reserve for auction with the Director of Finance and Corporate Services. |