Agenda and decisions
Venue: Conference Hall - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ
Contact: James Kinsella, Governance Manager Email:; 020 8937 2063
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and clarification of Alternative Members Additional documents: Decision: None. |
Declarations of interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Additional documents: Decision: · Councillor Kelcher declared a personal interest in relation to item 4 of the agenda as a resident of the Wembley Event Zone and as he had attended hospitality events at the Stadium in the past. · Councillor S. Butt declared a personal interest in relation to item 4 of the agenda as a resident of the Wembley Event Zone. · Councillor Akram declared a personal interest in relation to item 4 of the agenda as a resident of the Wembley Event Zone and a recipient of complimentary tickets from a Residents Association. · Councillor Begum declared a personal interest in relation to item 4 of the agenda as a resident of the Wembley Event Zone and a recipient of tickets. · Councillor Johnson declared a personal interest in relation to item 4 of the agenda as a resident of the Wembley Event Zone and ward councillor for Barnhill Ward which received tickets for residents in the area.
All councillors who had declared an interest in item 4 had not sought to take any position on the application and therefore felt able to consider the application impartially and without any form of pretermination. No other interests were declared at the meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 282 KB To consider and approve the minutes from the meeting held on Wednesday 10 July 2024 as a correct record. Additional documents: Decision: The minutes of the previous meeting will be deferred to the following meeting. |
24/1329 - Wembley National Stadium, Olympic Way, Wembley, HA9 0WS PDF 477 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Granted planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report plus the following additional or revised conditions or obligations: • That the transport study that is to be secured through the Section 106 legal agreement shall include a review of the management of traffic associated with at Oakington Manor School. • That the Stadium shall undertake a full review of the ticket allocation scheme to ensure it is the fairest assessment possible, and that shall be submitted to and approved by the Council. In undertaking the review, relevant groups should be engaged with in terms of the operation and implementation of any new scheme.
The Planning Committee also made a strong recommendation for the Stadium to host a further meeting with ward councillors to discuss concerns and for the issue to be referred to the Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny Committee to consider reviewing the impact of event days on the borough. |
Additional documents: Decision: Granted planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement and the conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report. |
23/3647 - Willesden Sports Centre, Donnington Road, London, NW10 3QX PDF 463 KB Additional documents: Decision: Granted planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report. |
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Deputy Director Democratic Services or their representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 60. Additional documents: Decision: None. |