Agenda and minutes
Venue: Conference Hall - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ (pre-meeting in 3M 003 3rd floor)
Contact: Nikoleta Nikolova, Governance Officer Email:; 020 8937 1587
No. | Item |
Declarations of interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Additional documents: Minutes: None.
Approaches. The following approach was reported: 18/3317. Garages rear of 1-4 Keats Court, Byron Road, Wembley. Councillor Johnson was approached by a local resident and the developer. |
Minutes of the previous meeting - 10 October 2018 PDF 88 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 October 2018 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
18/3317 Garages rear of 1-4 Keats Court, Byron Road PDF 323 KB Additional documents: Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of a terrace of 3x two storey one bedroom dwelling houses with associated car parking, cycle and refuse stores, landscaping and outdoor amenity space
RECOMMENDATION: That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives to secure the matters set out within the report.
That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to make changes to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions, informatives, planning obligations or reasons for the decision) prior to the decision being actioned, provided that the Head of Planning is satisfied that any such changes could not reasonably be regarded as deviating from the overall principle of the decision reached by the committee nor that such change(s) could reasonably have led to a different decision having been reached by the Committee.
That the Committee confirms that adequate provision has been made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees as required by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Mr Toby Huntingford (Principal Planning officer) introduced the report and answered Members’ questions. In referencing the supplementary report, Mr Huntingford informed members that 3 out of 13 local properties had withdrawn their objection to the application. He also discussed a late objection, received after the publication of the supplementary report which related to the space within which the proposed houses are to be located. He continued that since the publication of the report, the agent had submitted a revised first floor plan as set out in the supplementary which had been updated within condition 2, to ensure consistency.
DECISION: Granted planning permission as recommended with a minor amendment to condition 2. (Voting on the recommendation was unanimous). |
18/0696 Access to 78A Harlesden Road & Yard rear of 1A, Parkfield Road, London, NW10 PDF 753 KB Additional documents: Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of new block to provide 2 self-contained flats (2 x 1 bed) with refuse and cycle store
RECOMMENDATION: That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives to secure the matters set out within the report.
That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to make changes to the wording of the committees decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions, informatives or reasons for the decision) prior to the decision being actioned, provided that the Head of Planning is satisfied that any such changes could not reasonably be regarded as deviating from the overall principle of the decision reached by the committee nor that such change(s) could reasonably have led to a different decision having been reached by the Committee.
Mr Damian Manhertz (Area Planning Team Manager) introduced the report and answered Members’ questions. Members were informed that in order to address local concerns about overlooking and loss of privacy, the primary windows of the proposed flats would face the front and rear with a number of windows located to the side elevation only and the flank wall windows obscure glazed. He also advised that an appropriate condition for the development to be car free had been secured.
Mr Ashar Ahmed (objector) raised a number of issues including that having suffered subsidence on two occasions, the foundations of his property had been weakened to the extent that further building work and access of large vehicles to the site would further worsen the structure of his property. He continued that the use of the site as a shared area and a fire exit had been acknowledged by the previous owner and for additional security, he had installed a gate. Mr Ahmed added that the proposed development would create a terracing effect to his semi-detached house, resulting in devaluation of his property. In response to members’ questions, Mr Ahmed stated that the site of the proposed development was not in his ownership and that he had the gate installed some 20 years ago.
Mr Ian Coward (applicant’s agent) stated that the site which was redundant was not a right of way but rather was in the ownership of the applicant. He informed the Committee that the proposal would provide adequate standard of accommodation without detrimental impact on adjoining neighbours. He added that matters relating to structure and damage were covered by other codes, including the Party Wall Act.. In response to Members’ questions, Mr Coward stated that the proposal had been designed to ensure that overlooking and loss of privacy would not result.
In the ensuing Members’ discussion, a motion was put forward by Councillor Maurice to defer the application in order to ascertain the issue of right of way. Mr Manhertz advised that the issue of right of way should not impact on the Committee’s decision as the planning permission, if granted, would not over-ride a right of way if one does exist.
DECISION: Granted planning ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
18/1217 78A Harlesden Road & Yard rear of 1A, Parkfield Road, London, NW10 PDF 762 KB Additional documents: Minutes: PROPOSAL: Demolition of all buildings on site and erection of a two storey building comprising of 3 dwelling houses and 2 self-contained flats, provision for cycle and refuse storage, one disabled parking bay, shared amenity space and associated landscaping.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives to secure the matters set out within the Committee report.
That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to make changes to the wording of the committees decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions, informatives, planning obligations or reasons for the decision) prior to the decision being actioned, provided that the Head of Planning is satisfied that any such changes could not reasonably be regarded as deviating from the overall principle of the decision reached by the Committee nor that such change(s) could reasonably have led to a different decision having been reached by the Committee.
That the Committee confirms that adequate provision has been made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees as required by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Mr Damian Manhertz (Area Planning Team Manager) introduced the report and answered Members’ questions. He continued that the development would be parking permit restricted with a condition preventing future occupiers from obtaining permits for parking within the CPZ which covered the area. He added that the relationship of the proposed development to surrounding properties had been carefully assessed in terms of impacts on light, outlook, overlooking and privacy. Members were advised that reasonable use of the site would not give rise to undue levels of noise pollution, given the existing use of the site. He recommended an additional condition relating to lighting in the alleyway, at a Member’s suggestion.
DECISION: Granted planning permission as recommended with an additional informative for lighting in the alleyway. (Voting on the recommendation was for approval was unanimous) |
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Head of Executive and Member Services or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 60.
Additional documents: Minutes: None. |