Issue - meetings
Introduction of a charge based regulatory advice service for businesses under the Primary Authority Scheme
Meeting: 17/06/2013 - Executive (Item 6)
This report seeks Executive approval for the introduction of a Primary Authority Partnership (PAP) scheme in the London Borough of Brent (LBB) and for the introduction of a charging system to increase the availability of advice and support to businesses, and especially Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), with provision of up to seven hours free advice and guidance on regulatory matters.
(i) that approval be given to the adoption of the Primary Authority Partnership scheme under the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 (RESA);
(that authority be delegated to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services to enter into Primary Authority agreements with businesses and to request nomination of partnerships to the Better Regulation Delivery Office under the provisions of Section 25 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008;
(iii) that the Council adopt a system of providing up to seven hours’ regulatory advice for all businesses free of charge, and the introduction of a charge based scheme on a cost recovery basis for those that require more than seven hours’ of advice as detailed in the report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services;
(iv) that the Council adopt the proposed hourly charging rates of £51.54 (Annual Contract) and £64.43 (Pay As you Go contract) and, thereafter, to increase these rates on an annual basis on 1st April each year by the annual change in the Retail Price Index (RPI) for January of the year concerned.
The report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services sought approval for the introduction of a Primary Authority Partnership (PAP) scheme in the London Borough of Brent and for the introduction of a charging system to increase the availability of advice and support to businesses, and especially Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), with provision of up to seven hours free advice and guidance on regulatory matters. It was thought that the proposals would reduce and simplify the regulatory burden on businesses entering into PAPs by ensuring that they can have confidence in applying the advice they have been given nationwide with consistency of approach between different local enforcement agencies.
Councillor Mashari (Lead Member, Environment and Neighbourhoods) welcomed the proposals to offer SMEs free advice and for improved consistency on regulatory matters. The charges were to cover administrative costs and were considered to be relatively low. Councillor Butt (Chair, Leader of the Council) echoed the value of small businesses being able to get advice at an early stage of their venture.
(i) that approval be given to the adoption of the Primary Authority Partnership scheme under the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 (RESA);
(ii) that authority be delegated to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services to enter into Primary Authority agreements with businesses and to request nomination of partnerships to the Better Regulation Delivery Office under the provisions of Section 25 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008;
(iii) that the council adopt a system of providing up to seven hours’ regulatory advice for all businesses free of charge, and the introduction of a charge based scheme on a cost recovery basis for those that require more than seven hours’ of advice as detailed in the report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services;
(iv) that the council adopt the proposed hourly charging rates of £51.54 (Annual Contract) and £64.43 (Pay As you Go contract) and, thereafter, to increase these rates on an annual basis on 1 April each year by the annual change in the Retail Price Index (RPI) for January of the year concerned.