Issue - meetings
Tackling Diabetes in Brent task group report
Meeting: 22/04/2013 - Executive (Item 14)
14 Tackling Diabetes in Brent task group report PDF 77 KB
This report bring to the Executive the work, findings and recommendations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s task group investigation into Tackling Diabetes in Brent. This task group was set up to look into the impact of diabetes in Brent. Recent statistics on the disease indicated that there is an increasing impact of this disease on the people of Brent and on the NHS to treat it. The group focussed their findings around what is being done in terms of education and prevention.
Additional documents:
(i) that agreement be given to the task group’s recommendations being considered in the allocation of the Public Health budget and the work programme of the Healthy Lifestyles Team;
(ii) that members of the task group be thanked for their work.
Councillor Colwill (Task Group Chair) introduced the report which brought to the Executive the work, findings and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s task group investigation into Tackling Diabetes in Brent. He was grateful for the opportunity to be involved and also thanked colleagues on the task group and from the NHS for their contributions. The task group was set up to look into the impact of diabetes in Brent. Recent statistics on the disease indicated that there was an increasing impact of this disease on the people of Brent and on the NHS to treat it. The group focussed their findings around what was being done in terms of education and prevention. Councillor Colwill referred to the need for facilities to be in place to allow people help themselves in terms of reducing obesity, dietary control and adoption of healthy lifestyles.
Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults and Health) confirmed that the task group’s recommendations would be considered in detail and also referred to the Health and Well Being Board. Other areas that would have to be taken into account in the future were the role of pharmacists and reference to social care. Reference was also made to the need for children with diabetes to be diagnosed at an early stage. The Executive noted that two obesity programmes in the borough focused on children and young people were due to end in March and requested an update.
(i) that agreement be given to the task group’s recommendations being considered in the allocation of the Public Health budget and the work programme of the Healthy Lifestyles Team;
(ii) that members of the task group be thanked for their work.