Issue - meetings
Southern Area Application 1
Meeting: 21/02/2013 - Planning Committee (Item 2)
2 Willesden Green Library Centre (Ref. 12/2924) PDF 1 MB
Granted planning permission in principle subject to:
(a) Any direction by the Mayor of London to refuse the application. In accordance with Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 following the Council’s determination of this application, the Mayor is allowed 14 days to decide whether to allow the draft decision to proceed unchanged or direct the Council under Article 6 to refuse the application;
(b) Satisfactory prior completion of a Section 106(s) under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and/or other form(s) of agreement/undertaking in order to secure the S106 matters as detailed in this report.
Demolition of the existing Willesden Green library building, retention of the former library building on the High Road frontage, and the erection of a new Cultural Centre, including café and retail space, along with 95 residential flats (46 one and 49 two bed units) to the rear of the site, with associated car parking.
Grant planning permission in principle subject to:
(a) Any direction by the Mayor of London to refuse the application. In accordance with Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 following the Council’s determination of this application, the Mayor is allowed 14 days to decide whether to allow the draft decision to proceed unchanged or direct the Council under Article 6 to refuse the application.
(b) Satisfactory prior completion of a Section 106(s) under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and/or other form(s) of agreement/undertaking in order to secure the S106 matters as detailed in this report.
(c) Referral of the conservation area consent application to the Secretary of State for a decision.
Prior to the introduction and discussion of this item the Chair explained that, as both applications on the agenda were linked, the discussion would cover both items and speakers would be permitted twice the normal amount of time given that two applications were being discussed.
With reference to the supplementary report tabled at the meeting, Andy Bates, Area Planning Manager informed the Committee about additional representations received from both supporters and objectors. He continued that the letter of support from a local resident outlined the limitations of the existing building and the need to change and re-develop the library service. He then drew members’ attention to an objection from the “Keep Willesden Green” group in which they highlighted what they regarded as a poor relationship to 15 Grange Road and a reduction in the size and quality of the space available for the library. The group also raised concerns about loss of the existing playspace and the quality of the replacement, the value of the existing local space, the relationship of the development with 148 Brondesbury Park and a constrained area around the vehicle entrance to the housing part of the development. He submitted that the above issues raised by the objectors had been fully addressed in the main report.
The Area Planning Manager also referred to a further letter of objection from a resident which suggested that the proposal did not comply with polices TRN22 (residential parking) PS12 (a minimum of one space for educational and community facilities) and TRN35 and PS15 (disabled parking provision). In responding to these, the Area Planning Manager stated that Transportation officers had confirmed that the principal assessment of the parking requirement was based on the use as a library and that a space each for educational and community facilities was not an appropriate requirement. He continued that there was no policy requirement for general visitor parking and that the Servicing Management Plan within the Section 106 requirement would ... view the full minutes text for item 2