Issue - meetings
Amalgamation of Brent and Barnet Registration and Nationality Services
Meeting: 09/12/2013 - Executive (Item 12)
12 Brent and Barnet Registration and Nationality Service PDF 119 KB
This report sets out proposals for formalising the current arrangements for shared management of Registration and Nationality services between the London Boroughs of Brent and Barnet through a merger of the two services involving the TUPE transfer of Barnet’s staff to Brent, and Brent then providing Barnet with its registration.
(i) that the proposal for the operation of a shared Registration and Nationality service between Brent and Barnet and the financial and non financial benefits and risks identified be noted;
(ii) that it be noted that Barnet, through its Cabinet Resources Committee has already agreed in principle to proceed with this proposal subject to Brent’s agreement;
(iii) that the shared service proposal by Brent delivering services to Barnet, for an initial period of five years proceed from 1 April 2014;
(iv) that the terms of the Inter Authority Agreement governing the shared service be delegated to the Strategic Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Legal and Procurement, to include deciding on whether the shared service will take the form of Barnet delegating its registration function to Brent or Barnet awarding a contract for services.
The report from the Strategic Director, Environment and Neighbourhoods set out proposals for formalising the current arrangements for shared management of Registration and Nationality services between the London Boroughs of Brent and Barnet through a merger of the two services involving the TUPE transfer of Barnet’s staff to Brent, and Brent then providing Barnet with its registration services. The report set out details of the proposed model, and recommended that members agree to establish such a shared service, initially for a five year period.
Councillor Mashari (Lead Member. Environment and Neighbourhoods) reminded the Executive that the current arrangements had been in place since 2010 and outlined the funding arrangements that had been negotiated between the boroughs.
(i) that the proposal for the operation of a shared Registration and Nationality service between Brent and Barnet and the financial and non financial benefits and risks identified be noted;
(ii) that it be noted that Barnet, through its Cabinet Resources Committee has already agreed in principle to proceed with this proposal subject to Brent’s agreement;
(iii) that the shared service proposal by Brent delivering services to Barnet, for an initial period of five years proceed from 1 April 2014;
(iv) that the terms of the Inter Authority Agreement governing the shared service be delegated to the Strategic Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Legal and Procurement, to include deciding on whether the shared service will take the form of Barnet delegating its registration function to Brent or Barnet awarding a contract for services.