Issue - meetings
Procurement of Connexions service
Meeting: 22/04/2013 - Executive (Item 7)
This report concerns the procurement of information, advice, guidance and support for young people to make informed choices about learning and work options known as Connexions Services. This procurement is both for the Council and on behalf of schools and further education establishments from 1 April 2014 for a period of 3 years with an option to extend by up to 2 additional years. This report requests approval to invite tenders in respect of Connexions Services as required by Contract Standing Orders 88 and 89.
(i) that the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders as set out in paragraph 3.11 of the report be approved;
(ii) that officers invite expressions of interest, agree shortlists, if relevant, and invite tenders in accordance with the procurement timetable and evaluate them in accordance with the approved evaluation criteria referred to in (ii) above.
The report from the Director of Children and Families concerned the procurement of information, advice, guidance and support for young people to make informed choices about learning and work options known as Connexions Services. The proposed procurement was for the council and also on behalf of schools and further education establishments and the request for approval to invite tenders was as required by the council’s Standing Orders. Councillor Arnold (Lead Member, Children and Families) was pleased to report that a relatively low percentage of 16-18 year olds in Brent were not in education, employment or training however, legislation introduced in 2011 (the Education Act) allowed schools to be able to procure independent careers advice and some were sharing a contractor. A number had chosen to remain with the same contractor but mostly only on an annual basis. Councillor Arnold drew members’ attention to the council’s statutory responsibilities and to the Equalities Impact Assessment appended to the report.
(i) that the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders as set out in paragraph 3.11 of the report be approved;
(ii) that officers invite expressions of interest, agree shortlists, if relevant, and invite tenders in accordance with the procurement timetable and evaluate them in accordance with the approved evaluation criteria referred to in (ii) above.