Issue - meetings
Supply and Demand
Meeting: 15/07/2013 - Executive (Item 11)
11 Supply and Demand PDF 517 KB
This report seeks Members’ approval of the lettings projections for social housing for 2013/14. It also provides an analysis of housing supply and demand issues, including performance in 2012/13 and challenges for 2013/14 onwards. A number of recommendations are made in order to manage these challenges.
(i) that approval be given to the lettings projections for 2013/14, as detailed in paragraph 3.3 and in Appendix C of the report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth;
(ii) that the analysis of housing supply and demand issues, including performance in 2012/13 and challenges for 2013/14 onwards be noted;
(iii) that approval be given to the proposed pilot of incentives for mutual exchanges for under-occupiers living in BHP accommodation, as detailed in paragraph 5 of the report;
(iv) that approval be given to the proposed amendments made to the Allocations Scheme, as detailed in paragraph 4 of the report.
The report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth sought approval of the lettings projections for social housing for 2013/14. It also provided an analysis of housing supply and demand issues, including performance in 2012/13 and challenges for 2013/14 onwards. Councillor McLennan outlined the actions which the council proposed to be taken to address the housing shortage including increasing mutual exchanges and changing the residential criteria. Other challenges included changes in Local Housing Allowance and the introduction of the Benefit Cap and the Personal Independence Plan for which, the Department of Work and Pensions predicted, 40% of those currently claiming disability living allowance, would be ineligible.
Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults and Health) commended the mutual exchange pilot welcoming the incentive approach to rehousing. Councillor Pavey concurred and paid tribute to staff who were working with and supporting clients.
The Executive heard from Robin Sivapalan (Brent Housing Action) who spoke against the central government initiatives, the shortage of new housing and the impending bedroom tax which would penalise people in receipt of housing benefits who had spare rooms and the reclassification of housing need. Councillor McLennan responded that the council was open to new ideas and that the housing strategy would help house-building.
(i) that approval be given to the lettings projections for 2013/14, as detailed in paragraph 3.3 and in Appendix C of the report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth;
(ii) that the analysis of housing supply and demand issues, including performance in 2012/13 and challenges for 2013/14 onwards be noted;
(iii) that approval be given to the proposed pilot of incentives for mutual exchanges for under-occupiers living in BHP accommodation, as detailed in paragraph 5 of the report;
(iv) that approval be given to the proposed amendments made to the Allocations Scheme, as detailed in paragraph 4 of the report.