Issue - meetings
Public Health Contracts - process for transfer and commissioning intentions for 2013/14
Meeting: 10/12/2012 - Executive (Item 12)
12 Public Health Contracts - process for transfer and commissioning intentions for 2013/14 PDF 140 KB
This report sets out for the Executive plans for the transfer of public health service contracts to the council to ensure service continuity in 2013/14.
(i) that the approach set out in the joint report from the Directors of Adults Social Services and Strategy, Partnerships and Improvement to the proposed transfer of existing public health contracts be endorsed;
(ii) that agreement be given to the specific recommendations for each contract set out in the table in Appendix 1 to the Director’s report;
(iii) that authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Social Care authority to enter into such contractual or other arrangements as may be required to ensure continuity of relevant services detailed in Appendix 1 for the financial year 2013/14;
(iv) that it be noted that where it is not possible to pursue the recommendations for each contract set out in the table in Appendix 1 in the manner proposed, officers will report back to the Executive with regard alternative options.
The joint report from the Directors of Adult Social Services and Strategy, Partnerships and Improvement set out for the Executive plans for the transfer of public health service contracts to the council to ensure service continuity in 2013/14. Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults and Health) stressed that the aim was to ensure continuity and hence the proposal for existing contracts due to expire on the 31 March 2013 to be extended by NHS Brent for at least one year and transferred to the council. Public Health contracts to be re-procured in line with the council’s plans for the service and its procurement rules.
Councillor Hirani drew attention to three contracts currently commissioned by NHS Brent that they were recommending be discontinued namely: Central London Community Services - Contraceptive services; Young Addaction - Teenage pregnancy services and sexual health services for young people at the Cobbold Road Centre; and Lonsdale Practice - shared care for opiate users with high levels of need had been provided from the Lonsdale Practice. An assessment of the need and future provision of these services would take place in due course.
(i) that the approach set out in the joint report from the Directors of Adult Social Services and Strategy, Partnerships and Improvement to the proposed transfer of existing public health contracts be endorsed;
(ii) that agreement be given to the specific recommendations for each contract set out in the table in Appendix 1 to the Directors’ report;
(iii) that authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Social Services to enter into such contractual or other arrangements as may be required to ensure continuity of relevant services detailed in Appendix 1 for the financial year 2013/14;
(iv) that it be noted that where it was not possible to pursue the recommendations for each contract set out in the table in Appendix 1 in the manner proposed, officers would report back to the Executive with regard alternative options.
Meeting: 15/10/2012 - Executive (Item 10)
10 Public Health Transfer - proposed structure and the role of the Director of Public Health PDF 151 KB
This paper sets out the business case for Brent and Hounslow’s proposal to share a DPH as well as the proposed structure for public health and how staff will be integrated into the current officer structure once it transfers to Brent Council from NHS Brent takes place.
This report was withdrawn.
Consideration of this report was deferred in the light of the recommendations from the Health Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 9 October 2012.