Issue - meetings
Outcome of the Strategic Review of the Brent Schools Portfolio
Meeting: 20/08/2012 - Executive (Item 6)
6 Outcome of the Strategic Review of the Brent Schools Portfolio PDF 2 MB
This report provides an update on the capital available for school expansion and the timeline requiring additional funds for meeting the need for school places in Brent.
(i) that approval be given to the current and future allocation of capital set out in Section 4.0 of the report from the Directors of Children and Families and Regeneration and Major Projects;
(ii) that the current and future demand for primary school places as set out in Section 5.0 of the Directors’ report be noted;
(iii) that the strategy for the delivery of primary school places as set out in Section 5.0 of the report be approved;
(iv) that it be noted that an additional report will be submitted to the Executive on the strategy to deliver secondary school places by December 2012;
(v) that it be noted that the demand for new school places cannot be met only through expansion of existing schools due to the limited availability of funding; the Council is required to promote additional ways of creating school places by pursuing the current government agenda on free schools and academies.
(vi) that agreement be given to the criteria set out in Appendix 3 of the Directors’ report, specifically in relation to the provision of new Free Schools and Academies;
(vii) that agreement be given to the proposal to acquire Fulton Road (Quintain) and Oriental City properties for the purpose of developing new schools as part of the S106 developer’s agreement. Terms to be advised to the Executive for approval;
(viii) that approval be given to the principle of creating a new school expansion team as set out in Section 9.0 of the report, which would be subject to a further approval of a business case;
(ix) that the provision of new temporary ‘bulge’ classes for the academic year 2012-13, as per Appendix 2 of this report, which includes removal of Stonebridge Day Care Centre and Preston Library from the current Council disposal programme for duration of 3-years and 7-years, respectively be noted.
The report before members provided an update on the capital available for school expansion and the timeline requiring additional funds for meeting the need for school places in Brent. Councillor Crane (Lead Member, Regeneration and Major Projects) referred to the unprecedented demand for school places London wide. It was proposed to create 19.5FE (form of entry) primary places by 2015 through existing school expansions in addition to temporary places. Councillor Crane drew attention to plans for the use of the former Preston Library and Stonebridge Adult Day Care Centre as bulge classes. There remained a funding shortfall of approximately £82M and the council would need to lobby for additional resources. Councillor Crane stated that the council had little option but to implement these plans given the large number of children currently without school places with more expected in the future. The council was committed to high quality buildings and consultation would be taking place with school governing bodies.
Councillor Arnold (Lead Member, Children and Families) contributed that the projections for pupil numbers were robust and that the 2011 National Census had revealed the borough’s population to have been under counted. Free Schools and Academies were currently the only options for new schools and the council would select partners that would fit the needs of the Brent community. A list of draft criteria for identifying preferred partners was attached to the report. Councillor Arnold confirmed that all on time applicants for school places for the 2012-13 academic year had been offered a place however 413 late applications had been received. 400 additional temporary places would be created for September 2012 and the number of SEN places would be expanded. The In Year Fair Access Protocol had been revised and schools and the trade unions would be consulted in September 2012. The Director of Children and Families confirmed that places would continue to be offered throughout the Autumn term.
Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults and Health) asked for an update on the position regarding secondary schools. The Director of Regeneration and Major Projects advised that correspondence had been received from central government indicating that discussions would start in 2014 for the provision of promised school buildings in 2016. Members would receive bi-monthly updates on the progress of schemes. The Executive heard that the Department for Communities and Local Government were aware of the underestimate in the borough’s population as borne out by the Census figures and that the figures would be revisited.
Councillor Lorber raised the absence of reference to Hopscotch Nursery, currently based in Winkworth Hall, Chevening Road, NW6 who were lobbying for permanent premises to be identified, Winkworth Hall having been declared surplus to requirements. He suggested that the Executive should consider whether the Hall could be used as a temporary school. Councillor Crane responded that the report before members concerned premises not currently in use and the allocation of the capital programme. Leasing arrangements were in place for the nursery until 2013 and discussions were taking place on ... view the full minutes text for item 6