Issue - meetings
Application 2
Meeting: 11/09/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 5)
Additional documents:
Granted planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement and the conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report.
The proposal is for the partial demolition of the HNS Autos building and other associated buildings on site and erection of new building comprising residential units and commercial space at ground floor level, cycle parking spaces, blue badge parking, amenity space and landscaping.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to completion of a legal agreement to secure the following planning obligations:
(1) Payment of the Council’s legal and other professional costs in (a) preparing and completing the agreement and (b) monitoring and enforcing its performance.
(2) Notification of material start 28 days prior to commencement.
(3) Off-site Affordable Housing Financial Contribution (£185,470) to be utilised to fund additional affordable housing within the Borough together with an early and late stage review.
(4) Affordable Workspace Provision contribution (£150,000)
(5) Detailed design stage energy assessment:
(a) Initial carbon offset payment to be paid prior to material start if zero-carbon target not achieved on site.
(b) Post-construction energy assessment. Final carbon offset payment upon completion of development if zero-carbon target not achieved on site.
(c) ‘Be seen’ energy performance monitoring and reporting
(6) Controlled Parking Zone – Financial contribution of £16,000 towards implementation of Controlled Parking Zone in the vicinity.
(7) A parking permit restriction to remove the right of residents to on-street parking permits in any future Controlled Parking Zone that is implemented in the area.
(8) Highway Works under a S38/S278 Agreement to:
(i) widen the footway along the eastern side of Bridgehill Close fronting the site to 2m
(ii) remove the existing crossovers to Bridgewater Road and reinstate them to footway and verge.
(iii) repave the footway fronting Bridgewater Road, together with associated amendments to lining, signing, lighting and drainage and any other accommodation works.
(9) Car Club - Provision of three years free membership of a local Car Club for all incoming residents.
(10) Financial Contribution of £7,000 towards off-site planting of two street trees and their maintenance within the vicinity of the site.
(11) Submission of a detailed ’Television and Radio Reception Impact Assessment’ and underwriting of all mitigation required in addressing any interference.
(12) Indexation of contributions in line with inflation (to be indexed from date of Planning Committee resolution)
(13) Any other planning obligation(s) considered necessary by the Head of Planning.
Nicola Blake (Principal Planning Officer, Brent Council) introduced the report, stating that the application was seeking approval of a new eight storey building situated on the northeast side of Bridgewater Road along the southeast junction of Bridgehill Close. The proposal sought to demolish the existing buildings on site and provide an eight-storey building accommodating residential units, light industrial workspace, and a single ancillary disabled parking space accessible via Bridgehill Close. Ancillary floorspace, such as cycle stores and plant areas would be located at the ground floor level, with refuse stores also on the ground floor and accessed via Bridgehill Close. While the proposal included 720 sqm of light industrial floorspace, the provision of affordable workspace would be provided by a ... view the full minutes text for item 5