Issue - meetings
Application 2
Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 5)
5 23/3833 - Tirzah Mansion, 26 Salmon Street, London, NW9 8PN PDF 403 KB
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Granted planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report and supplementary report.
Demolition of dwellinghouse and erection of a three and part four-storey residential building comprising 13 flats, provision for car parking, cycle and refuse storage, amenity space and associated landscaping.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to:
i) the conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report and supplementary report.
James Mascall, Planning Officer, introduced the report and set out the proposal. Members were advised that the application proposed the demolition of the dwellinghouse and erection of a three and part four-storey residential building comprising 13 flats, provision for car parking, cycle and refuse storage, amenity space and associated landscaping.
The Chair thanked James Mascall for introducing the report and subsequently invited Mr Junaid Iqbal (Objector) to address the Committee.
The following key points were highlighted:
· Speaking as a resident of Salmon Street, Mr Iqbal thanked the Council for the recent upgrades to the pavements and verges on Salmon Street. However, there was a strong objection to the new development comprising 13 flats and it was not considered to be an upgrade, as it was felt this would cause more traffic, noise issues and pollution and impact on the quality of life of the residents.
· Residents felt that the development was too large for the street and did not feel it was for the benefit of the street. Mr Iqbal said that residents of Salmon Street objected against the proposal but felt ignored. It was felt that the new development would affect privacy and natural light of the existing homes and cause congestion and parking issues. The new development would affect safety and property value of existing homes. It was proposed that less flats be built and the wellbeing of the residents be considered.
The Chair thanked Mr Iqbal for his comments and then moved on to offer the Committee the opportunity to ask Mr Iqbal any remaining questions or points of clarity in relation to the application.
The following responses were provided:
- On the issue of how Mr Iqbal concluded that the 13 new flats would mean an additional 26 cars, Mr Iqbal explained that each household on Salmon Street had 3-4 cars.
- In regards to the smells that the new development would create, Mr Iqbal explained that another development on Salmon Street called Krishna Court caused a lot of anti-social behaviour like cannabis smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Mr Iqbal said that he lived right next door to Krishna Court and asked when further developments on Salmon Street would cease, as there had been a number of new developments on the street. Whilst recognising the need for housing, Mr Iqbal stated that he was not in objection about the development but the size of it, which he felt would cause density and loss of light.
As there were no further questions from members the Chair thanked Mr Iqbal and then moved on to welcoming Mr Chandra Gidoomal (Objector) to address the Committee.
The following key points were highlighted:
· Speaking as a resident ... view the full minutes text for item 5