Issue - meetings
Draft Private Housing Strategy
Meeting: 17/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 10)
10 Private Sector Housing Strategy 2024-2029 PDF 226 KB
This report updates on progress with development of the new Private Sector Housing Strategy, including details of the responses received to the recent public consultation carried out on the Strategy for which final approval is now being sought, prior to publication.
(Agenda republished to include Appendix 4 - Equality Impact Assessment on 12 June 2024)
Additional documents:
- 10a. Appendix 1 - Private Sector Housing Strategy, item 10 PDF 722 KB
- 10b. Appendix 2 - Private Sector Housing Strategy Consultation Feedback Summary, item 10 PDF 645 KB
- 10c. Appendix 3 - Private Housing Strategy - Delivery Plan, item 10 PDF 614 KB
- 10d. Appendix 4 - Equality Impact Assessment, item 10 PDF 604 KB
- Webcast for Private Sector Housing Strategy 2024-2029
Cabinet RESOLVED to:
(1) Note the consultation response and subsequent changes to the drafted strategy.
(2) Approve, having considered the update provided, the Strategy for sign-off and final publication.
Eligible for call-in: Yes
Deadline for submission of call-in: 6pm on Monday 24 June 24
Councillor Knight (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced a report providing an update on development of the new Private Sector Housing Strategy (as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report) including a summary of the responses to the consultation undertaken as part of its development.
In introducing the report, Councillor Knight began by outlining the Council’s commitment to ensuring that everyone in the borough had a safe, good quality and stable place in which to live, including those within the Private Rented Sector which it was noted currently accounted for 46% of all housing stock (approximately 58,000 properties) within the borough. Given the size of the sector, the role it played in supporting the delivery of good quality and secure housing was therefore regarded as key in terms of not only the impact on individual health and wellbeing, quality of life and life opportunities but also in supporting the wider approach in seeking to prevent and address the ongoing pressures around homelessness, tackle poverty and mitigate against climate change. Recognising these issues, members were advised that the Strategy had been designed to focus on three core commitments (as detailed within section 5 of the report) which sought to not only address poor property conditions and instability within the private rented sector but also support private rented sector tenants in understanding their rights and gaining access to relevant advice and guidance backed up with a strong inspection and enforcement regime through the landlord licensing scheme.
Members were advised that development of the strategy had been based on an extensive public consultation process which had included a wide variety of stakeholders including Crisis, Advice for Renters and the London Renters Union. The commitments within the Strategy included a number of detailed actions designed to support their delivery, the implementation of which would continue to be monitored through an action plan during the lifetime of the strategy.
In welcoming the Strategy, Cabinet thanked all those involved in its development, which it was felt represented an important commitment towards delivering the Council’s vision for the private sector housing sector in Brent as a safe, stable and accessible housing option for residents. Support was also expressed for the approach adopted as part of the Strategy in seeking to disincentivise landlords in holding properties as empty and to bring empty properties back into use alongside introduction of the landlord licensing scheme as a means of maintaining high standards and property conditions across the sector. In expressing concern at what was felt to be the lack of government commitment towards the same approach, Cabinet ended (having recognised the challenging nature of the process) by commending the extensive nature of engagement undertaken on the Strategy, including the involvement of key stakeholders such as London Renters Union & Advise for Renters.
Having welcomed development of the Strategy Cabinet RESOLVED to:
(1) Note the consultation response and subsequent changes to the drafted strategy.
(2) Approve, having considered the update provided, the Private Sector Housing Strategy for sign-off and final publication.