Issue - meetings
Application 4
Meeting: 15/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 7)
7 23/0841 - 1 Hillside, Kingsbury, NW9 0NE PDF 302 KB
Additional documents:
Granted planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report.
Retrospective application for retention of single storey rear extension with patio and hip to gable roof extension with rear dormer and three front rooflights to the existing dwellinghouse including proposed construction of new two storey dwellinghouse adjacent to 1 Hillside with rear dormer and juliet balcony roof extensions, new front rooflights, subdivision of rear garden, front boundary treatment, relocation and extension to vehicle crossover for off-street car parking spaces, associated landscaping, cycle and refuse storage.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to:
(1) That the Head of Planning being delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions an informatives as detailed in the report.
Jasmin Tailor, Planning Officer, North Area Planning Team, introduced the report and set out the key issues. In introducing the report members were advised that the application site related to a two storey semi-detached dwellinghouse, located on the western side of Hillside, Kingsbury. The existing dwellinghouse was located in a residential area and was currently undergoing building works to include a single storey rear extension and other roof extensions and alterations. The application site also included land to the north which was within the ownership of the applicant but outside the curtilage of the existing dwellinghouse.
The Chair thanked Jasmin Tailor for introducing the report, as there were no questions from the Committee at this stage, the Chair proceeded to invite the first speaker on the item Christine Kingham (objector) to address the Committee (online) in relation to the application.
The following key points were highlighted:
· Local residents strongly objected to the proposed new build.
· The Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) for this location did not align with the appropriate standards for new builds. As an area with a PTAL rating of 2, it was not a priority area for targeting new housing.
· As outlined in UK planning laws, adherence to PTAL requirements was crucial to ensuring sustainable and accessible developments. The proposed project, falling short in this regard, raised concerns about the potential strain on transportation, infrastructure and accessibility with housing developments in Hillside previously refused on this basis.
· Existing car parking issues would be exacerbated by the addition of a further household.
· The proposal to create a terrace row of houses contradicted the existing neighbourhood structure, which primarily consists of semi-detached houses. This terracing effect would disrupt the harmonious architectural layout and character of the community.
· Queries were raised in relation to the boundary lines of the proposed development.
· Urban Greening had not been considered in the report, nor had the applicant submitted information to comply with policy D12A for fire safety, therefore posing a risk.
· On the basis of the concerns raised, Ms Kingham urged the Committee to reject the application.
The Chair thanked Christine Kingham for addressing the Committee and asked the Committee if they had any questions or clarifying points to raise, the Committee raised queries in relation to the perceived strain on local transport, the style of housing and the boundary issues raised ... view the full minutes text for item 7