Issue - meetings
Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests
Meeting: 15/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 2)
Declarations of interests
Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate.
Additional documents:
In relation to Agenda Item 4, Councillor Begum advised that whilst one of the ward councillors for Kilburn she had not sought to take any position on the application and therefore felt able to consider the application impartially and without any form of predetermination.
In relation to Agenda Item 7, Councillor S.Butt also advised that as the ward councillor for Kingsbury he had been approached in relation to the application via casework, however he did not personally deal with the issue and therefore felt able to consider the application impartially and without any form of predetermination.
In relation to Agenda Item 4, Councillor Begum advised that whilst one of the ward councillors for Kilburn she had not sought to take any position on the application and therefore felt able to consider the application impartially and without any form of predetermination.
In relation to Agenda Item 7, Councillor S.Butt also advised that as the ward councillor for Kingsbury he had been approached in relation to the application via casework, however he did not personally deal with the issue and therefore felt able to consider the application impartially and without any form of predetermination.