Issue - meetings
Best Brent (SACRE agenda only)
Meeting: 13/07/2023 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 6)
6 General NSACRE Update PDF 133 KB
To consider any current NASACRE updates.
Members are asked to note that the NASCRE Annual Conference took place on 22 May 2023. The key note address at the Conference was provided by Dr Kathryn Wright (Chief Executive Culham St Gabriels Trust) with a summary of her address attached for reference “An Education in religion and worldviews – the next 30 years”
SACRE welcomed Nadia Nadeem to the meeting as newly appointed SACRE/RE Advisor who provided a brief update on the NASACRE Annual Conference that had taken place in May 23. Members noted the outline of the main focus of discussion during the Conference, which had included the shortage of RE teachers and work being undertaken to address community cohesion along with the summary of the keynote address provided by Dr Kathryn Wright (Chief Executive Culham St Gabriel’s Trust).
In considering the update provided the Chair welcome the lead being taken by NASACRE in seeking to strengthen and raise the profile of activities designed to promote wider community cohesion through schools including engagement around the content of assemblies. Members also welcomed the focus on the shortage of RE teachers, which it was felt further highlighted the need to ensure appropriate training and ongoing professional support remained available. Basma ElShayyal (as Chair) felt it important to also recognise the support which had been provided within Brent through the RE Advisor provision.
In terms of available training and professional development, Nadia Nadeem highlighted the extensive range of CPD training and webinars available through NASACRE for SACRE members with the training offer and information available through the RE Hub focussed specifically on teaching staff in schools. As a result, it was AGREED that further details on the training programme available would be provided for inclusion within the Headteacher Bulletin. ACTION: Nadia Nadeem
As no further issues were raised the Chair thanked Nadia Nadeem for the update provided.