Issue - meetings
Report from the Vice-Chair of the Audit Advisory Committee
Meeting: 18/09/2023 - Council (Item 14)
14 Report from the Vice Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committees PDF 224 KB
To receive a report from the Vice-Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee, in accordance with Standing Order 37.
Additional documents:
NOTED the update report provided by the Vice Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee.
Eligible for Call-In: No
The Mayor invited Councillor Chan, as the Vice-Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee, to introduce the report updating members on the work of the Committee.
In terms of issues highlighted, Councillor Chan drew members’ attention to the important role and work undertaken by the Committee in relation to monitoring and advising on various governance matters relating to audit activity, the Council’s finance, accounting and regulatory framework and members standards of conduct. As one of their key responsibilities, members were advised that the Committee were currently in the process of signing off the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts 2022–23. This had included the opportunity to review and seek assurance around the management responses on the External Audit findings and Enquiries of Management, with Councillor Chan highlighting the importance of the process in terms of the wider financial challenges, risks and pressures being faced by local authorities as a result of the current economic climate and Government’s programme of austerity. Whilst no significant issues had been identified to date in relation to the external audit process, the Committee would continue to maintain a focus on the adequacy of the Council’s governance, risk and control arrangements in order to provide assurance and confidence on compliance and control of the Council’s key governance, financial management and accounting arrangements.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Chan for the update provided and it was RESOLVEDthat the report be noted.
Meeting: 10/07/2023 - Council (Item 13)
To receive the first Annual Report jointly produced by the Chairs’ of the Audit and Standards Committee and Audit and Standards Advisory Committee updating on the work of both Committees in accordance with Standing Order 37.
Additional documents:
NOTED the joint Annual Report provided by the Chairs of the Audit & Standards and Audit & Standards Advisory Committees outlining the work undertaken by both Committee’s during 2022-23.
The Mayor invited Councillor Chan, as Vice-Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee to introduce the first joint annual report from both Committees, updating members on the work undertaken during the 2022-23 Municipal Year.
Prior to introducing the report Councillor Chan welcomed David Ewart to the meeting in his role as Independent Chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and in terms of issues highlighted drew members’ attention to the important role and work undertaken by the Committee in relation to monitoring and advising on various governance matters relating to audit activity, the Council’s finance, accounting and regulatory framework as well as members standards of conduct. This had included, as a key area of focus the measures introduced by the Council to mitigate against the impact of the current economic uncertainty and cost-of-living crisis being experienced in relation to the delivery of Council services and support for residents as well as the ongoing delivery of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy.
Members were advised that the approach adopted towards the work undertaken had also included consideration of the Council’s risk management structure and strategic risk management process with an increasing focus not only on the effectiveness of governance processes relating to the first but also “second line” of defence in terms of the monitoring and reporting of information and data. Highlighting the extensive nature of the work undertaken across both Committees, members were also advised of the joint work being developed with scrutiny given the overlap of responsibilities in relation to the oversight of the Council’s two subsidiary companies i4B and First Wave Housing Ltd and how this could be structured and managed.
In concluding, Councillor Chan thanked David Ewart for his support over the year and advised that both Committees were looking forward to continuing their work with members and other key stakeholders to ensure the necessary focus was maintained in relation to compliance and control of the Council’s key governance arrangements.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Chan for the update provided and it was RESOLVED to note the Joint Annual Report provided by the Chairs’ of the Audit & Standards and Audit & Standards Advisory Committees outlining the work undertaken by both Committee’s during 2022-23.