Issue - meetings
Corporate Performance - Q3 2022/23 Performance Report
Meeting: 13/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 14)
14 Corporate Performance - Q3 2022/23 Performance Report PDF 325 KB
This report and performance scorecard set out the position on the Council’s performance in the third quarter of 2022/23. The content and format of the report and scorecard have been constructed to focus primarily on the Council’s Borough Plan: Building a Better Brent, and its priorities.
Additional documents:
- 14a. Appendix A - Q3 2022-23 Corporate Performance Scorecard, item 14
PDF 729 KB
- Webcast for Corporate Performance - Q3 2022/23 Performance Report
Cabinet RESOLVED to note the performance information contained in the performance report.
Councillor Mili Patel (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources & Reform) introduced the report proving a corporate overview of performance information linked to the Borough Plan priorities for the third quarter 2022/23 (October – December 2022).
In presenting the report, Councillor Mili Patel highlighted the changes made as part of the new performance management framework with a focus around the newly refreshed Borough Plan (Building a Better Brent) and other key corporate strategies including the Black Community Action Plan, Equality Strategy, Poverty Commission, Climate Emergency Strategy and Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy. In relation to the Borough Plan indicators, members were advised that of the current 51 key indicators for Quarter 3 within the performance scorecard 22 had been rated Green (on or above target), 1 as just off target (Amber), 15 as off target (Red) with 13 included to provide contextual information.
Members were keen to recognise the efforts being made to ensure the continued delivery of services within the current challenging economic and financial circumstances and work being undertaken jointly by Cabinet Members with their relevant Corporate Directors, in seeking to manage and mitigate against the strategic risks identified as part of the overall wider approach towards supporting local residents and in support of the priorities within the updated Borough Plan. In terms of performance against specific indicators, members noted:
· The current challenges identified in relation to performance against the target for rent collection (currently rated as amber) given the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and changes to Universal Credit along with the work being undertaken to ensure residents were provided with holistic support to manage their finances and in adopting a “rent first” approach as a means of sustaining tenancies.
· Current performance in relation to Council Tax collection rates had been rated as green.
· Whilst performance in relation to the collection of Non-Domestic Business Rates (NNDR) was currently rated amber, overall collection rates remained on track when compared to previous quarters. It was, however, recognised that many businesses were continuing to struggle following the increase in energy costs, which meant the year-end target remained at potential risk.
· Whilst the performance in relation to the target for percentage of care leavers (19-21 year olds) in education, employment or training (EET) had been rated as red, the numbers of young people in EET continued to increase from previous quarters. This was also supported by a programme of investment identified to enhance provision including proposals to develop a Post-16 Skills and Resource Centre, expand the Gordon Brown Centre and core focus in seeking to further utilise the Council’s relationship with Connexions and Brent Works to support young people into post 16 provision.
· The continued focus on performance regarding the percentage of Looked After Children with multiple placements which currently remained rated as red, with placement stability remaining a focus of the Corporate Parenting Committee alongside additional work to enhance support for kinship carers.
· Whilst performance against the target for new admissions to residential & nursing care homes for people aged 65+ ... view the full minutes text for item 14