Issue - meetings
Approve the selection criteria for the procurement of a framework agreement for carers services
Meeting: 13/02/2012 - Executive (Item 9)
A report was approved by the Executive on 17th October 2011 for Adult Social Care and Children and Families departments to procure a joint framework agreement for carer short break and respite services. The report of the 17th undertook to report back to Executive, seeking authority for selection criteria.
In line with 1.1 above this report seeks Executive approval of the project timetable and selection criteria for the procurement exercise. In addition this report provides an update on progress with the consultation process for the establishment of a Carers Services Hub and review of carer services within Adult Social Care.
(i) that approval be given to the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders as set out in paragraph 3.0 of the report;
(ii) that approval be given to the invite of expressions of interest, agreement of shortlists and invitation of tenders in accordance with the procurement timetable and their evaluation in accordance with the approved evaluation criteria referred to in (i) above.
Councillor R Moher (Adults and Health) in introducing the report from the Directors of Adult Social Services and Children and Families reminded the Executive of the selection criteria agreed on 17 October 2011 for Adult Social Care and Children and Families departments to procure a joint framework agreement for carer short break and respite services. The report now before members sought approval of the project timetable and selection criteria for the procurement exercise. Additionally it provided an update on progress with the consultation process for the establishment of a Carers Services Hub and review of carer services within Adult Social Care. Councillor Moher drew attention to the financial implications and added that there were no TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations) implications.
(i) that approval be given to the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders as set out in paragraph 3.0 of the Directors’ report;
(ii) that approval be given to the invite of expressions of interest, agreement of shortlists and invitation of tenders in accordance with the procurement timetable and their evaluation in accordance with the approved evaluation criteria referred to in (i) above.