Issue - meetings
Authority to enter into a 999 year lease at Airco Close
Meeting: 06/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 9)
9 Airco Close Lease Assignment PDF 153 KB
This report sets out a recommendation to approve the transfer of a 999-year lease from the developer of 399 Edgware Road to the Council as part of a s106 agreement for the development.
Additional documents:
- 09a. Appendix 1 - Site Plan, item 9
PDF 788 KB
- 09b. Appendix 2 - (exempt) Airco Close Lease Transfer Document , View reasons restricted (9/3)
- Webcast for Airco Close Lease Assignment
Cabinet RESOLVED to agree a transfer of a 999-year lease from the Developer of 399 Edgware Road to the Council for a concrete podium above a basement car park as part of a s106 agreement for the development.
Mili Patel (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources & Reform) introduced a report seeking approval to the transfer of a 999-year lease from the developer of 399 Edgware Road to the Council for a concrete podium above a basement car park, as part of a s106 Agreement for the development.
In considering the report, Cabinet noted that the original planning consent for the site had comprised a mixed-use development including the provision of a two-form entry primary and nursery school for which the Council had entered into a s.106 Agreement to secure the transfer of the land. Having approved initial proposals and a lease to provide and operate the proposed new school on the site, the project had subsequently been halted based on a review of pupil numbers and demand identified which had meant there was no longer any requirement to provide a Primary School in that part of the borough.
As a result, members noted that the site had remained vacant since completion, with the developer having undertaken protective measures and repairs to ensure that the site remained in a reasonable and appropriate site prior to any subsequent transfer. Given the Council had the right, within the terms of the lease to seek landlords consent for other uses and its location within a significant growth area, it was therefore proposed that the site be formally acquired in order for alternative options regarding its future use and development to be progressed.
In supporting and welcoming the development opportunities identified in relation to the potential future use of the site Cabinet RESOLVED having also noted the exempt information included within Appendix 2 of the report, to agree a transfer of a 999-year lease from the Developer of 399 Edgware Road to the Council for a concrete podium above a basement car park as part of a s106 agreement for the development.